From 961bc480c4fb9834a8502287eca5d2a69d4525f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Hoermann <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 16:28:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] LeadImport_lib: consistent code & comment format

 process/Leadimport_lib/process.js | 561 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 280 insertions(+), 281 deletions(-)

diff --git a/process/Leadimport_lib/process.js b/process/Leadimport_lib/process.js
index 61bee38336..a32169803b 100644
--- a/process/Leadimport_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/Leadimport_lib/process.js
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@ LeadImportUtils.leadTempColumns = function()
-* Load the data
-* @param {String} pBinId req the binary id for loading the binary
-* @param {String} pFieldSep req the fieldSeparator 
-* @param {String} pFieldLimit req the fieldLimit
-* @param {String} pRecordSep req the recordSeparator
-* @param {String} pLeadImportId req the leadimportid
-* @param {String} pUpdate req checks if the Import fields should be deleted or not
-* @param {String} pNewFile req checks if the Import fields should be deleted/updated or not
-* @return {integer} rows the number of rows which have been inserted
+ * Load the data
+ *
+ * @param {String} pBinId the binary id for loading the binary
+ * @param {String} pFieldSep the fieldSeparator 
+ * @param {String} pFieldLimit the fieldLimit
+ * @param {String} pRecordSep the recordSeparator
+ * @param {String} pLeadImportId the leadimportid
+ * @param {String} pUpdate checks if the Import fields should be deleted or not
+ * @param {String} pNewFile checks if the Import fields should be deleted/updated or not
+ *
+ * @return {integer} rows the number of rows which have been inserted
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.loadImportFile = function(pBinId, pFieldSep, pFieldLimit, pRecordSep, pLeadImportId, pUpdate, pNewFile)
     var rows = 0;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ LeadImportUtils.loadImportFile = function(pBinId, pFieldSep, pFieldLimit, pRecor
             var data = db.getBinaryContent(pBinId, SqlUtils.getBinariesAlias());
             data = util.decodeBase64String(data, "UTF-8");
-            var table = text.parseCSV( data.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,""), pRecordSep, pFieldSep, pFieldLimit.charAt(0));
+            var table = text.parseCSV(data.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,""), pRecordSep, pFieldSep, pFieldLimit.charAt(0));
             if(pNewFile != "true")
                 if(pUpdate) {
@@ -126,25 +126,25 @@ LeadImportUtils.loadImportFile = function(pBinId, pFieldSep, pFieldLimit, pRecor
     return rows;
-* processes an import record
-* @param {Object} pDataFields req Objekt von DBFelder
-* @param {Object} pDataTypes req Objekt von DBTypes
-* @param {Object} pFieldDef req Zuordnung der Importfelder
-* @param {Object} pFieldValues req ImportWerte
-* @param {String} pImportDefID req
-* @param {Object} pAttrObject req
-* @param {String} pSource the importSource
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {Array} returns an array with the leadid in the first place, 
-*                 the personobject for duplicate checking in the second place 
-*                 and the organisationobject for duplicate checking in the third place
-LeadImportUtils.importData = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pFieldValues, pImportDefID, pAttrObject, pSource, pUser, pDate )
+ * processes an import record
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pDataFields Objekt von DBFelder
+ * @param {Object} pDataTypes Objekt von DBTypes
+ * @param {Object} pFieldDef Zuordnung der Importfelder
+ * @param {Object} pFieldValues ImportWerte
+ * @param {String} pImportDefID
+ * @param {Object} pAttrObject
+ * @param {String} pSource the importSource
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ *
+ * @return {Array} returns an array with the leadid in the first place, 
+ *                 the personobject for duplicate checking in the second place 
+ *                 and the organisationobject for duplicate checking in the third place
+ * 
+ */
+LeadImportUtils.importData = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pFieldValues, pImportDefID, pAttrObject, pSource, pUser, pDate)
