From 7d6d067149eeb308004425b6e775bd08e08739bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Hoermann <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 14:00:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] SupportTicket documentation

 .../SupportTicket_entity/documentation.adoc   |   3 +-
 neonContext/SupportTicket/documentation.adoc  | 289 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 neonContext/SupportTicket/documentation.adoc

diff --git a/entity/SupportTicket_entity/documentation.adoc b/entity/SupportTicket_entity/documentation.adoc
index 19136880c82..29cf6440c15 100644
--- a/entity/SupportTicket_entity/documentation.adoc
+++ b/entity/SupportTicket_entity/documentation.adoc
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 = SupportTicket_entity
-Entity representing the SupportTickets and the related process
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+Entity representing the SupportTickets and the related process
+See context documentation for explanation how tickets work and how to add new TicketTypes
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diff --git a/neonContext/SupportTicket/documentation.adoc b/neonContext/SupportTicket/documentation.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bca58b3124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neonContext/SupportTicket/documentation.adoc
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+:toc2: left
+= SqlBuilder
+(required only for separate PDF generation)
+== Preface
+The base idea is that *tickets* are just extended *tasks*.
+And each *TicketType* can have additional features as well.
+Currently ADITO does not provide inheritance but as it may come in the future, tickets are already built in a way which should be compatible to such a feature.
+This means:
+* Tickets are using at least two tables (TASK, TICKET)
+* TicketTypes may use a third table which provides data only used by this type
+=== Pro
+* You can create a View over all Tickets and Tasks because the same Tables are in the background. For example you could create a Project-entity which provides a list of Tickets and Tasks. As the base-table is always (TICKET) you don't need any special logic for each type)
+* It should be easy to convert to a real inheritance when it's available
+* As each Ticket Type should use the same lib-functions (from Ticket_lib)  bugs  fixed there will fix bugs in all types.
+=== Contra
+* Currently, as there is no real inheritance, it's more complex to create a new TicketType if you need a new context for it. (the hard way) But that's why this guide exists.
+== Create a new Type
+=== Simple way - reuse support ticket
+In versions <= 2019.3.1 there are some things missing to make this approach work.
+The SupportTicket in basic is built to already support different ticket types. But because it's the only type in basic, the respective parameter *TicketType_param* is preset by the supportTicket keyword.
+There are some limitations with this approach.
+You cannot easily add different logic for different types. (You could but then the Entity will soon become very complicated. And merges with basic may get complicated, too.
+Currently Supported:
+* TicketType specific available attributes
+* TicketType specific available TaskStatus
+As a rule:
+As soon as you need to hardcode the ticket type keyid (e.g. use $KeywordRegistry.ticketType$...) in any other process as the TicketType_param 
+-> *create an extra context (the hard way)* or use the Keyword-attributes instead which are described later.
+==== setup
+. add a new TicketType Keyword in liquibase (in your own liquibase folder, not the *basic* folder!)
+<insert tableName="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY">
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRYID" value="54fd061b-3897-49c7-a1fb-92a35b87c846"/>
+    <column name="KEYID" value="TESTTICKET"/>
+    <column name="TITLE" value="Testticket"/>
+    <column name="CONTAINER" value="TicketType"/>
+    <column name="SORTING" valueNumeric="1"/>
+    <column name="ISACTIVE" valueNumeric="1"/>
+    <column name="ISESSENTIAL" valueNumeric="1"/>
+. remove the preset of the *TicketType_param*: `SupportTicket_entity -> parameters -> TicketType_param -> valueProcess` comment or remove the process. This will enable the TicketType dropdown in the edit view.
+. optionally: change the title and titlePlural of the SupportTicket entity to something more generic (such as "Ticket")
+. deploy
+. relogin (to clear the keyword cache)
+. create a new Supportticket. You can now set the type to Testticket.
+You will notice that there are no attributes available and too much possible status.
+That's why you can extend the TicketType:
+==== additional configuration using keyword attributes
+The keyword container TicketType provides some keywordattributes to further customize the tickettype.
+Currently supported are:
+* possible attributes
+* available status
+* default status
+===== attributes
+The keyword attribute named *attribute* accepts a json string which should be an array of *ATTRIBUTEID*'s.
+You can provide any AttributeId, if it is a group, all attributes inside of the group are used.
