diff --git a/entity/Activity_entity/recordcontainers/db/conditionProcess.js b/entity/Activity_entity/recordcontainers/db/conditionProcess.js
index fe77ebfa1d1ce7e8056d1505bcbda07e318f163e..6b1c96c3d19779e42de1168ab94b5e132eac7264 100644
--- a/entity/Activity_entity/recordcontainers/db/conditionProcess.js
+++ b/entity/Activity_entity/recordcontainers/db/conditionProcess.js
@@ -1,59 +1,56 @@
-var loadNothing = false;
-var cond = newWhere();
+var condition = newWhere();
 if (vars.exists("$param.RowId_param") && vars.get("$param.RowId_param") && vars.exists("$param.ObjectId_param") && vars.get("$param.ObjectId_param"))
+    var activityLinkSubselect = newSelect("ACTIVITYLINK.ACTIVITYLINKID")
+        .from("ACTIVITYLINK")
+        .and("ACTIVITYLINK.OBJECT_TYPE", "$param.ObjectId_param");
     var rowId = vars.get("$param.RowId_param");
-    var rowIds = [rowId];
-    var rowIdCond = null;
     if (vars.get("$param.ObjectId_param") == "Person")
-        var personIdSelect = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
-                                    .from("CONTACT")
-                                    .where("CONTACT.CONTACTID", rowId)
-                                    .and("CONTACT.PERSON_ID", newSelect("CONTACT.PERSON_ID")
-                                                                .from("CONTACT")
-                                                                .where("CONTACT.CONTACTID", rowId));                                     
-        rowIds = personIdSelect.array(db.COLUMN);
+        //in the Person context, all activites linked to the person should be shown, so it is necessary to get all contactIds of that person
+        var allPersonRelatedContactIds = newSelect("personContacts.CONTACTID")
+            .from("CONTACT")
+            .join("CONTACT", "CONTACT.PERSON_ID = personContacts.PERSON_ID", "personContacts")
+            .where("CONTACT.CONTACTID", "$param.RowId_param")                                
+            .arrayColumn();
+        if (allPersonRelatedContactIds.length === 0)
+            condition.and("1=2");
+        else
+        {
+            activityLinkSubselect.and("ACTIVITYLINK.OBJECT_ROWID", allPersonRelatedContactIds, SqlBuilder.IN());
+            condition.and(null, activityLinkSubselect, SqlBuilder.EXISTS());
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        activityLinkSubselect.and("ACTIVITYLINK.OBJECT_ROWID", "$param.RowId_param");
+        condition.and(null, activityLinkSubselect, SqlBuilder.EXISTS());
-    var activityLinkSubselect = newSelect("ACTIVITYLINK.ACTIVITY_ID")
-                                        .from("ACTIVITYLINK")
-                                        .where("ACTIVITYLINK.OBJECT_ROWID", rowIds, SqlBuilder.IN())
-                                        .and("ACTIVITYLINK.OBJECT_TYPE", "$param.ObjectId_param");
-                                    // TODO: more performant way than IN. Maybe a join??
-    cond.and("ACTIVITY.ACTIVITYID", activityLinkSubselect, SqlBuilder.IN());
-if(vars.getString("$param.OnlyInnate_param") == "true") 
+if (vars.exists("$param.ActivityIDs_param") && vars.get("$param.ActivityIDs_param")) 
-    var ownContactId = EmployeeUtils.getCurrentContactId();
-    if (ownContactId)
-        cond.and("ACTIVITY.RESPONSIBLE", ownContactId);
-    else
-        loadNothing = true;
-if (vars.exists("$param.ActivityIDs_param") && vars.get("$param.ActivityIDs_param")) {
-    var acticityIDs = JSON.parse(vars.get("$param.ActivityIDs_param"));
-    cond.and("ACTIVITY.ACTIVITYID",acticityIDs , SqlBuilder.IN());
+    var acticityIds = JSON.parse(vars.get("$param.ActivityIDs_param"));
+    condition.and("ACTIVITY.ACTIVITYID", acticityIds, SqlBuilder.IN());
-if (loadNothing)
-    resCond = "1 = 2";
+if (vars.getString("$param.OnlyInnate_param") == "true") 
-    //TODO: use a preparedCondition (.build instead of .toString) when available #1030812 #1034026
-    var resCond = cond.toString();
+    var ownContactId = EmployeeUtils.getCurrentContactId();
+    if (ownContactId)
+        condition.and("ACTIVITY.RESPONSIBLE", ownContactId);
+    else
+        condition.clearWhere().and("1=2");
\ No newline at end of file
+//TODO: use a preparedCondition (.build instead of .toString) when available #1030812 #1034026
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/entity/Organisation_entity/Organisation_entity.aod b/entity/Organisation_entity/Organisation_entity.aod
index 78adee42c1f24427f4834a708b788b23774f5f7e..96b76098fde1ff72a627226316fcbca2d88d72cc 100644
--- a/entity/Organisation_entity/Organisation_entity.aod
+++ b/entity/Organisation_entity/Organisation_entity.aod
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
-      <valueProcess>%aditoprj%/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/contactid/valueProcess.js</valueProcess>
@@ -949,6 +948,7 @@
+      <recordContainer>index</recordContainer>
