diff --git a/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js b/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js
index a7c2ddaf30f6f6b136c938af767e55cb40c67334..f267488b4e2ada4f55de7738ff4239cccd152c7d 100644
--- a/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/ImporterMappingFunctions_lib/process.js
@@ -61,116 +61,142 @@ function iKeyword(pObject) {
  * Values of the mapping line:
- * Attribute req -- the new attribute name
- * AType req -- the type of the attribute
- * OType opt -- the type of the object (AB_ATTRIBUTEUSAGE)
- * OID opt -- the row id for the object instance (AB_ATTRIBUTERELATION)
- * Value opt -- the value for the object instance (AB_ATTRIBUTERELATION)
+ * attribute (required): The new attribute name.
+ * attributeType (required): The type of the attribute e.g 'GROUP'.
+ * objectType (optional): The type of the object (AB_ATTRIBUTEUSAGE).
+ * objectId (optional): The OBJECT_ROWID for the object instance (AB_ATTRIBUTERELATION).
+ * value (optional): The value for the object instance (AB_ATTRIBUTERELATION).
  * @name iAttribute
  * @param {Object} pObject req the mapping line
  * @return {Boolean} true
  * */
-function iAttribute(pObject) {
+function iAttribute(pObject) 
     if (!this.doIfCheck(pObject)) return true;
-    var attribute = this.InputRecord[pObject.Attribute];
-    if(attribute == undefined) attribute = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Attribute);
-    var atype = this.InputRecord[pObject.AType];
-    if(atype == undefined) atype = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.AType);
-    var otype = this.InputRecord[pObject.OType];
-    if(otype == undefined) otype = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.OType);
-    var oid = this.InputRecord[pObject.OID];
-    if(oid == undefined) oid = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.OID);
-    var value = this.InputRecord[pObject.Value];
-    if(value == undefined) value = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.Value);
+    var attribute = this.InputRecord[pObject.attribute];
+    var attributeType = this.InputRecord[pObject.attributeType];
+    var objectType = this.InputRecord[pObject.objectType];
+    var objectId = this.InputRecord[pObject.objectId];
+    var value = this.InputRecord[pObject.value];
+    var alias = this.Config.AliasTo;
+    var funcBuffer = this.FuncBuffer.iAttribute;
+    var ab_attribute = this.getTableCase("ab_attribute");
+    var ab_attributeId = this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute.ab_attributeid");
+    var attribute_parent_id = this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute.attribute_parent_id");
+    var attribute_name = this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute.attribute_name");
+    var attribute_type = this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute.attribute_type");
+    var attribute_active = this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute.attribute_active");
+    var ab_attributeUsage = this.getTableCase("ab_attributeusage");
+    var ab_attributeUsageId = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeusage.ab_attributeusageid");
+    var attrU_ab_attribute_id = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeusage.ab_attribute_id");
+    var attrU_object_type = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeusage.object_type");
+    var ab_attributeRelation = this.getTableCase("ab_attributerelation");
+    var attrRel_ab_attribute_id = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelation.ab_attribute_id"); 
+    var ab_attributeRelationId = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelation.ab_attributerelationid");
+    var object_rowId = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelation.object_rowid");
+    var attrRel_object_type = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelation.object_type")
-    if (!attribute || !atype) return true;
-    atype = atype.toUpperCase();
+    if(attribute == undefined) attribute = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.attribute);
+    if(attributeType == undefined) attributeType = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.attributeType);
+    if(objectType == undefined) objectType = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.objectType);
+    if(objectId == undefined) objectId = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.objectId);
+    if(value == undefined) value = this.resolveSymbol(pObject, pObject.value);
+    if (!attribute || !attributeType) return true;
+    attributeType = attributeType.toUpperCase();
     var valueColumn = "";
     var attributes = attribute.split(".");   
-    var columns = [this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeid"), this.getColumnCase("attribute_parent_id"), this.getColumnCase("attribute_name"), 
-    this.getColumnCase("attribute_type"), this.getColumnCase("attribute_level"), this.getColumnCase("attribute_active")];
+    var columns = [ab_attributeId, attribute_parent_id, attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_active];
     var type = $AttributeTypes.GROUP.toString();
-    switch (atype) {
-        case $AttributeTypes.TEXT.toString():
-            valueColumn = this.getColumnCase("char_value");
-            break;
-        case $AttributeTypes.DATE.toString():
-            valueColumn = this.getColumnCase("date_value");
-            break;
-        case $AttributeTypes.NUMBER.toString():
-            valueColumn = this.getColumnCase("number_value");
-            break;
-        case $AttributeTypes.BOOLEAN.toString():
-            valueColumn = this.getColumnCase("bool_value");
-            break;
+    if ($AttributeTypes[attributeType] == undefined) 
+    {
+        this.writeLog(this.LogLevels.Error, "iAttribute: " + attributeType + " isn't a valid attribute type.");
+        return false;
+    }
+    switch (attributeType) 
