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Sebastian Listl authoredSebastian Listl authored
process.js 6.72 KiB
* Object for building communication settings sql conditions.
function CommunicationSettingsCondition ()
this._contactIdSql = "CONTACT.CONTACTID";
this._contactId = null;
this._channelType = null;
this._medium = null;
this._channelIdSql = null;
this._settingStatus = null;
this._existsOperator = SqlBuilder.EXISTS();
this._useAnyMedium = false;
* Sets a sql expression for the contact id
* @param {String|SqlBuilder} pContactIdSql sql field or expression to get the contactId
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.contactIdField = function (pContactIdSql)
this._contactIdSql = pContactIdSql;
this._contactId = null;
return this;
* Sets the contactId to get the communication settings from
* @param {String} pContactId contact id
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.contactId = function (pContactId)
this._contactId = pContactId;
this._contactIdSql = null;
return this;
* Makes the condition yield true if no communication setting exists
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.existNoSettings = function ()
this._existsOperator = SqlBuilder.NOT_EXISTS();
return this;
* Makes the condition yield true if at least one communication setting exists
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.existSettings = function ()
this._existsOperator = SqlBuilder.EXISTS();
return this;
* Sets the medium and the source of the communication address for filtering the communication settings.
* @param {String} pMedium communication medium
* @param {String} pAddressSql sql field or expression for the communication address
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.medium = function (pMedium, pAddressSql)
this._channelType = $KeywordRegistry.communicationChannelType$communication();
this._medium = pMedium;
if (pAddressSql)
this._channelIdSql = "( "+ pAddressSql + " )";
return this;
* Sets the medium to email and the source of the email address for filtering the communication settings.
* @param {String} pAddressSql sql field or expression for the email address
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.emails = function (pAddressSql)
return this.medium($KeywordRegistry.communicationMediumCampaign$mail(), pAddressSql);
* Sets the source of the address to filter the communication settings by address.
* @param {String} pAddressSql sql field or expression for the address id
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.address = function (pAddressSql)
this._channelType = $KeywordRegistry.communicationChannelType$address();
if (pAddressSql)
this._channelIdSql = "( "+ pAddressSql + " )";
return this;
* Only fetch communication settings with the status 'rejected'
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.rejected = function ()
this._settingStatus = $KeywordRegistry.communicationSettingStatus$rejected();
return this;
* Only fetch communication settings with the status 'allowed'
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.allowed = function ()
this._settingStatus = $KeywordRegistry.communicationSettingStatus$allowed();
return this;
* Only fetch communication settings with the status 'pending'
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.pending = function ()
this._settingStatus = $KeywordRegistry.communicationSettingStatus$pending();
return this;
* Only fetch settings with the given status
* @param {String} pStatus staus that the communication settings need to have
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.status = function (pStatus)
this._settingStatus = pStatus;
return this;
* Fetch communication settings of any kind, regardless of medium or channel.
* @return {CommunicationSettingsCondition} current object
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.anyMedium = function ()
this._useAnyMedium = true;
this._medium = null;
this._channelType = null;
this._channelIdSql = null;
return this;
* Builds a sub select for fetching the communication settings with the properies as configured.
* @param {String|Array} [pSelectFields=COMMUNICATIONSETTINGSID] columns to select
* @return {SqlBuilder} SqlBuilder object with the full sql select
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.buildSelect = function (pSelectFields)
if (pSelectFields == undefined)
var sql = newSelect(pSelectFields)
.whereIfSet("COMMUNICATIONSETTINGS.STATUS", this._settingStatus);
if (this._contactIdSql)
sql.and("COMMUNICATIONSETTINGS.CONTACT_ID = " + this._contactIdSql)
else if (this._contactId)
if (!this._useAnyMedium)
var channelCondition = newWhere("COMMUNICATIONSETTINGS.CHANNEL_TYPE", $KeywordRegistry.communicationChannelType$global());
if (this._channelType)
var specificChannelCondition = newWhere("COMMUNICATIONSETTINGS.CHANNEL_TYPE", this._channelType)
if (this._channelIdSql)
specificChannelCondition.and(newWhere("COMMUNICATIONSETTINGS.CHANNEL_ID = " + this._channelIdSql)
return sql;
* Builds a sql condition for fetching only contacts with communication settings that have the configured properties.
* @return {SqlBuilder} sql condition
CommunicationSettingsCondition.prototype.buildCondition = function ()
return newWhere(null, this.buildSelect(), this._existsOperator);