diff --git a/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js b/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js
index f267488b4e2ada4f55de7738ff4239cccd152c7d..47f80a6506c12ec6d36401548fef555824482957 100644
--- a/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js
@@ -350,16 +350,17 @@ function iKeywordAttribute(pObject) {
  * @param {Object} pObject req the mapping line
  * @return {Boolean} true
  * */
 function iComm(pObject) {
     if (! this.doIfCheck(pObject)) return true;
     var address = this.InputRecord[pObject.Address];
-    if(address == undefined) address = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Address);
     var medium = this.InputRecord[pObject.Medium];
-    if(medium == undefined) medium = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Medium);
     var contact = this.InputRecord[pObject.ContactID];
-    if(contact == undefined) contact = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.ContactID);
     var standard = "0";
+    if(address == undefined) address = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.address);
+    if(medium == undefined) medium = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.medium);
+    if(contact == undefined) contact = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.ContactID);
     if(pObject.Standard) standard = "1";
     if(!address || !medium || !contact) return true;
@@ -379,38 +380,61 @@ function iComm(pObject) {
  * Values of the mapping line:
- * Reason opt -- the reason 
- * Medium req -- the medium id
- * ContactID req -- the id of the entry in the contact table
- * Type req -- yes or no to communication
+ * contact (required): The id of the entry in the contact table.
+ * restrictionMedium (required): The medium id.
+ * restrictionReason (optional): The reason.
+ * startDate (optional): The date when the restrictions begins.
+ * involvedEmployee (optional): The contact which is responsible for the restriction.
  * @name iCommRestriction
- * @param {Object} pObject req the mapping line
+ * @param {Object} pObject (required): Associative Array with required informations.
  * @return {Boolean} true
  * */
-function iCommRestriction(pObject) {
+function iCommRestriction(pObject) 
     if (!this.doIfCheck(pObject)) return true;
-    var reason = this.InputRecord[pObject.Reason];
-    if(reason == undefined) reason = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Reason);
-    var medium = this.InputRecord[pObject.Medium];
-    if(medium == undefined) medium = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Medium);
-    var contact = this.InputRecord[pObject.ContactID];
-    if(contact == undefined) contact = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.ContactID);
-    var type = this.InputRecord[pObject.Type];
-    if(type == undefined) type = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Type);
+    var restrictionContact = this.InputRecord[pObject.restrictionContact];
+    var restrictionReason = this.InputRecord[pObject.restrictionReason];
+    var restrictionMedium = this.InputRecord[pObject.restrictionMedium];
+    var restrictionStartDate = this.InputRecord[pObject.restrictionStartDate];
+    var restrictionInvolvedEmployee = this.InputRecord[pObject.restrictionInvolvedEmployee];
+    if(restrictionContact == undefined) restrictionContact = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.restrictionContact);
+    if(restrictionReason == undefined) restrictionReason = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.restrictionReason);
+    if(restrictionReason == undefined || restrictionReason == null) restrictionReason = "NULL";
+    if(restrictionMedium == undefined) restrictionMedium = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.restrictionMedium);
+    if(restrictionStartDate == undefined) restrictionStartDate = this.resolveSymbol(pObject.restrictionStartDate);
+    if(restrictionStartDate == undefined || restrictionStartDate == null) restrictionStartDate = "NULL";
+    if(restrictionInvolvedEmployee == undefined) restrictionInvolvedEmployee = this.resolveSymbol(pObject.restrictionInvolvedEmployee);
+    if(restrictionInvolvedEmployee == undefined || restrictionInvolvedEmployee == null) restrictionInvolvedEmployee = "NULL";
+    if (!restrictionMedium || !restrictionContact) return true;