+All groups, attributes and attributes inside of these groups have to be *assigned to* the *SupportTicket* as usage (or if you created a custom context, use that) with liquibase-xml like that:
+<insert tableName="AB_ATTRIBUTEUSAGE">
+    <column name="AB_ATTRIBUTEUSAGEID" value="dfe58279-a0a1-4179-be7d-9fb18ae920ab"/>
+    <column name="AB_ATTRIBUTE_ID" value="ff8b1caf-cf30-4edb-b5ca-a9a219ba8399"/>
+    <column name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="SupportTicket"/>
+For example the Keyword *SUPPORTTICKET* has the following JSON-string:
+using the liquibase-xml:
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTERELATIONID" value="9fd26b1e-1bdd-4ec0-8a4c-d2943232c194"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY_ID" value="32aea6bb-6b54-4341-8bf5-6b5b67c004a1"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE_ID" value="af6a0af9-0102-426b-a1f7-c8abfea79793"/>
+    <column name="LONG_CHAR_VALUE" value="[&quot;ff8b1caf-cf30-4edb-b5ca-a9a219ba8399&quot;]"/>
+`"` has to be replaced by `pass:c[&quot;]` inside of the xml
+===== status
+*Do not create a new Status-keyword-container*.
+Instead extend the TaskStatus container by own status and use them. This will allow you to search for the status in all tasks/tickets no matter of which type they are.
+-> Each TicketType allows only a small subset of all available TaskStatus
+To alter the possible status just add the *availableStatus* keyword attribute:
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTERELATIONID" value="3946449e-d3f1-40c4-80c0-d38ad2cd586e"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY_ID" value="32aea6bb-6b54-4341-8bf5-6b5b67c004a1"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE_ID" value="6f10015d-b7ee-43aa-99f9-87960ec2e4fd"/>
+    <column name="LONG_CHAR_VALUE" value="[&quot;UNASSIGNED&quot;,&quot;ASSIGNED&quot;,&quot;IN-PROGRESS&quot;,&quot;ENDED-DONE&quot;,&quot;ENDED-ABANDONED&quot;,&quot;WAITING&quot;,&quot;STILL-INCORRECT&quot;,&quot;CUSTOMER-CHECKS&quot;]"/>
+It is also just a json array which contains the Keyid's from the Keyword-Container *TaskStatus*.
+If you need different / additional status which is not available in *TaskStatus*, just add it to *TaskStatus*:
+<insert tableName="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY">
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRYID" value="dbbe484b-be80-4be5-a804-e4aa877f25a2"/>
+    <column name="KEYID" value="SUPERSTATUS"/>
+    <column name="TITLE" value="superstatus"/>
+    <column name="CONTAINER" value="TaskStatus"/>
+    <column name="SORTING" valueNumeric="110"/>
+    <column name="ISACTIVE" valueNumeric="1"/>
+    <column name="ISESSENTIAL" valueNumeric="0"/>
+<!-- the Icon used by this new status -->
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTERELATIONID" value="03581cd1-1372-43b0-b10e-2bae51a4df30"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY_ID" value="dbbe484b-be80-4be5-a804-e4aa877f25a2"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE_ID" value="472f9bc2-3331-49f9-aba2-72d5eeb89654"/>
+    <column name="CHAR_VALUE" value="NEON:STATUS_NOT_ASSIGNED"/>
+Then you can add it to the *availableStatus* array described above
+===== default status
+To configure one of the *availableStatus* as default (prefilled) just add a *defaultStatus* keyword attribute.
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTERELATIONID" value="6f4e5ec5-6de8-47c1-a70e-d55b84f071e0"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY_ID" value="32aea6bb-6b54-4341-8bf5-6b5b67c004a1"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE_ID" value="729a41d1-0463-480d-bf7b-0eb6c2e96f37"/>
+    <column name="CHAR_VALUE" value="IN-PROGRESS"/>
+==== add additional custom configurations
+If you just would like to extend the SupportTicket (or another custom context) by a per-TicketType configuration without hardcoded cases in the support ticket entity, you can easily add custom keyword attributes and call them in the jdito code:
+Here an example to add a configuration for hiding the progress-field for certain types.
