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xRM Trade ADITO2020 Please pay attention that the project is owned by ADITO Software GmbH and that the use of this project is not free of charge and that it needs to be purchased and licensed accordingly.
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This ADITO project focusses only on data migration related content to upgrade from Legacy-Desktop to xRM Web-Client. Please use the ADITO xRM project corresponding to your ADITO version for everything else. For further details please use the readme.
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Actual xRM Basic Project, that has the other modules as dependencies
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Provides useful functions and objects (Utils, SqlBuilder, and more). This module contains only libraries.
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Lists of values that can be used as possible selection items in entity fields
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Extra properties for entities that can be configured in the client
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Base module for the platform, contains common data models and services
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Observe entities to get notified about changed data
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Administration entities for Users, Roles and Permissions