diff --git a/entity/DSGVO_entity/documentation.adoc b/entity/DSGVO_entity/documentation.adoc
index f9d086c2576e5633040cbe6b7c58b605e5cff768..c6340d0bb062aeab222b99507a3ce6c9c57cd537 100644
--- a/entity/DSGVO_entity/documentation.adoc
+++ b/entity/DSGVO_entity/documentation.adoc
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
 = DSGVO_entity
-Entity for mapping the logic for DSGVO
\ No newline at end of file
+Entity for mapping the logic for DSGVO.
+It syncs the DSGVO-tables with the avalailable data of a person always when opened.
+To enable the DSGVO functionality: go to Preferences -> _____PREFERENCES_PROJECT -> _____PREFERENCES_PROJECT
+and enable the dsgvo.active checkbox.
+For more technical docu see the comments in the DataPrivacy_lib
diff --git a/process/DataPrivacy_lib/process.js b/process/DataPrivacy_lib/process.js
index 5eed8a22d0d2bd15427f65dfafc343f3ea205f6e..2072800d57a9bd07337d6bb3c1314da94e09dfee 100644
--- a/process/DataPrivacy_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/DataPrivacy_lib/process.js
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ import("Address_lib");
  ******************READ CAREFULLY****************
+ * How does it work:
+ * Each time you open the DSGVO-context (e.g. the DSGVO filter view) it searches for new DSGVO-relevant data and syncs the DSGVO table with it
+ *
  * Steps for adding a privacy field:
  * - create Keyword Containername: "DSGVOType"
  * - Add to list in DataPrivacyType.get - function with the same name as the keyword keyid. (see DataPrivacyType for all possible parameters)