diff --git a/entity/Organisation_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js b/entity/Organisation_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js
index a8b02566f9728cbe5a6c53033c884d780b6a71b8..ee11b9a9e9cf1d5ef4297d4b25d2da7fd27210a7 100644
--- a/entity/Organisation_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js
+++ b/entity/Organisation_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ import("system.vars");
-var infoContainer, onUpdFn, tableName, res;
+var infoContainer, onUpdFn, tableName, res, action;
 tableName = vars.get("$local.table");
 idValue = vars.get("$local.idvalue");
-infoContainer =  IndexsearchUtils.createAffectedInfoContainer(idValue, null, vars.get("$local.action")
+action = vars.get("$local.action");
+infoContainer =  IndexsearchUtils.createAffectedInfoContainer(idValue, null, action
     ,function (){return vars.get("$local.columns")}
     ,function (){return vars.get("$local.oldvalues")}
     ,function (){return vars.get("$local.values")});
@@ -19,13 +21,21 @@ switch (tableName)
         res = [idValue];
     case "ORGANISATION":
-        res = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
+        //if an organisation is created or deleted there is no need to do this for the ORGANISATION and CONTACT-table twice, since everytime a 
+        //entry in ORGANISATION is done´, it is also done in CONTACT which is handled in the switch case above => skip then the ORGANISATION-part
+        //(also on delete the record does not exist anymore)
+        if (action == "U") 
+        {
+            res = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
                 .where("CONTACT.PERSON_ID is null")
                 .and("CONTACT.ORGANISATION_ID", idValue)
+        }
     case "ADDRESS":
+        //do not skip here if it's a delete action since it could be that only an address is removed and not a whole record-set of 
+        //organisation, address, communication, etc.
         res = IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues("CONTACT_ID", infoContainer, function (id){
             return newSelect("ADDRESS.CONTACT_ID")
@@ -34,6 +44,8 @@ switch (tableName)
     case "COMMUNICATION":
+        //do not skip here if it's a delete action since it could be that only a communication-entry is removed and not a whole record-set of 
+        //organisation, address, communication, etc.
         res = IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues("CONTACT_ID", infoContainer, function (id){
             return newSelect("COMMUNICATION.CONTACT_ID")
@@ -41,10 +53,10 @@ switch (tableName)
-    default:
-        res = [];   //needed, because the Index is being rebuilt if nothing gets returned
+//needed, because the complete index (fullIndexer) is being rebuilt if nothing gets returned here
+if (res)
+    result.object([]);
diff --git a/entity/Person_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js b/entity/Person_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js
index 1cbcfeeb6850a41a4d13165adc198e5e10eb94c8..6a5716e6cc8f003f680f186b5bc46a13033e808b 100644
--- a/entity/Person_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js
+++ b/entity/Person_entity/recordcontainers/index/affectedIds.js
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ import("system.vars");
-var infoContainer, onUpdFn, tableName, res;
+var infoContainer, onUpdFn, tableName, res, action;
 tableName = vars.get("$local.table");
 idValue = vars.get("$local.idvalue");
-infoContainer =  IndexsearchUtils.createAffectedInfoContainer(idValue, null, vars.get("$local.action")
+action = vars.get("$local.action");
+infoContainer =  IndexsearchUtils.createAffectedInfoContainer(idValue, null, action
     ,function (){return vars.get("$local.columns")}
     ,function (){return vars.get("$local.oldvalues")}
     ,function (){return vars.get("$local.values")});
@@ -19,19 +21,32 @@ switch (tableName)
         res = [idValue];
     case "PERSON":
-        res = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
-                    .from("CONTACT")
-                    .where("CONTACT.PERSON_ID", idValue)
-                    .arrayColumn();
+        //if a contact person is created or deleted there is no need to determine the index-uid for the PERSON and CONTACT-table, since everytime a 
+        //entry in PERSON is done, there is also  one mande in the CONTACT table which is handled in the switch case above 
+        //=> skip then the PERSON-part (also on delete the record does not exist anymore)
+        if (action == "U") 
+        {
+            res = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
+                .from("CONTACT")
+                .where("CONTACT.PERSON_ID", idValue)
+                .arrayColumn();
+        }
     case "ORGANISATION":
-        res = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
-                    .from("CONTACT")
-                    .where("CONTACT.ORGANISATION_ID", idValue)
-                    .and("CONTACT.PERSON_ID is not null")
-                    .arrayColumn();
+        //an organisation can only be deleted if there are no persons left and if  an organisation is created there is no entry for person that has
+        //to be indexed => only in the update-case necessary
+        if (action == "U") 
+        {
+            res = newSelect("CONTACT.CONTACTID")
+                        .from("CONTACT")
+                        .where("CONTACT.ORGANISATION_ID", idValue)
+                        .and("CONTACT.PERSON_ID is not null")
+                        .arrayColumn();
+        }
     case "ADDRESS":
+        //do not skip here if it's a delete action since it could be that only an address is removed and not a whole record-set of organisation,
+        //person, address, communication, etc.