     var LeadValues = LeadImportUtils.setValues(pDataFields["LEAD"], pFieldDef, pFieldValues); // set the Lead values
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ LeadImportUtils.importData = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pField
     var persRet;
     //------create organisation
-    if  (LeadValues["NAME"] != "")//only if Organame is filled
+    if (LeadValues["NAME"] != "")//only if Organame is filled
         orgObjID = "Organisation";//for attribute
         orgRet = LeadImportUtils.insertOrg(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pFieldValues, pUser, pDate);
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ LeadImportUtils.importData = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pField
     //------create person
-    if  (LeadValues[ "LASTNAME" ] != "")//only if lastname is filled
+    if (LeadValues[ "LASTNAME" ] != "")//only if lastname is filled
         persObjID = "Person";//for attribute
         persRet = LeadImportUtils.insertPers(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pFieldValues, orgid, LeadValues, pUser, pDate);
@@ -213,14 +213,14 @@ LeadImportUtils.importData = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pField
     return [leadId, persForDubCheck, orgsForDubCheck];
-* adds two arrays
-* @param {[]} pArray req the first array
-* @param {[]} pAddArray req the second array
-* @return {[]} new Array
+ * adds two arrays
+ *
+ * @param {[]} pArray the first array
+ * @param {[]} pAddArray the second array
+ *
+ * @return {[]} new Array
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.addArray = function(pArray, pAddArray)
     var NewArray = new Array()
@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ LeadImportUtils.addArray = function(pArray, pAddArray)
     return NewArray;
-* returns object with columns of the specified tables
-* @param {[]} pDataTables req Array of TableNames
-* @return {Object} Object with columns
+ * returns object with columns of the specified tables
+ *
+ * @param {[]} pDataTables Array of TableNames
+ *
+ * @return {Object} Object with columns
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.getDataFields = function(pDataTables)
     var DataFields = new Object();
@@ -253,14 +253,14 @@ LeadImportUtils.getDataFields = function(pDataTables)
     return DataFields;
-* returns object with column types of the specified tables
-* @param {[]} pDataTables req Array of TableNames
-* @param {[]} pDataFields req Array of TableColumns
-* @return {Object} object of the column types
+ * returns object with column types of the specified tables
+ *
+ * @param {[]} pDataTables Array of TableNames
+ * @param {[]} pDataFields Array of TableColumns
+ *
+ * @return {Object} object of the column types
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.getDataTypes = function(pDataFields, pDataTables)
     var DataTypes = new Object();
@@ -272,15 +272,15 @@ LeadImportUtils.getDataTypes = function(pDataFields, pDataTables)
-* sets values for a table
-* @param {String []} pFields req fields
-* @param {String []} pFieldDef req assignment of import fields
-* @param {String []} pFieldValues req import values
-* @return {Object} Object with the assigned values
+ * sets values for a table
+ *
+ * @param {String []} pFields fields
+ * @param {String []} pFieldDef assignment of import fields
+ * @param {String []} pFieldValues import values
+ *
+ * @return {Object} Object with the assigned values
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.setValues  = function(pFields, pFieldDef, pFieldValues)
     var DataValues = new Object();
@@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ LeadImportUtils.setValues  = function(pFields, pFieldDef, pFieldValues)
     return DataValues;
-* returns import fields
-* @param {String} pID req ImportID
-* @return {[]} ImportFieldDef
+ * returns import fields
+ *
+ * @param {String} pID ImportID
+ *
+ * @return {[]} ImportFieldDef
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.getImportFieldDef = function(pID)
     var ImportFieldDef = newSelect(["distinct FIELDNUMBER", SqlMaskingUtils.prototype.trim("MAPPINGFIELD"), "''"])
@@ -351,20 +351,20 @@ LeadImportUtils.getImportFieldDef = function(pID)
     return FieldDef;
-* Attribute anlegen.