+    {
         case $AttributeTypes.COMBO.toString():
-            valueColumn = this.getColumnCase("id_value");
+            valueColumn = $AttributeTypes[attributeType].databaseField;
             type = $AttributeTypes.COMBO.toString();
-            return true;
+            valueColumn = $AttributeTypes[attributeType].databaseField;
-    if (this.FuncBuffer.iAttribute == undefined) this.FuncBuffer.iAttribute = {
-        childs: {}
-    };
-    var pathToFollow = this.FuncBuffer.iAttribute;
-    for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)  {
-        if (pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]] != undefined) {
-            var id = pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]]["id"];            
-        } else {
-            pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]] = {
-                id: id, 
-                childs: {}
-            };
-            if (i == 0) {
-                var parent = "NULL";  
-                var sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeid") + " from  " + this.getTableCase("ab_attribute") + " where " 
-                + this.getColumnCase("attribute_name") + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("attribute_level") + " = 0";
-                id = db.cell([sql, [[attributes[i], SQLTYPES.VARCHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);                         
-            } else {
+    if (funcBuffer == undefined) funcBuffer = {childs: {}};
+    var pathToFollow = funcBuffer;
+    for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) 
+    {    
+        if (pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]] != undefined) var id = pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]]["id"];
+        else 
+        {
+            pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]] = {id: id, childs: {}};
+            if (i == 0) 
+            {
+                var parent = "NULL";
+                // select ab_attributeid from AB_ATTRIBUTE where ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'Subordinate campaign of' and attribute_parent_id is null
+                id = newSelect(ab_attributeId, alias).from(ab_attribute).where(attribute_name, attributes[i])
+                        .and(attribute_parent_id, "is null").cell();
+            } 
+            else 
+            {
                 parent = pathToFollow["id"];
-                sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeid") + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_attribute") + " where " 
-                + this.getColumnCase("attribute_name") + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("attribute_parent_id") + " = ?";
-                id = db.cell([sql, [[attributes[i], SQLTYPES.VARCHAR], [parent, SQLTYPES.CHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);                         
-            }       
-            if (id == "" || id == null) {
+                id = newSelect(ab_attributeId, alias).from(ab_attribute).where(attribute_name, attributes[i])
+                        .and(attribute_parent_id, parent).cell();
+            }
+            if (id == "" || id == null) 
+            {
                 id = util.getNewUUID();
-                if (attributes.length == i+1) type = atype;
-                //TODO: add insertNoWait to instantly add AB_ATTRIBUTE records; this ensures that nothing is in the funcBuffer that does not exist in the database
+                if (attributes.length == i+1) type = attributeType;
+                //TODO: add insertNoWait to instantly add AB_ATTRIBUTE records; 
+                //this ensures that nothing is in the funcBuffer that does not exist in the database
                 //TODO: check: are COMOB-values added automatically?
-                this.insertData(this.getTableCase("ab_attribute"), columns, null, [id, parent, attributes[i], type, i.toString(), "1"], this.Config.AliasTo);
-            }
-            pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]]["id"] = id;
+                var values = [id, parent, attributes[i], type, "1"];
+                this.insertData(ab_attribute, columns, null, values, alias);
+            }   
+            pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]]["id"] = id;   
         pathToFollow = pathToFollow["childs"][attributes[i]];
-    } 
+    }
-    if (otype) {
-        var aid = id;
-        sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeusageid") + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_attributeusage") + " where "
-        + this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute_id") + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("object_type") + " = ?";
-        id = db.cell([sql, [[aid, SQLTYPES.CHAR], [otype, SQLTYPES.VARCHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);      
-        if (id == "" || id == null) {
-            columns = [this.getColumnCase("ab_attributeusageid"), this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute_id"), this.getColumnCase("object_type")];
-            this.insertData(this.getTableCase("ab_attributeusage"), columns, null, [util.getNewUUID(), aid, otype], this.Config.AliasTo);
+    if (objectType) 
+    {
+        var attributeId = id;
+        id = newSelect(ab_attributeUsageId, alias).from(ab_attributeUsage).where(attrU_ab_attribute_id, attributeId)
+                .and(attrU_object_type, objectType).cell();
+        if (id == "" || id == null) 
+        {
+            columns = [ab_attributeUsageId, attrU_ab_attribute_id, attrU_object_type];
+            values = [util.getNewUUID(), attributeId, objectType];
+            this.insertData(ab_attributeUsage, columns, null, values, alias);
-        if (value && oid) {
-            sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelationid") + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_attributerelation") + " where " 