         res = IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues("CONTACT_ID", infoContainer, function (id){
             return newSelect("ADDRESS.CONTACT_ID")
@@ -40,6 +55,8 @@ switch (tableName)
     case "COMMUNICATION":
+        //do not skip here if it's a delete action since it could be that only a communication-entry is removed and not a whole record-set of 
+        //organisation, person, address, communication, etc.
         res = IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues("CONTACT_ID", infoContainer, function (id){
             return newSelect("COMMUNICATION.CONTACT_ID")
@@ -47,9 +64,10 @@ switch (tableName)
-    default:
-        res = [];   //needed, because the Index is being rebuilt if nothing gets returned
-        break;
-    result.object(res);
\ No newline at end of file
+//needed, because the complete index (fullIndexer) is being rebuilt if nothing gets returned here
+if (res)
+    result.object(res);
+    result.object([]);
diff --git a/process/IndexSearch_lib/process.js b/process/IndexSearch_lib/process.js
index 532ec972fe333d7fb1e89cf731d3127c8bd20a1b..be35ad2cc8c0a24fabe76bd57ba2a64d9ce9b310 100644
--- a/process/IndexSearch_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/IndexSearch_lib/process.js
@@ -5,20 +5,66 @@ import("system.text");
  * provides static methods for special handling of entities in JDito-Processes
  * do not create an instance of this
- * TODO: lib has to be updated with new Indexsearch when it is available
- * 
  * @class
 function IndexsearchUtils() {}
- * TODO: Comment everything!
+ * Searches within an affectedInfoContainer for an id value <br/>
+ * This id value can be used in the affectedIds-process of an index-recordContainer for example <br/>
+ * 
+ * Depending on the provided action the given ID-field is searched in: <br/>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>the newValues (action: I), no other values are yet present</li>
+ * <li>the oldValues (action: D), other values are not anymore present</li>
+ * <li>another source by calling a function (action: U), in the update case only values are provided that acutally changed so 
+ *      another source (usually the dattabase) is needed to perform the lookup</li>
+ * <li>Otherwise an empty array is given (action X for example)</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * 
+ * @param {String} fieldname                <p> Name of the field that shall be searched within the infocontainer
+ * @param {Object} affectedInfoContainer    <p> affectedInfoContainer like it is provided by the IndexsearchUtils.createAffectedInfoContainer-function
+ *
+ * @param {Function} updateFn               <p> a callback function that is called when an update-action is provided in the affectedInfoContianer 
+ *                                          (which means there are no [useful] newvalues/oldvalues) 
+ *
+ * @return {Array}                          <p> 1D-array of Strings with all affectedIds that where found depeding on the information in the 
+ *                                          affectedInfoContainer
+ * @example 
+ * //example for an affectedIds-procces for a indexer that is built on top of the database table OFFER
+ * //explanations of the example are written as code-comments
+ * ...imports, variables and more code here...
+ * //this is always the uid of the record that has been changed, so if an OFFER-entry has been changed the OFFERID is returned, if an OFFERITEM-entry 
+ * //has been changed the OFFERITEMID is returned and so on
+ * var idValue = vars.get("$local.idvalue");
+ * var infoContainer =  ...code for creating a infoContainer...