+. first you have to define a new keyword attribute:
+<insert tableName="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE">
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTEID" value="c33ce01f-02f2-41ac-b2be-92e5fca67e31"/>
+    <column name="NAME" value="hideProgress"/>
+    <column name="CONTAINER" value="TicketType"/>
+    <column name="KIND" value="BOOL_VALUE"/>
+. Then you need to assign *true* (1) to all types which you would like to hide the progress:
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTERELATIONID" value="79728cdb-28b8-49e8-97bf-d1318981dace"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY_ID" value="98075159-ecc2-4851-a971-6f3123a495d3"/>
+    <column name="AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE_ID" value="c33ce01f-02f2-41ac-b2be-92e5fca67e31"/>
+    <column name="BOOL_VALUE" valueNumeric="1"/>
+. Extend the Ticket_lib, add a new method based on e.g. *TicketUtils.prototype.getAvailableStatus*:
+ * Get if the progress-field should be hidden
+ * 
+ * @return {Boolean} true if the progress-field should be hidden, false if it should be visible
+ */
+TicketUtils.prototype.isProgressHidden = function()
+    var hidden = JSON.parse(KeywordUtils.getAttributeRelation(this.type, $KeywordRegistry.ticketType(), "hideProgress", false))
+    return hidden;
+. Now you can call this method where you need it. In this case the stateProcess from the TASK_PROGRESS field:
+if (vars.get("$field.TICKETTYPE"))
+    ticketUtils = new TicketUtils(vars.get("$field.TICKETTYPE"))
+    if (ticketUtils.isProgressHidden())
+        result.string(neon.COMPONENTSTATE_INVISIBLE);
+    else
+    {
+        // extra if needed, because in edit-mode, a change from COMPONENTSTATE_INVISIBLE to COMPONENTSTATE_AUTO does not make the component visible
+        if (vars.get("$sys.recordstate") == neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW || vars.get("$sys.recordstate") == neon.OPERATINGSTATE_EDIT)
+            result.string(neon.COMPONENTSTATE_EDITABLE);
+        else
+            result.string(neon.COMPONENTSTATE_AUTO);
+    }
+Now the admin can customize the visibility of the progress-field without any further code change for each TicketType. Just by using the keywords.
+=== Hard way - add new context
+Sometimes you may have special demands and need an own context for your type. E.g. if you add many custom fields and special behaviour.
+But be carefull. This is not an easy task and you should consider to extend the SupportTicket by using keyword attributes like explaned above. 
+(There are ideas for inhertince of entities, which would make this task much more easy, but currently it's only an idea)
+As Reference implementation use SupportTicket from the basic.
+. create a new TicketType keyword and it's keyword attributes as described above (in the easy way)
+. if you need the attributes add your context to the *Attribute_lib*: AttributeUtil.getPossibleUsageContexts()
+. create a new Context (TestTicket)
+. create a new Entity (TestTicket_entity)
+. Basically you now have to recreate each field, process, parameter, consumer, ... just like it's done in Support-ticket.
+** you may join an additional table with custom fields
+** you may ommit some things if they are not needed
+The designer currently cannot copy a whole context/entity. And you shouldn't copy it yourselve outside of the designer because you will miss something, which could have unknown sideeffects.
+So it's better to *recreate* the entity step by step.
+. If you would like to use only one special TicketType with the entity, just change the valueProcess of the Parameter *TicketType_param*. If you yould like to use several types, remove the process and optionally add a whitelist to the consumer *KeywordTickettype* and also filter in the conditionProcess only for the types you need.
+. Add any further customization you want.
+. for support of 360° and creating a ticket from the activity, task or other ticket contexts
+.. add the new context to the *Context_lib*
+. if you need support for creating a ticket from the activity, task or other ticket contexts
+.. you have to extend the *ActivityTask_lib*. There is a switch case in _ActivityTaskUtils._addLinkRecords()
+.. add a similar function like TicketUtils.createNewTicket() into the Ticket_lib using your own contextname
+.. add actions to the activity, task supportticket-entities
+. for 360° support, add your context to the ObjectType_params in all Providers of 36Degree entity where you need it (and to the arrays in Context_lib->ContextUtils.getSelectMap of the .setSubContexts(...) calls where needed)
+. if you would like that your context is selectable in attributes, add it to Attribute_lib->_selectableEntities
+. Search the basic for any further occurence of *SupportTicket* or *TICKET* and decide if you have to add something more. (As there may be added some new special cases to the basic, this guide may not contain all places.)
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