-            + this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute_id") + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("object_rowid") + " = ? and "
-            + this.getColumnCase("object_type") + " = ?";
-            id = db.cell([sql, [[aid, SQLTYPES.CHAR], [oid, SQLTYPES.CHAR], [otype, SQLTYPES.VARCHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);
-            if (id == "" || id == null) {
-                columns = [this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelationid"), this.getColumnCase("ab_attribute_id"), this.getColumnCase("object_type"),
-                this.getColumnCase("object_rowid"), valueColumn];
-                this.insertData(this.getTableCase("ab_attributerelation"), columns, null, [util.getNewUUID(), aid, otype, oid, value], this.Config.AliasTo);
-            } else if (this.Config.ImportCommand.indexOf("update") != -1) {
-                cond = this.getColumnCase("ab_attributerelationid") + " = '" + id + "'";
-                this.updateData(this.getTableCase("ab_attributerelation"), [valueColumn], null, [value], cond, this.Config.AliasTo);
+        if (value && objectId) 
+        {
+            id = newSelect(ab_attributeRelationId, alias).from(ab_attributeRelation).where(attrRel_ab_attribute_id, attributeId)
+                    .and(object_rowId, objectId).and(attrRel_object_type, objectType).cell();
+            if (id == "" || id == null) 
+            {
+                columns = [ab_attributeRelationId, attrRel_ab_attribute_id, attrRel_object_type, object_rowId, valueColumn];
+                values = [util.getNewUUID(), attributeId, objectType, objectId, value];
+                this.insertData(ab_attributeRelation, columns, null, values, alias);
+            } 
+            else if (this.Config.ImportCommand.indexOf("update") != -1)
+            {
+                cond = ab_attributeRelationId + " = '" + id + "'";
+                this.updateData(ab_attributeRelation, [valueColumn], null, [value], cond, alias);
@@ -231,9 +257,9 @@ function iKeywordAttribute(pObject) {
     var sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attributeid") 
-            + " from  " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_attribute") 
-            + " where " + this.getColumnCase("name") 
-            + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("container") + " = ?";
+    + " from  " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_attribute") 
+    + " where " + this.getColumnCase("name") 
+    + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("container") + " = ?";
     var attributeId = db.cell([sql, [[keywordAttribute, SQLTYPES.VARCHAR], [keywordContainer, SQLTYPES.VARCHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo); 
@@ -241,36 +267,36 @@ function iKeywordAttribute(pObject) {
     if (attributeId == "" || attributeId == null) {
         attributeId = util.getNewUUID();
         var columns = [this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attributeid"), 
-                        this.getColumnCase("name"), 
-                        this.getColumnCase("container"), 
-                        this.getColumnCase("kind")];
+        this.getColumnCase("name"), 
+        this.getColumnCase("container"), 
+        this.getColumnCase("kind")];
         this.insertData(this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_attribute"), columns, null, 
-                        [attributeId, keywordAttribute, keywordContainer, keywordAttributeType], this.Config.AliasTo);
+            [attributeId, keywordAttribute, keywordContainer, keywordAttributeType], this.Config.AliasTo);
     // Creates the entry in AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY and AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTERELATION, case if it not exists.
     if (keyword && keywordAttrRelValue) {   
         sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_entryid")
-            + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_entry")
-            + " where " + this.getColumnCase("keyid") + " = ?";
+        + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_entry")
+        + " where " + this.getColumnCase("keyid") + " = ?";
         var keywordId = db.cell([sql, [[keyword, SQLTYPES.CHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);      
         if (keywordId == "" || keywordId == null) {
             sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("keyid") 
-                + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_entry") 
-                + " where " + this.getColumnCase("container") 
-                + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("title") + " = ?";
+            + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_entry") 
+            + " where " + this.getColumnCase("container") 
+            + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("title") + " = ?";
             keywordId = db.cell([sql, [[keywordContainer, SQLTYPES.VARCHAR], [keyword, SQLTYPES.VARCHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);
             if (keywordId == "" || keywordId == null) {
                 columns = [this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_entryid"), this.getColumnCase("keyid"), this.getColumnCase("container"),
-                            this.getColumnCase("title"), this.getColumnCase("sorting"), this.getColumnCase("isactive"),
-                            this.getColumnCase("isessential")]; 
+                this.getColumnCase("title"), this.getColumnCase("sorting"), this.getColumnCase("isactive"),
+                this.getColumnCase("isessential")]; 
                 sql = "select max(coalesce(sorting, 0))+1 from ab_keyword_entry where container = ?";
@@ -287,21 +313,21 @@ function iKeywordAttribute(pObject) {
         // Creates or updates the keyword attributerelation.
