
 * Methods used by Offer.
 * Do not create an instance of this!
 * @class
function OfferUtils() {}
 * Delivers the next valid offer number (has to be unique)
 * @return {String} next valid offer number
OfferUtils.getNextOfferNumber = function() {
    return NumberSequencingUtils.getNextUniqueNumber("OFFERCODE", "OFFER");
 * Delivers the next valid offer version number
 * @return {String} offerCode next valid offer version number
OfferUtils.getNextOfferVersionNumber = function(offerCode) {
    return NumberSequencingUtils.getNextUniqueNumber("VERSNR", "OFFER", 1, "OFFERCODE = " + offerCode);
 * Checks if the passed offer number is valid (has to be unique)
 * @param {String} offerNumber offer number to check
 * @return {Boolean} passed number is valid
OfferUtils.validateOfferNumber = function(offerNumber) {
    return NumberSequencingUtils.validateUniqueNumber(offerNumber, "OFFERCODE", "OFFER");
OfferUtils.getOfferNumberValidationFailString = function() {
    return translate.text("The offer number already exists!");
OfferUtils.isEditable = function(status) {
    // TODO: Administrator darf immer �ndern, warten auf neue Berechtigungslogik?

    // Offer should be editable if offer state not equals "Sent", "Won" or "Lost"
    return status != "2" && status != "3" && status != "4";

 * Create a new offer and open the offer context in NEW-mode
OfferUtils.createNewOffer = function(pContextId, pRowId, pRelationId)
    var params = {};
    if (pRowId && pContextId)
        params["ObjectRowId_param"] = pRowId;
        params["ObjectType_param"] = pContextId;
    if (pRelationId)
        params["ContactId_param"] = pRelationId;
    neon.openContext("Offer", null, null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW, params);