-* @param {Object} pDataFields req Object of columns
-* @param {Object} pDataTypes req Object of types
-* @param {[]} pFieldDef req assignment of import fields
-* @param {[]} pLeadValues req the lead values
-* @param {String} pContactId req CONTACTID
-* @param {String} pObjectID req ID of the object
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {void}
+ * Attribute anlegen.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pDataFields Object of columns
+ * @param {Object} pDataTypes Object of types
+ * @param {[]} pFieldDef assignment of import fields
+ * @param {[]} pLeadValues the lead values
+ * @param {String} pContactId CONTACTID
+ * @param {String} pObjectID ID of the object
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ * 
+ * @return {void}
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.insertAttr = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pLeadValues, pContactId, pObjectID, pUser, pDate)
     var Fields = pDataFields["AB_ATTRIBUTERELATION"];
@@ -411,18 +411,19 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertAttr = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pFieldDef, pLeadV
-* creates a communication
-* @param {Object} pDataFields req Object of columns
-* @param {Object} pDataTypes req Object of types
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues req the lead values
-* @param {String} contactId req CONTACTID
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {void}
+ * creates a communication
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pDataFields Object of columns
+ * @param {Object} pDataTypes Object of types
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the lead values
+ * @param {String} contactId CONTACTID
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ * 
+ * @return {void}
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.insertComm = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pLeadValues, contactId, pUser, pDate)
     var Fields = pDataFields["COMMUNICATION"];
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertComm = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pLeadValues, cont
         var medium = commMedium[i][0].trim(); //e. g. COMMMOBIL, COMMMAIL
-        if ( pLeadValues[medium] != undefined && pLeadValues[medium] != "" )
+        if (pLeadValues[medium] != undefined && pLeadValues[medium] != "")
             DataValues[ "MEDIUM_ID" ] = medium; //e. g. COMMMOBIL
             DataValues[ "ADDR" ] = pLeadValues[medium];//e. g. +49 123 45678900
@@ -449,18 +450,18 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertComm = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pLeadValues, cont
-* creates an organisation
-* @param {Object} pDataFields req Object of columns
-* @param {Object} pDataTypes req Object of types
-* @param {Object} pFieldDef req assignment of import fields
-* @param {Object} pFieldValues req Object of values
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {String[]} [organisationId, contactId, duplicateMapping, true/false]
+ * creates an organisation
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pDataFields Object of columns
+ * @param {Object} pDataTypes Object of types
+ * @param {Object} pFieldDef assignment of import fields
+ * @param {Object} pFieldValues Object of values
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ *
+ * @return {String[]} [organisationId, contactId, duplicateMapping, true/false]
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.insertOrg = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pFieldValues, pUser, pDate)
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertOrg = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pField
         var orgid = LeadImportUtils.insertTable(pDataFields, pDataTypes, OrgValues, "ORGANISATION", pUser, pDate);
-        var ContactValues = LeadImportUtils.setValues( pDataFields["CONTACT"], pFieldDef, pFieldValues );
+        var ContactValues = LeadImportUtils.setValues(pDataFields["CONTACT"], pFieldDef, pFieldValues);
         ContactValues["STATUS"] = "CONTACTSTATACTIVE";
         ContactValues["ORGANISATION_ID"] = orgid;
         ContactValues["ADDRESS_ID"] = util.getNewUUID();
@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertOrg = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pField
         var contactId =  LeadImportUtils.insertTable(pDataFields, pDataTypes, ContactValues, "CONTACT", pUser, pDate);
-        var AddrValues = LeadImportUtils.setValues(pDataFields["ADDRESS"], pFieldDef, pFieldValues );
+        var AddrValues = LeadImportUtils.setValues(pDataFields["ADDRESS"], pFieldDef, pFieldValues);
         AddrValues["ADDRESSID"] = ContactValues["ADDRESS_ID"];
         AddrValues["ADDR_TYPE"] = "OFFICEADDR";
@@ -497,20 +498,20 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertOrg = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pField
     return new Array(ids[0], ids[1] ,entityFieldValues, false);
-* creates a person
-* @param {Object} pDataFields req Object of columns
-* @param {Object} pDataTypes req Object of types
-* @param {Object} pFieldDef req assignment of import fields
-* @param {Object} pFieldValues req Object of values
-* @param {String} pOrgId the OrganisationId
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the LeadValues
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {String []} ( personId, contactId, duplicateMapping)
+ * creates a person
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pDataFields Object of columns