+    var alias = this.Config.AliasTo;
+    var commRestriction = this.getTableCase("commrestriction");
+    var commRestrictionId = this.getColumnCase("commrestriction.commrestrictionid");
+    var contactId = this.getColumnCase("commrestriction.contact_id");
+    var medium = this.getColumnCase("commrestriction.medium");
+    var reason = this.getColumnCase("commrestriction.reason");
+    var startDate = this.getColumnCase("commrestriction.startdate");
+    var involvedEmployee = this.getColumnCase("commrestriction.employee_involved");
+    var id = newSelect(commRestrictionId, alias).from(commRestriction).where(contactId, restrictionContact).and(medium, restrictionMedium).cell();
+    var columns = [commRestrictionId, medium, reason, contactId, startDate, involvedEmployee];
+    var values = [id, restrictionMedium, restrictionReason, restrictionContact, restrictionStartDate, restrictionInvolvedEmployee];
+    if (id == "" || id == null) 
+    {
+        values[0] = util.getNewUUID();
+        this.insertData(commRestriction, columns, null, values, alias);       
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        this.updateData(commRestriction, columns, null, values, alias);
+    }
-    if (!medium || !contact || !type) return true;
-    var sql = "select top 1 " + this.getColumnCase("type") + " from " + this.getTableCase("commrestriction")
-    +" where " + this.getColumnCase("contact_id") + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("medium") + " = ? order by " 
-    + this.getColumnCase("date_edit") + " desc, " + this.getColumnCase("date_new") + " desc";
-    var id = db.cell([sql, [[contact, SQLTYPES.CHAR], [medium, SQLTYPES.CHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);
-    if (id == "" || id == null || id != type) {
-        if(reason == undefined || reason == null) reason = "NULL";
-        var columns = [this.getColumnCase("commrestrictionid"), this.getColumnCase("medium"), this.getColumnCase("contact_id"), this.getColumnCase("type"), this.getColumnCase("reason")];
-        this.insertData(this.getTableCase("commrestriction"), columns, null, [util.getNewUUID(), medium, contact, type, reason], this.Config.AliasTo);       
-    } 
     return true;
diff --git a/process/test_iCommRestriction/process.js b/process/test_iCommRestriction/process.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e3c5c98515c35629064e74489141098754033da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/process/test_iCommRestriction/process.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+var importerMapping = {
+    AliasTo: "Data_alias",
+    DataFunction: function (pCurrentBatchNum)
+    {
+        if (pCurrentBatchNum > 1)
+            return null;
+        return [
+        ["a8a5f214-8165-4627-bee2-bceb3578147e", "cfebe176-0a64-428d-b0ec-bba454d2ca3e", "Testing"],
+        ["c7ddf982-0e58-4152-b82b-8f5673b0b729", "cb07397b-a976-4960-b8e5-9edf189c5caf", "Testing"]
+        ];
+    },
+    ImportCommand: "insert+update",
+    Mapping: [
+    [ iCommRestriction, 
+    {
+        contact: 0,
+        restrictionMedium: 1,
+        restrictionReason: 2
+    }
+    ]
+    ]
+var imp = new Importer(importerMapping);
+imp.Log = "CONSOLE";
+imp.ImportUser = "IMPORTER_TESTER";
+imp.Preview = false;
+imp.Debug = true;
+imp.LogLevel = imp.LogLevels.Info;
+// MariaDB requires lower table cases
+if (db.getDatabaseType("Data_alias") == db.DBTYPE_MARIADB10) imp.TableCase = imp.Cases.Lower;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/process/test_iCommRestriction/test_iCommRestriction.aod b/process/test_iCommRestriction/test_iCommRestriction.aod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc954a462d091f6b3efef2b7797b92a18ae0b2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/process/test_iCommRestriction/test_iCommRestriction.aod
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<process xmlns="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" VERSION="1.2.1" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model adito://models/xsd/process/1.2.1">
+  <name>test_iCommRestriction</name>
+  <majorModelMode>DISTRIBUTED</majorModelMode>
+  <process>%aditoprj%/process/test_iCommRestriction/process.js</process>
+  <variants>
+    <element>EXECUTABLE</element>
+  </variants>