diff --git a/process/AttributeFilter_lib/process.js b/process/AttributeFilter_lib/process.js
index e5c3eac4d08c416de8c35768bc3c3add7c32d7c6..9c667f3770c0aeab7853b9d8ad6bfae02981b5b1 100644
--- a/process/AttributeFilter_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/AttributeFilter_lib/process.js
@@ -9,10 +9,27 @@ import("Attribute_lib");
-//TODO: comment lib
+ * Procides static methods for en- or decoding attributeFilter names
+ * AttributeFilter names are shared over several processes and contain therefore various information
+ * The infomration needs to be encoded to be able to transfer it over the different processes
+ * 
+ * @class
+ * 
+ */
 function AttributeSearchNameCoder(){}
+ * encodes several parameters into one string that can be used as AttributeFilter-name
+ * 
+ * @param {String} pUid                 <p/> attribute uid of the attribute that has to be encoded
+ * @param {String} pAttributeType       <p/> attribute type of the attribute that has to be encoded 
+ *                                      <br /> while you may able to specify any string, only values of $AttributeTypes.*** are useful
+ *                                      
+ * @return {String}                     <p/> an encoded string of the given parametervalues 
+ *                                      <br/> this is basically a serialized object which is base64 encoded
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeSearchNameCoder.encode = function (pUid, pAttributeType)
     var res = {
@@ -24,6 +41,15 @@ AttributeSearchNameCoder.encode = function (pUid, pAttributeType)
     return res
+ * decodes a string that was encoded with AttributeSearchNameCoder.encode
+ * 
+ * 
+ * @param {String} pEncodedString       <p/> string that shall be decoded; the origin of the name has to be a filter-object
+ *                                      
+ * @return {Object}                     <p/> an object that contains all keys and values that have been encoded with AttributeSearchNameCoder.encode
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeSearchNameCoder.decode = function (pEncodedString)
     var res = pEncodedString.substr(pEncodedString.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
@@ -32,8 +58,31 @@ AttributeSearchNameCoder.decode = function (pEncodedString)
     return res
+ * Provides static methods for hanlding AttriubteFilterExtensions
+ * The methods are used to fill the processes that need to be specified within a FilterExtension of a RecrodContainer
+ * 
+ * @class
+ * 
+ */
 function AttributeFilterExtensionMaker() {}
+ * fetches attributes that are filterable and transforms them into filter fields
+ * 
+ * @param {String} pObjectType       <p/> contextId of the context whoes attributes are used for providing the filter fields
+ *                                      
+ * @return {String}                  <p/> field-definitions (array of objects) that are ready to use for a filterExtensionSet in a stringified form
+ *                                   <br/> The object within the array contains the following properties:
+ *                                   <ul>
+ *                                      <li>name - internal name for an attribut filter field; has several data encoded</li>
+ *                                      <li>title - string of a human readable name for the end user (translated)</li>
+ *                                      <li>contentType - string of the neon-contentType (e.g. TEXT)</li>
+ *                                      <li>hasDropDownValues - boolean if possible values have to be calculated or not</li>
+ *                                   </ul>
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterFields = function(pObjectType) 
     var res = [];
@@ -70,6 +119,12 @@ AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterFields = function(pObjectType)
     return res;
+ * fetches attributes that are filterable and transforms them into filter fields for the current context
+ * 
+ * @see AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterFields for more details
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.makeFilterFields = function()
     var objectType = ContextUtils.getCurrentContextId();
@@ -77,6 +132,19 @@ AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.makeFilterFields = function()
     return res;
+ * Returns possible values to choose from within a attributeFilterExtension. <br/>
+ * Depending on the attribute-type and the attribute(id) itself, different values will be returned. <br/>
+ * For some attirbute types there are returned static possible values, e.g. a Boolean-attribute has always the values "Yes [true] and No [false]
+ * 
+ * @param {String} pFilter       <p/> stringified form of the filter-object that contains the filter-name 
+ *                               <br/>The filter-name contains various data of the attribute as encoded string
+ *                                      
+ * @return {Array}               <p/> list of the values of an attribute if the attribute has chooseable values or an empty array if not
+ *                               <br/>This is a 2D-Array where each element is an array that contains the ID and the title:
+ *                               <br/> [[id1, title1], [idN, titleN]]
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterValues = function(pFilter) 
     var filter = JSON.parse(pFilter);
@@ -92,6 +160,13 @@ AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterValues = function(pFilter)
     return res;
+ * fetches pssible chooseable attribute values for a current filter
+ * This process is useful for a process within the filter extension for attributes
+ * 
+ * @see AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterValues for more details
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.makeFilterValues = function()
     var filter = vars.getString("$local.filter");
@@ -99,6 +174,22 @@ AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.makeFilterValues = function()
     return res;
+ * Builds a Sql-condition that may be used in a filter extension set and allows to filter for attributes within a db-table
+ * 
+ * @param {String} pObjectType          <p/> contextId of the objects thats records 
+ * @param {String} pFilterName          <p/> name of the filter that was prior encoded and contains various information
+ * @param {String} pCondition           <p/> a SQL-condition like it is given in the "$local.condition"-variable in filter extension sets
+ * @param {String} pRawValue            <p/> the raw input value that the user has entered for a filter operation
+ * @param {String} pOperatorName        <p/> the operator of the condition (equals, smaller, greater, etc.) as a resolved name; e.g. "IS NOT NULL"
+ * @param {String} pIdTableName         <p/> name of the db-table where the data shall be filtered
+ * @param {String} pIdColumnName        <p/> name of the primarykey-column of the table that was given via pIdTablename
+ * @param {String} pColumnPlaceholder   <p/> name of the placeholder where the columnname should be like it is given in the 
+ *                                           "$local.columnPlaceholder"-variable in filter extension sets
+ *                                     
+ * @return {SqlBuilder}                 <p/> a SqlBuilder-condition that contains a sub-select and may be used for filtering data
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterCondition = function(pObjectType, pFilterName, pCondition, pRawValue, pOperatorName, pIdTableName,
     pIdColumnName, pColumnPlaceholder) 
@@ -147,6 +238,12 @@ AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterCondition = function(pObjectType, pFilter
     return resSql;
+ * Builds a Sql-condition for a attribute filter extension set. This allows to filter for attributes within a db-table
+ *
+ * @see AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.getFilterCondition for more details
+ * @static 
+ */
 AttributeFilterExtensionMaker.makeFilterConditionSql = function()
     var objectType = ContextUtils.getCurrentContextId();