diff --git a/process/Calendar_lib/process.js b/process/Calendar_lib/process.js
index 7820ef4c7b5061a2dad85569762db68254816007..7cc5df86754571039fbac5b7806a5c2b51f3e7cf 100644
--- a/process/Calendar_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/Calendar_lib/process.js
@@ -117,52 +117,6 @@ CalendarUtil.getEffectiveCalendarIdFromUser = function(pUser)
         return "";
- * Creates an new task (with link).
- *
- * @param {String} pSummary (optional)          <p>
- *                                              The summary.
- * @param {String} pDescription (optional)      <p>
- *                                              The description.
- * @param {Boolean} pWithLink (optional)        <p>
- *                                              True sets an linking to $image.frametable.<br>
- * @param {String[][]} pWithLink (optional)     <p>
- *                                              Description:<br>
- *                                              <ul>
- *                                              <li>pWithLink[0]: Name of the record</li>
- *                                              <li>pWithLink[1]: Id of the shown record</li>
- *                                              <li>pWithLink[2]: linking title</li>
- *                                              </ul>
- * @param {String} pUser (optional)             <p>
- *                                              The user (login).
- * @param {[]} pAffectedUsers (optional)        <p>
- *                                              The afftected users (login).
- * @param {date} pStart (optional)              <p>
- *                                              Start of the appointment.<br>
- * @param {integer} pGroupType (optional)       <p>
- *                                              calendars.GROUP_SINGLE , calendars.GROUP_MULTI
- * @param {date} pDuration (optional)           <p>
- *                                              Duration of the appointment.<br>
- * @param {integer} pCategory (optional)        <p>
- *                                              calendars.CATEGORIES , encoded(String) (e.g.: text.encodeMS(["Service"])).<br>
- * @param {String} pStatus (optional)           <p>
- *                                              Status of the task (calendars.STATUS_TENTATIVE, calendars.STATUS_CONFIRMED, <br>
- *                                              calendars.STATUS_CANCELLED).<br>
- * @param {String} pPriority (optional)         <p>
- *                                              Priority of the task.<br>
- * @param {String} pReminder (optional)         <p>
- *                                              Reminder for the task.<br>
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
-CalendarUtil.newSilentTodo = function(pSummary, pDescription, pWithLink, pUser, pAffectedUsers, pStart, pDuration, pGroupType, pCategory, pStatus, pPriority, pReminder)
-    if ( pGroupType == undefined ) pGroupType = calendars.GROUP_SINGLE;
-    var todo = CalendarUtil.createEntry( calendars.VTODO, pSummary, pDescription, pWithLink, pUser, pAffectedUsers, pStart, pDuration, pCategory, pStatus, pPriority, pReminder );
-    return calendars.insert([todo],calendars.GROUP_SINGLE);
  * Creates and opens an new appointment object (with link).