         sql = "select " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attributerelationid") 
-            + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_attributerelation") 
-            + " where " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_entry_id") 
-            + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attribute_id") + " = ?";
+        + " from " + this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_attributerelation") 
+        + " where " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_entry_id") 
+        + " = ? and " + this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attribute_id") + " = ?";
         id = db.cell([sql, [[keywordId, SQLTYPES.CHAR], [attributeId, SQLTYPES.CHAR]]], this.Config.AliasTo);
         if (id == "" || id == null) {
             columns = [this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attributerelationid"), 
-                        this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_entry_id"), 
-                        this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attribute_id"), 
-                        valueColumn];
+            this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_entry_id"), 
+            this.getColumnCase("ab_keyword_attribute_id"), 
+            valueColumn];
             id = util.getNewUUID();
             this.insertData(this.getTableCase("ab_keyword_attributerelation"), columns, null,
-                            [id, keywordId, attributeId, keywordAttrRelValue], this.Config.AliasTo);
+                [id, keywordId, attributeId, keywordAttrRelValue], this.Config.AliasTo);
         } else {
             if (this.Config.ImportCommand.indexOf("update") != -1) {
diff --git a/process/Importer_lib/process.js b/process/Importer_lib/process.js
index ad800c6581ee472cf3a7e1e90ed9b4f6a67be8a7..430c8e0aa7734b65247a12799a2181d0610594a8 100644
--- a/process/Importer_lib/process.js
+++ b/process/Importer_lib/process.js
@@ -1050,6 +1050,17 @@ function Importer(pConfig)
     this.insertData = function(pTable, pColumns, pTypes, pValues, pAlias)
+        // Checks wether the given columns (pColumns) are in the following format: tablename.columnname
+        // and case when then the following code cuts away the string "tablename."-String to get only the column name.
+        // Its required for the continueing processes otherwise a exception will be thrown.
+        for (i = 0; i < pColumns.length; i++) 
+        {
+            if (pColumns[i].indexOf(".", 0) > -1)
+            {
+                pColumns[i] = pColumns[i].substring(pColumns[i].indexOf(".", 0)+1, pColumns[i].length);
+            }
+        }
         var tt = datetime.date();
         var resData = true;
         if(this.Preview == false)
@@ -1089,14 +1100,17 @@ function Importer(pConfig)
-                        this.insertArray.push([this.getTableCase(pTable), pColumns, pTypes, pValues, pAlias]);
+                        var types = pTypes != null ? pTypes : pColumns.map(function (columnName) {
+                            return this.getColumnDataType(this.getTableCase(pTable), this.getColumnCase(columnName));
+                        }, this);
+                        this.insertArray.push([this.getTableCase(pTable), pColumns, types, pValues, pAlias]);
                 this.writeLog(this.LogLevels.Error, "Exception at insertData for record: " + getRecordString(pColumns, pValues));
-                logging.log(ex);
+                logging.log(ex["rhinoException"] != undefined ? ex["rhinoException"] : ex);
                 resData = false;
@@ -1195,16 +1209,20 @@ function Importer(pConfig)
+                        var types = theTypes != null ? theTypes : pColumns.map(function (columnName){
+                            return this.getColumnDataType(this.getTableCase(pTable), this.getColumnCase(columnName))
+                        }, this);
                         if(this.CompleteUpdate == false)
                             if(theCols.length > minchanges)
-                                this.updateArray.push([this.getTableCase(pTable), theCols, theTypes, theValues, pCondition, pAlias]);
+                                this.updateArray.push([this.getTableCase(pTable), theCols, types, theValues, pCondition, pAlias]);
-                            this.updateArray.push([this.getTableCase(pTable), theCols, theTypes, theValues, pCondition, pAlias]);
+                            this.updateArray.push([this.getTableCase(pTable), theCols, types, theValues, pCondition, pAlias]);
@@ -1212,7 +1230,7 @@ function Importer(pConfig)
                 resultData = false;
-                this.writeLog(this.LogLevels.Error, "Exception at updateData for record: " + getRecordString(pColumns, pValues));
+                logging.log(ex["rhinoException"] != undefined ? ex["rhinoException"] : ex);
@@ -1481,7 +1499,7 @@ function Importer(pConfig)
             return pName.toLowerCase();
             return pName;
-    }
+    };
     //Converts a string with the columnname in upper or lower case
     this.getColumnCase = function(pName)
@@ -1494,6 +1512,20 @@ function Importer(pConfig)
             return pName;
+    //Converts a string with the columnname in upper or lower case
+    this.getColumnDataType = function(pTableName, pColumnName)
+    {
+        if (this.DataType[pTableName] == undefined)
+            throw new Error("Importer: getColumnDataType: could not retrieve column data type for table: " + pTableName );
+        var dataType = this.DataType[pTableName][pColumnName];
+        if (dataType == undefined)
+            throw new Error("Importer: getColumnDataType: could not retrieve column data type for table.column: " + pTableName + "." + pColumnName);
+        return dataType;
+    };
     this.doIfCheck = function(pObject)
         if (pObject.DoIf == undefined) return true;