diff --git a/.liquibase/Data_alias/changelog.xml b/.liquibase/Data_alias/changelog.xml
index c6e5850fd70479d476d08004f41443e3471a5d31..e49dccc3c73aae94950bf4bf11553c95fe43a3ad 100644
--- a/.liquibase/Data_alias/changelog.xml
+++ b/.liquibase/Data_alias/changelog.xml
@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@
     <include relativeToChangelogFile="true" file="basic/2021.0.0/changelog.xml"/>
     <!--enable this only when you definetly want to overwrite the existing data with demo records:-->
-    <include relativeToChangelogFile="true" file="basic/_demoData/changelog.xml" context="example"/>
+    <!--<include relativeToChangelogFile="true" file="basic/_demoData/changelog.xml" context="example"/>-->
diff --git a/entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity.aod b/entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity.aod
index 70859b3cb7a3a16fe4f069267a297ad6f242c6fc..a2ecf6d0ca95c3fa6adb10903a636bc8a28eab8e 100644
--- a/entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity.aod
+++ b/entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity/ClassificationAdmin_entity.aod
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@
           <title>Recalculate Classifications</title>
-          <tooltip>Use this to manually start the serverprocess after changes to the configuration of classifications. It will recalculate all outdated classifications.</tooltip>
+          <tooltip>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all (potentially) outdated classifications. Use this after changes to the configuration of classifications.</tooltip>
           <title>Recalculate all Classifications</title>
-          <tooltip>Use this to manually start the serverprocess, which will this time recalculate all classifications. Do this after e.g importing data from elswhere where the outdated flag couldn't been set correctly</tooltip>
+          <tooltip>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all classifications from scratch. Only do this after e.g importing data from elsewhere where the outdated flag couldn't been set correctly. Since this can take some time.</tooltip>
diff --git a/language/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA.aod b/language/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA.aod
index 7fa729d04454f39ba0ddc079d7f64358dbc6eaa4..f6b1ed30ec873aca986b408010609ea838ee5a02 100644
--- a/language/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA.aod
+++ b/language/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA/_____LANGUAGE_EXTRA.aod
@@ -7869,6 +7869,15 @@
       <key>refresh classifications</key>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all (potentially) outdated classifications. Use this after changes to the configuration of classifications.</key>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Recalculate Classifications</key>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all classifications from scratch. Only do this after e.g importing data from elsewhere where the outdated flag couldn't been set correctly. Since this can take some time.</key>
+    </entry>
   <font name="Dialog" style="0" size="11" />
diff --git a/language/_____LANGUAGE_de/_____LANGUAGE_de.aod b/language/_____LANGUAGE_de/_____LANGUAGE_de.aod
index eeb0d827e44eece5703b085d9e35b107bc4c16e8..f00c1296f5483a186a2156670f2e89294c19fd26 100644
--- a/language/_____LANGUAGE_de/_____LANGUAGE_de.aod
+++ b/language/_____LANGUAGE_de/_____LANGUAGE_de.aod
@@ -9469,6 +9469,22 @@ Bitte Datumseingabe prüfen</value>
       <key>Recalculate all Classifications</key>
       <value>Alle Klassifizierungen neuberechnen</value>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Recalculate Classifications</key>
+      <value>Klassifizierungen neuberechnen</value>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all (potentially) outdated classifications. Use this after changes to the configuration of classifications.</key>
+      <value>Startet den Serverprozess Manuell. Berechnet alle (potenziell) veralteten Klassifizierungen. Benutze dies nach Änderungen an den Klassifizierungseinstellungen.</value>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all classifications from scratch. Only do this after e.g importing data from elsewhere where the outdated flag couldn't been set correctly. Since this can take some time.</key>
+      <value>Startet den Serverprozess Manuell. Berechnet alle Klassifizierungen neu. Benutze dies nur nach z.B dem Importieren von Daten von ausserhalb des Systems bei denen der outdated flag nciht richtig gesetzt wurde, da dieser Durchlauf länger dauen kann</value>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Are you sure you want to recalculate all classifications using the current classificationgradings? This can take some time, since ALL classifications will get freshly calculated and updated if needed.</key>
+      <value>Sind sie sich sicher, dass sie alle Klassifizierungen anhand der konfigurierten Bewertungen neuberechnen willst? Dies kann länger dauern, da ALLE Klassifizierungen neuberechnet werden und wenn nötig geupdated werden.</value>
+    </entry>
diff --git a/language/_____LANGUAGE_en/_____LANGUAGE_en.aod b/language/_____LANGUAGE_en/_____LANGUAGE_en.aod
index d98310a5d1c81b881eef33fc0dbdc4070657c6be..a542d184f9c4a2b03372c5b603a911fadd3d8167 100644
--- a/language/_____LANGUAGE_en/_____LANGUAGE_en.aod
+++ b/language/_____LANGUAGE_en/_____LANGUAGE_en.aod
@@ -7950,6 +7950,15 @@
       <key>refresh classifications</key>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all (potentially) outdated classifications. Use this after changes to the configuration of classifications.</key>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Recalculate Classifications</key>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+      <key>Starts the serverprocess manually, which will recalculate all classifications from scratch. Only do this after e.g importing data from elsewhere where the outdated flag couldn't been set correctly. Since this can take some time.</key>
+    </entry>
   <font name="Dialog" style="0" size="11" />
diff --git a/process/updateClassifications_serverProcess/process.js b/process/updateClassifications_serverProcess/process.js
index 09cb9c387900f25f3190f72a9dbd1f95dbda4ec3..30a7d27f5d90e0f24f1f502e51d0901f6c22a497 100644
--- a/process/updateClassifications_serverProcess/process.js
+++ b/process/updateClassifications_serverProcess/process.js
@@ -556,6 +556,11 @@ for (xyz = 0; xyz < runUpdating; xyz++)
                         helperObject[uid + classificationTypeId] = "";
+                        if(recalculateAll)
+                        {
+//                           if(storedClassificationValues[objectTypes[i]][uid][""])
+                        }
@@ -603,11 +608,8 @@ for (xyz = 0; xyz < runUpdating; xyz++)
             bestPossibleScoreStmt.and("CONTACT.PERSON_ID is null");
         bestPossibleScoreStmt.orderBy(currentObjectColumn + ", CLASSIFICATIONTYPE.CLASSIFICATIONGROUP_ID");
         bestPossibleScoresGroupObj = {};
         helperObject = {};
@@ -625,7 +627,6 @@ for (xyz = 0; xyz < runUpdating; xyz++)
         //If this would be done in the batch function it would result in false classificationstorage-results because not all records for a rowId have been used
         for (var row_Id in achievedScoresObj)
             chainedGrading = classificationStorageObject[objectTypes[i]][row_Id][1];
             for (var groupId in achievedScoresObj[row_Id]) 
@@ -885,7 +886,7 @@ function _buildBestPossibleScoresGroupObjFn(pBatchData, pBatchNum)
         if(!helperObject.hasOwnProperty(uid + classificationTypeId)) //classificationType
-            if(_isRelevant() != false)
+            if(_isRelevant())
                 if(bestPossibleScoresGroupObj[uid][classificationGroupId] == "")
                     bestPossibleScoresGroupObj[uid][classificationGroupId] = 0;