+ * @param {Object} pDataTypes Object of types
+ * @param {Object} pFieldDef assignment of import fields
+ * @param {Object} pFieldValues Object of values
+ * @param {String} pOrgId the OrganisationId
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the LeadValues
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ *
+ * @return {String []} (personId, contactId, duplicateMapping)
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.insertPers = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pFieldValues, pOrgId, pLeadValues, pUser, pDate)
     var isoLanguage = LeadImportUtils.checkISOLanguage(pLeadValues["ISOLANGUAGE"]);
@@ -551,18 +552,18 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertPers = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes,  pFieldDef, pFiel
     return new Array(persid, contactId, entityFieldValues);
-* Inserts a dataset
-* @param {Object} pDataFields req Object of columns
-* @param {Object} pDataTypes req Object of types
-* @param {Object} pValues req Object of values
-* @param {String} pTable req Table
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {String} Tableid
+ * Inserts a dataset
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pDataFields Object of columns
+ * @param {Object} pDataTypes Object of types
+ * @param {Object} pValues Object of values
+ * @param {String} pTable Table
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ *
+ * @return {String} Tableid
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.insertTable = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pValues, pTable, pUser, pDate)
     var Fields = pDataFields[pTable];
@@ -578,11 +579,11 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertTable = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pValues, pTable,
     pValues["DATE_NEW"] = pDate;
     for (var i = 0; i < Fields.length; i++)
-        if ( pValues[Fields[i]] != "" && Fields[i] != "DATE_NEW" )
+        if (pValues[Fields[i]] != "" && Fields[i] != "DATE_NEW")
-                switch( String( Types[i] ) )
+                switch(String(Types[i]))
                     // formatting of certain data types, e.g. Date
                     case String(SQLTYPES.DATE):
@@ -608,21 +609,21 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertTable = function(pDataFields, pDataTypes, pValues, pTable,
     return pValues[TableID];
-* preparing the attributedata for insert
-* @param {Object} pAttrObject req the object for the attribute
-* @param {String} orgid req the ORGANISATIONID
-* @param {String} persid req the PERSONID
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @param {Boolean} pInsertOrgAttr req true/false checks if an orgAttr should be created or not
-* @return {void}
+ * preparing the attributedata for insert
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pAttrObject the object for the attribute
+ * @param {String} orgid the ORGANISATIONID
+ * @param {String} persid the PERSONID
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ * @param {Boolean} pInsertOrgAttr true/false checks if an orgAttr should be created or not
+ *
+ * @return {void}
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.insertLeadAttr  = function(pAttrObject, orgid, persid, pUser, pDate, pInsertOrgAttr)
-    for ( var i = 0; i < pAttrObject["Values"].length; i++ )
+    for (var i = 0; i < pAttrObject["Values"].length; i++)
         var AttrValues = pAttrObject["Values"][i];
@@ -654,16 +655,16 @@ LeadImportUtils.insertLeadAttr  = function(pAttrObject, orgid, persid, pUser, pD
-* @param {Object} pAttrObject req the object for the attribute
-* @param {[]} pAttrValues req values for the attribute
-* @param {String} pUser req the importuser
-* @param {String} pDate req the importdate
-* @return {void}
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pAttrObject the object for the attribute
+ * @param {[]} pAttrValues values for the attribute
+ * @param {String} pUser the importuser
+ * @param {String} pDate the importdate
+ * 
+ * @return {void}
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.sqlInsertAttr = function(pAttrObject, pAttrValues, pUser, pDate)
     pAttrValues[8] = util.getNewUUID();
@@ -673,13 +674,13 @@ LeadImportUtils.sqlInsertAttr = function(pAttrObject, pAttrValues, pUser, pDate)
     db.insertData("AB_ATTRIBUTERELATION", pAttrObject["Fields"] , pAttrObject["Types"], pAttrValues);
-* returns the object for the leadattribute
-* @param {String} pImportDefID req the ID of the connected dataset
-* @return {Object} object for the leadattribute
+ * returns the object for the leadattribute
+ *
+ * @param {String} pImportDefID the ID of the connected dataset
+ *
+ * @return {Object} object for the leadattribute
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.getLeadAttr = function(pImportDefID)
@@ -695,15 +696,14 @@ LeadImportUtils.getLeadAttr = function(pImportDefID)
-* Checks if the COUNTRY is a valid one.
-* The value is checked against ISO2, ISO3 and NAME_LATIN
-* @param {String} pCountry req the COUNTRY
-* @return {String} validated COUNTRY as ISO2, Default is "DE".
+ * Checks if the COUNTRY is a valid one.
+ * The value is checked against ISO2, ISO3 and NAME_LATIN
+ * 
+ * @param {String} pCountry the COUNTRY
+ *
+ * @return {String} validated COUNTRY as ISO2, Default is "DE".
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.checkCountry = function(pCountry)
     var iso2 = newSelect("MAX(ISO2)") // normally there should be only one so MAX is only to be safe here...
