diff --git a/process/Offer_lib/process.js b/process/Offer_lib/process.js
index 283b8c612e4e8b30bafb594afa262d38254f69a9..f7df503b5a8c5a7ea9bef8a2f2995a51002172e6 100644
--- a/process/Offer_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/Offer_lib/process.js
@@ -233,39 +233,36 @@ OfferUtils.buildOfferReport = function (pOfferID, pExclDiscountGroupcodes)
     offeritemData = offeritemData.map(function (offeritem)
-        if (!offeritem[5].includes(".")) //only if it's no child
-        {
-            //quantity * price
-            fullPrice = eMath.mulDec(parseFloat(offeritem[9]), parseFloat(offeritem[10])); //price without discount
+        //quantity * price
+        fullPrice = eMath.mulDec(parseFloat(offeritem[9]), parseFloat(offeritem[10])); //price without discount
-            //itemSum = (fullPrice * (100 - discount)) / 100
-            itemSum = eMath.roundDec(eMath.divDec(eMath.mulDec(fullPrice, eMath.subDec(100, offeritem[11])), 100), 2, eMath.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); //sum of the item (with discount)
-            if(!Utils.toBoolean(parseInt(offeritem[4])))//is optional
-            {
-                sumItemSum += itemSum; //total sum (without vat) 
-            }
-            let excluded = -1
-            if(pExclDiscountGroupcodes)
-            {
-                excluded = pExclDiscountGroupcodes.indexOf(offeritem[15])
-            }
-            //vatsum = itemSum * vat / 100
-            if(printHeadDiscount && offerData[16] && excluded == -1)
-            {
-                vatsum = ItemUtils.prototype.getItemVAT(offeritem[9], offeritem[10], offeritem[11], offeritem[12], offeritem[4]);
-                vatsum = eMath.subDec(vatsum, eMath.divDec(eMath.mulDec(vatsum, offerData[16]), "100"));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                vatsum = ItemUtils.prototype.getItemVAT(offeritem[9], offeritem[10], offeritem[11], offeritem[12], offeritem[4])
-            }
-            if (offeritem[12] > 0) 
-            {
-                sums.push([offeritem[12], vatsum]); //Prepare VAT for map
-            }
+        //itemSum = (fullPrice * (100 - discount)) / 100
+        itemSum = eMath.roundDec(eMath.divDec(eMath.mulDec(fullPrice, eMath.subDec(100, offeritem[11])), 100), 2, eMath.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); //sum of the item (with discount)
+        if(!Utils.toBoolean(parseInt(offeritem[4])))//is optional
+        {
+            sumItemSum += itemSum; //total sum (without vat) 
+        }
+        let excluded = -1
+        if(pExclDiscountGroupcodes)
+        {
+            excluded = pExclDiscountGroupcodes.indexOf(offeritem[15])
+        }
+        //vatsum = itemSum * vat / 100
+        if(printHeadDiscount && offerData[16] && excluded == -1)
+        {
+            vatsum = ItemUtils.prototype.getItemVAT(offeritem[9], offeritem[10], offeritem[11], offeritem[12], offeritem[4]);
+            vatsum = eMath.subDec(vatsum, eMath.divDec(eMath.mulDec(vatsum, offerData[16]), "100"));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vatsum = ItemUtils.prototype.getItemVAT(offeritem[9], offeritem[10], offeritem[11], offeritem[12], offeritem[4])
+        }
+        if (offeritem[12] > 0) 
+        {
+            sums.push([offeritem[12], vatsum]); //Prepare VAT for map
         // sumItemSum + vat