diff --git a/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/contactid/valueProcess.js b/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/contactid/valueProcess.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 86ef789e064a4016f2d12c432498dc23474807aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/contactid/valueProcess.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-if(vars.get("$sys.recordstate") == neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW)
-    result.string(util.getNewUUID());
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/selfduplicatesuncached/children/onlyshowcontactids_param/valueProcess.js b/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/selfduplicatesuncached/children/onlyshowcontactids_param/valueProcess.js
index 45379fef45e865cc1b5db3b8ff3a663b1d24deb4..fdbb29bfe3953fb655929382d1c4f393330c2d0a 100644
--- a/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/selfduplicatesuncached/children/onlyshowcontactids_param/valueProcess.js
+++ b/entity/Organisation_entity/entityfields/selfduplicatesuncached/children/onlyshowcontactids_param/valueProcess.js
@@ -5,58 +5,47 @@ import("system.vars");
-let scannerName = "OrganisationDuplicates";
-let targetEntity = "Organisation_entity";
-let valuesToCheck = {};
+var scannerName = "OrganisationDuplicates";
+var targetEntity = "Organisation_entity";
+var valuesToCheck = {};
 var entityFieldsToLoad = DuplicateScannerUtils.GetEntityFieldsFromConfig(scannerName, targetEntity);
-if(entityFieldsToLoad == null || entityFieldsToLoad.length == 0)
-    result.string(JSON.stringify(["nodata"]));
+var idsForEmptyResult = JSON.stringify(["nodata"]);
+if (entityFieldsToLoad == null || entityFieldsToLoad.length == 0)
+    result.string(idsForEmptyResult);
     //Read the values of all available entity fields and write the fieldname7value combination
     //as key/value pairs into an object. This is used to trigger the scan for duplicates
-   vars.get("$field.STANDARD_CITY");
-   vars.get("$field.STANDARD_ZIP");
-   vars.get("$field.STANDARD_ADDRESS");
+    vars.get("$field.NAME")
+    vars.get("$field.STANDARD_CITY");
+    vars.get("$field.STANDARD_ZIP");
+    vars.get("$field.STANDARD_ADDRESS");
-   let field = '';
-   let fieldValue = '';
-   for (fieldname in entityFieldsToLoad) 
-   { 
-       field = entityFieldsToLoad[fieldname];
-       fieldValue = vars.get("$field." + field);
+    for (let fieldname in entityFieldsToLoad) 
+    { 
+        var field = entityFieldsToLoad[fieldname];
+        var fieldValue = vars.get("$field." + field);
-       if(fieldValue != null && fieldValue != "")
-       {
+        if (fieldValue)
            valuesToCheck[field] = fieldValue;
-       }
-   }
-   let scanResults = DuplicateScannerUtils.ScanForDuplicates(scannerName, targetEntity,
-   valuesToCheck, null);
-   let duplicateIds = [];
-   if(scanResults != undefined && scanResults != null)
-   {
-       //Run thru every duplicate result and read out the id. 
-       //Do it now to have a simple array on all usages lateron.
-       for (let i = 0; i < scanResults.length; i++)
-       {
-           let duplicateContactId = scanResults[i][indexsearch.FIELD_ID];
-           duplicateIds.push(duplicateContactId);
-       }
-   }
-   /*
-    * To achieve that if there are no duplicates, no contacts should be shown and therefore returned by the 
-    * recordcontainer, an invalid id gets returned. It then is used in the conditionProcess to load the duplicates.
-    * Because of its invalidity, no records are shown.
-   */
-   if(duplicateIds.length == 0)
-       result.string(JSON.stringify(["nodata"]));
-   else
-       result.string(JSON.stringify(duplicateIds));
+    }
+    var scanResults = DuplicateScannerUtils.ScanForDuplicates(scannerName, targetEntity, valuesToCheck, null) || [];
+    var duplicateIds = scanResults.map(function (scanResult)
+    {
+        return scanResult[indexsearch.FIELD_ID];
+    });
+    /*
+     * To achieve that if there are no duplicates, no contacts should be shown and therefore returned by the 
+     * recordcontainer, an invalid id gets returned. It then is used in the conditionProcess to load the duplicates.
+     * Because of its invalidity, no records are shown.
+     */
+    if (duplicateIds.length == 0)
+        result.string(idsForEmptyResult);
+    else
+        result.string(JSON.stringify(duplicateIds));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/neonView/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view.aod b/neonView/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view.aod
index 72d74e806524ebeb8368af01869eef0d22a9e8eb..595adfca1ccb73785d2dd9a9f66da399de710608 100644
--- a/neonView/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view.aod
+++ b/neonView/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view/WorkflowDefinitionFilter_view.aod
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+      <subtitleField>KEY</subtitleField>