@@ -716,14 +716,14 @@ LeadImportUtils.checkCountry = function(pCountry)
     return iso2 ? iso2 : "DE";
-* Checks if the LANGUAGE is a valid one.
-* The value is checked against ISO2, ISO3 and NAME_LATIN
-* @param {String} pLanguage req the LANGUAGE
-* @return {String} validated LANGUAGE as ISO3. Default is "deu".
+ * Checks if the LANGUAGE is a valid one.
+ * The value is checked against ISO2, ISO3 and NAME_LATIN
+ *  
+ * @param {String} pLanguage the LANGUAGE
+ *
+ * @return {String} validated LANGUAGE as ISO3. Default is "deu".
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.checkISOLanguage = function(pLanguage)
     var iso3 = newSelect("MAX(ISO3)") // normally there should be only one so MAX is only to be safe here...
@@ -737,16 +737,16 @@ LeadImportUtils.checkISOLanguage = function(pLanguage)
-* mapping for the duplicate search for ORGANISATION
-* maps the DB-Field to the ENTITY-Field
-* @param {Object} pOrgDataFields the the ORGANISATION values; 
-* @param {Object} pContactDataFields the CONTACT values; 
-* @param {Object} pAddressDataFields the ADDRESS values; 
-* @return {Object} the mapping
+ * mapping for the duplicate search for ORGANISATION
+ * maps the DB-Field to the ENTITY-Field
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pOrgDataFields the the ORGANISATION values; 
+ * @param {Object} pContactDataFields the CONTACT values; 
+ * @param {Object} pAddressDataFields the ADDRESS values; 
+ * 
+ * @return {Object} the mapping
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.getEntityFieldsOrg = function(pOrgDataFields, pContactDataFields, pAddressDataFields)
     var EntityOrgFieldObj = {};
@@ -758,16 +758,16 @@ LeadImportUtils.getEntityFieldsOrg = function(pOrgDataFields, pContactDataFields
     return EntityOrgFieldObj;  
-* mapping for the duplicate search for PERSON
-* maps the DB-Field to the ENTITY-Field
-* @param {Object} pPersDataFields the the PERSON values; 
-* @param {Object} pContactDataFields the CONTACT values; 
-* @param {Object} pAddressDataFields the ADDRESS values; 
-* @return {Object} the mapping
+ * mapping for the duplicate search for PERSON
+ * maps the DB-Field to the ENTITY-Field
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pPersDataFields the the PERSON values; 
+ * @param {Object} pContactDataFields the CONTACT values; 
+ * @param {Object} pAddressDataFields the ADDRESS values; 
+ * 
+ * @return {Object} the mapping
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.getEntityFieldsPers = function(pPersDataFields, pContactDataFields, pAddressDataFields)
     var EntityPersFieldObj = {};
@@ -782,13 +782,12 @@ LeadImportUtils.getEntityFieldsPers = function(pPersDataFields, pContactDataFiel
     return EntityPersFieldObj;
-* checks if there are dups for the LEAD and updates the status of it
-* @param {Object} pAllContactData the contactData; 
-* @return {void}
+ * checks if there are dups for the LEAD and updates the status of it
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pAllContactData the contactData; 
+ * @return {void}
+ */
 LeadImportUtils.scanLeadDups = function(pAllContactData)
     var dupUpdateLeadTable = "LEAD";
@@ -842,16 +841,15 @@ LeadImportUtils.scanLeadDups = function(pAllContactData)
     db.updates(toUpdate);//update Leads with the new status
-* Checks if there is already an ORGANISATION 
-* if there is one then return the ids of it
-* else return no ids
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues req values of the Lead
-LeadImportUtils.CheckDup = function( pLeadValues)
+ * Checks if there is already an ORGANISATION 
+ * if there is one then return the ids of it
+ * else return no ids
+ *
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues values of the Lead
+ */
+LeadImportUtils.CheckDup = function(pLeadValues)
     //  search whether the organisation already exists        
     var query = newSelect("ORGANISATIONID, CONTACTID")
@@ -931,22 +929,22 @@ LeadImportUtils.getRecordSeparator = function(pKeyId)
-* a static Utility class for contact infos
-* @class
+ * a static Utility class for contact infos
+ * 
+ * @class
+ */
 function ContactInfoUtils() {}
-* checks if there is a department for the contact