- * @param {} fieldname
- * @param {} affectedInfoContainer
- * @param {} updateFn
+ * switch (tableName)//the tableName is always the name of the DB table that has been changed (changed = inserted, updated or deleted)
+ * {
+ *     //if the OFFER itself has been changed it's very easy because it's possible to return the OFFERID directly
+ *     case "OFFER": 
+ *         res = [idValue];
+ *         break;    
+ *     //for other items (like the OFFERITEM in this exmaple) however it is not that easy, because the index-UID is needed as result in the 
+ *     //affectedIdsProcess, so we have find the correct OFFERID for the OFFERITEM that has been changed
+ *     // therefore we have to define the columnname of the index-UID we are searching within our table (here: OFFER_ID) and we have to define a 
+ *     //callback function that returns the index-UID with for the given ID of the record that has been changed [to see why we need a function see the
+ *     //descriptiontext of this function]
+ *     case "OFFERITEM": 
+ *         res = IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues("OFFER_ID", infoContainer, function (offerItemId){
+ *             return newSelect("OFFERITEM.OFFER_ID")
+ *             .from("OFFERITEM")
+ *             .where("OFFERITEM.OFFERITEMID", offerItemId)
+ *             .arrayColumn();
+ *         });
+ *         break;
+ * }
- * @return {}
+ * //this needed as a savegate, because the Index is being rebuilt by the indexer if nothing gets returned => do a final check here!
+ * if (res)
+ *     result.object(res);
+ * else
+ *     result.object([]);
 IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues = function(fieldname, affectedInfoContainer, updateFn) {
     var affectedIds;
@@ -26,30 +72,51 @@ IndexsearchUtils.getAffectedIdValues = function(fieldname, affectedInfoContainer
         case "I":
             affectedIds = affectedInfoContainer.newValues[affectedInfoContainer.columns.indexOf(fieldname)];
-            affectedIds = affectedIds ? [affectedIds] : []
+            affectedIds = affectedIds ? [affectedIds] : [];//check if affectedIds are present because otherwise we may would return [null]
         case "U":
             affectedIds = updateFn.call(null, affectedInfoContainer.id);
         case "D":
             affectedIds = affectedInfoContainer.oldValues[affectedInfoContainer.columns.indexOf(fieldname)];
-            affectedIds = affectedIds ? [affectedIds] : []
+            affectedIds = affectedIds ? [affectedIds] : [];//check if affectedIds are present because otherwise we may would return [null]
-    return affectedIds || [];
+    if(affectedIds)
+        return affectedIds;
+    else
+        return [];
- * TODO: Comment everything!
+ * Builds an object with various properties and returns the newly created object.
+ * The object that is retruned is so called affectedInfoContainer, but the type and prototype is still object.<br/>
+ * <br/>
+ * Each object represents one audited change in a db table with a sepcific type (insert, update, delete, etc.) for one row. 
+ * The object is basically a unified blueprint for such a change.<br/>
+ * <br/>
+ * Main purpose of the object is to make the handling of given values within a affectedIdProcess in an entity-indexRecordContainer easier.
+ * However it could be used in other cases too, for example in the auditProcess.
- * @param {} changedIdValue
- * @param {} changedTable
- * @param {} action
- * @param {} columnsFn
- * @param {} oldValueFn
- * @param {} newValueFn
+ * @param {String} changedIdValue   <p> UID of the row where the change has been audited
+ * @param {String} changedTable     <p> name of the db table where the change has been audited
+ * @param {String} action           <p> action type of the audited change in short form, for exmaple: I, U, D, ...
+ * @param {Function} columnsFn      <p> callbackFunction that has to return an array with the column names of the audited table
+ * @param {Function} oldValueFn     <p> callbackFunction that has to return an array with the new values that exist after the audited change
+ * @param {Function} newValueFn     <p> callbackFunction that has to return an array with the old values that have existed before the audited change
- * @return {}
+ * @return {Object} object with the following properties (values depend on the parameters):
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>id: uid of the changed record</li>
+ * <li>table: name of the database table of the changed record</li>
+ * <li>action: type of the change, this is usually "I" for insert, "U" for update, "D" for delete and "X" for unknown</li>
+ * <li>columns: array of column names of the table that have been audited (if present)</li>
+ * <li>oldValues: detemined values before the change (if present)</li>
+ * <li>newValues: detemined values after the change (if present)</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <br/>
+ * Note that this only what the object SHOULD contain, the actual values depend on the input parameters.
+ *
 IndexsearchUtils.createAffectedInfoContainer = function(changedIdValue, changedTable, action, columnsFn, oldValueFn, newValueFn) {
     var res, internalStorage;