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
-* @return {String} the department
+ * checks if there is a department for the contact
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
+ * 
+ * @return {String} the department
+ */
 ContactInfoUtils.getContactDepartment = function(pLeadValues)
-    if ( pLeadValues["DEPARTMENT"] != undefined && pLeadValues["DEPARTMENT"] != "" )
+    if (pLeadValues["DEPARTMENT"] != undefined && pLeadValues["DEPARTMENT"] != "")
         var department = KeywordUtils.getEntryNamesByContainer("ContactDepartment");
@@ -959,16 +957,16 @@ ContactInfoUtils.getContactDepartment = function(pLeadValues)
     return "";
-* checks if there is a position for the contact
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
-* @return {String} the position
+ * checks if there is a position for the contact
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
+ * 
+ * @return {String} the position
+ */
 ContactInfoUtils.getContactPosition = function(pLeadValues)
-    if ( pLeadValues["CONTACTPOSITION"] != undefined && pLeadValues["CONTACTPOSITION"] != "" )
+    if (pLeadValues["CONTACTPOSITION"] != undefined && pLeadValues["CONTACTPOSITION"] != "")
         var position = KeywordUtils.getEntryNamesByContainer("ContactPosition");
@@ -981,16 +979,16 @@ ContactInfoUtils.getContactPosition = function(pLeadValues)
     return "";
-* checks if there is a contactRole for the contact
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
-* @return {String} the contactRole
+ * checks if there is a contactRole for the contact
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
+ * 
+ * @return {String} the contactRole
+ */
 ContactInfoUtils.getContactRole = function(pLeadValues)
-    if ( pLeadValues["CONTACTROLE"] != undefined && pLeadValues["CONTACTROLE"] != "" )
+    if (pLeadValues["CONTACTROLE"] != undefined && pLeadValues["CONTACTROLE"] != "")
         var role = KeywordUtils.getEntryNamesByContainer("ContactContactrole");
@@ -1003,16 +1001,16 @@ ContactInfoUtils.getContactRole = function(pLeadValues)
     return "";
-* checks if there is a gender for the person
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
-* @return {String} the gender
+ * checks if there is a gender for the person
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
+ * 
+ * @return {String} the gender
+ */
 ContactInfoUtils.getGender = function(pLeadValues)
-    if ( pLeadValues["GENDER"] != undefined && pLeadValues["GENDER"] != "" )
+    if (pLeadValues["GENDER"] != undefined && pLeadValues["GENDER"] != "")
         var gender = KeywordUtils.getEntryNamesByContainer("PersonGender");
@@ -1025,18 +1023,18 @@ ContactInfoUtils.getGender = function(pLeadValues)
     return "";
-* checks if there is a salutation for the person
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
-* @param {String} pIsoLanguage the IsoLanguage; 
-* @return {String} the salutation
+ * checks if there is a salutation for the person
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
+ * @param {String} pIsoLanguage the IsoLanguage; 
+ * 
+ * @return {String} the salutation
+ */
 ContactInfoUtils.getSalutation = function(pLeadValues, pIsoLanguage)
     // TODO: use getRows
-    if ( pLeadValues["SALUTATION"] != undefined && pLeadValues["SALUTATION"] != "" )
+    if (pLeadValues["SALUTATION"] != undefined && pLeadValues["SALUTATION"] != "")
         var salutation = newSelect("distinct SALUTATION")
@@ -1052,18 +1050,19 @@ ContactInfoUtils.getSalutation = function(pLeadValues, pIsoLanguage)
     return "";
-* checks if there is a title for the person
-* @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
-* @param {String} pIsoLanguage the IsoLanguage; 
-* @return {String} the title
+ * checks if there is a title for the person
+ * 
+ * @param {Object} pLeadValues the leadValues; 
+ * @param {String} pIsoLanguage the IsoLanguage; 
+ * 
+ * @return {String} the title
+ */
 ContactInfoUtils.getTitle = function(pLeadValues, pIsoLanguage)
     // TODO: use getRows
-    if ( pLeadValues["TITLE"] != undefined && pLeadValues["TITLE"] != "" )
+    if (pLeadValues["TITLE"] != undefined && pLeadValues["TITLE"] != "")
         var title = newSelect("distinct TITLE")