 * Open Offer report, the report is translated to the language of the offer
 * @param {String} pOfferID
 * @return {[]}
OfferUtils.openOfferReport = function (pOfferID)
    var offerReport = new Report("Offer_report");  
    var sqlUtil = new SqlMaskingUtils();
    var offerFields = [
        "DELIVERYTERMS", //4
        "HEADER", //8
        sqlUtil.isNull("VERSNR", "0"),
        sqlUtil.isNull("OFFERCODE", "0"), 
        "OBJECT_TYPE", //12
        "OBJECT_ROWID", //13
        "FOOTER" //14
    var offerSql = SqlCondition.begin()
        .andPrepare("OFFER.OFFERID", pOfferID)
        .buildSql("select " + offerFields.join(", ") + " from OFFER", "1 = 0");
    var offerData = db.array(db.ROW, offerSql);
    offerData[7] = datetime.toDate(offerData[7], translate.text("dd.MM.yyyy", language));
    var language = db.cell(SqlCondition.begin()
        .andPrepare("AB_LANGUAGE.ISO3", offerData[2])
        .buildSql("select ISO2 from AB_LANGUAGE", "1=0"));
    var contactId = offerData[1];
    var offerItemFields = [
        "OFFERITEM.OPTIONAL",  //4
        "OFFERITEM.UNIT", //8
        sqlUtil.isNull("OFFERITEM.QUANTITY", "0"), 
        sqlUtil.isNull("OFFERITEM.PRICE", "0"),
        sqlUtil.isNull("OFFERITEM.DISCOUNT", "0"), 
        sqlUtil.isNull("OFFERITEM.VAT", "0"), //12
    var offerItemSql = SqlCondition.begin()
        .andPrepare("OFFERITEM.OFFER_ID", pOfferID)
            "select " + offerItemFields.join(", ") + " from OFFERITEM left join PRODUCT on PRODUCT.PRODUCTID = OFFERITEM.PRODUCT_ID", 
            "1 = 0"
    var itemData = db.table(offerItemSql);
    if (itemData.length == 0)
    var addrobj = new AddrObject(contactId);
    var fullPrice = 0;
    var itemSum = 0;
    var sumItemSum = 0;
    var total = 0;
    var sums = [];
    var vatsum = 0;
    var printDiscount = false;
    itemData = (item)
        //quantity * price
        fullPrice = eMath.mulDec(parseFloat(item[9]), parseFloat(item[10])); //price without discount
        if (item[4] != "1") //optional
            //itemSum = (fullPrice * (100 - discount)) / 100
            itemSum = eMath.roundDec(eMath.divDec(eMath.mulDec(fullPrice, eMath.subDec(100, item[11])), 100), 2, eMath.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); //sum of the item (with discount)
            sumItemSum += itemSum; //total sum (without vat) 
        //vatsum = itemSum * vat / 100
        vatsum = eMath.divDec(eMath.mulDec(itemSum, item[12]), 100); //vat per product
        if (item[12] > 0) 
            sums.push([item[12], vatsum]); //MWSteuerwerte für Map vorbereiten
        // sumItemSum + vat
        total = eMath.addDec(sumItemSum, offerData[9]); //total sum with vat
        if (!printDiscount && item[11] > 0)
            printDiscount = true;
        return [
            offerData[6],   //currency
            offerData[7],   //offerdate
            pOfferID,       //offerId
            item[0],        //info
            item[1],        //assignedTo
            item[3],        //itemname
            item[4],        //optional
            item[5],        //itemposition
            item[6],        //productcode
            offerData[8],   //header 
            offerData[14],   //footer 
            text.formatDouble(item[9], translate.text("#,##0"), true),          //quantity
            text.formatDouble(item[10], translate.text("#,##0.00"), true),      //price
            text.formatDouble(item[11], translate.text("0.00"), true),          //discount
            offerData[10],  //versnr
            offerData[5],   //offercode
            text.formatDouble(item[12], translate.text("#,##0.00"), true),      //vat
            text.formatDouble(itemSum, translate.text("#,##0.00"), true),       //itemsum
            KeywordUtils.getViewValue($KeywordRegistry.quantityUnit(), item[8]) //unittext
    // TODO: get Images implementieren
    var imgData = ["meineFirma | Konrad-Zuse-Straße 4  |  DE 84144 Geisenhausen",
                // getMyASYS_ICONSdata();
    // TODO: implementieren wenn Attribute möglich sind
    var adma = ""; //adma = Aussendienstmitarbeiter
    /*var adm = getAddressData( [GetAttributeKey( "Aussendienst", "1", orgrelid, pUser )[0]],
        [["Person","function", "concat( ['SALUTATION', 'TITLE', 'FIRSTNAME','LASTNAME'])"],
        ["Telefon", "function", "getCommAddrSQL('Telefon', 'CONTACT.CONTACTID')"],
        ["Email", "function", "getCommAddrSQL('E-Mail', 'CONTACT.CONTACTID')"]
        ] );
    var adma = "";
    if (adm[1] != undefined)  adma = adm[1].join("\n");*/
    var params = {
        "PaymentConditions" : translate.text("Conditions of payment", language),
        "Articledescription" : translate.text("Articledescription", language),
        "DeliveryConditions" : translate.text("Deliveryspecification", language),
        "OFFERPers" : addrobj.getFormattedAddress(false, "{letter_salutation},"), 
        "Articlenumber" : translate.text("Articlenumber", language),
        "OFFERAddr" : translate.text(offerData[0].trim(), language),
        "PlusSalestax" : translate.text("Plus Salestax", language),
        "Unitprice" : translate.text("Unitprice", language),
        "directlyResponsible" : translate.text("Directly responsible:", language),
        "Number" : translate.text("Number", language),
        "Discount" : translate.text("Discount", language),
        "Amount" : translate.text("Amount", language),
        "Total" : translate.text("Total", language),
        "Date" : translate.text("Date", language),
        "VAT" : translate.text("VAT", language),
        "Sum" : translate.text("Sum", language),
        "Pos" : translate.text("Pos.", language),
        "myAddr" : imgData[0],
        "OfferPaymentTerm" : KeywordUtils.getViewValue($KeywordRegistry.paymentTerm(), offerData[3]),
        "OfferDeliveryTerm" : KeywordUtils.getViewValue($KeywordRegistry.deliveryTerm(), offerData[4]),
        "responsible" : adma,
        "SUMITEMSUM" : sumItemSum,
        "TOTAL" : text.formatDouble(total, translate.text("#,##0.00"), true),
        "printDiscount" : printDiscount ? "1" : "0"

    offerReport.addImage("myLogo", imgData[1]);

    offerReport.addSubReportData("subdata", ReportData.begin(["VAT","WERT"]).add(sums));

            "OFFERITEM_ASSIGNEDTO", //4
            "OFFERITEM_ITEMNAME" , 
            "PRODUCT_PRODUCTCODE", //8
            "OFFERITEM_DISCOUNT", //13
            "ITEMSUM", // 17

 * opens an offer in NEW mode with values from an offer
 * @param {String} pOfferId of the offer
 * @param {String} pContactId
 * @param {String} pLanguage
 * @param {String} [pCurrency=""]
 * @param {String} [pHeader=""]
 * @param {String} [pFooter=""]
 * @param {String} [pDeliveryTerm=""]
 * @param {String} [pPaymentTerm=""]
 * @param {String} [pSalesprojectId=""]
OfferUtils.copyOffer = function (pOfferId, pContactId, pLanguage, pCurrency, pHeader, pFooter, pDeliveryTerm, pPaymentTerm, pObjectType, pRowId)
    var params = {
        "ContactId_param" : pContactId,
        "OfferLanguage_param" : pLanguage,
        "OfferOriginal_Id_param" : pOfferId,
        "OfferCurrency_param" : pCurrency || "",
        "OfferHeader_param" : pHeader || "",
        "OfferFooter_param" : pFooter || "",
        "OfferDeliveryTerm_param" : pDeliveryTerm || "",
        "OfferPaymentTerm_param" : pPaymentTerm || "",
        "ObjectType_param" : pObjectType || "",
        "ObjectRowId_param" : pRowId || ""
    neon.openContext("Offer", null, null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW, params);

 * copies all offerItems from one offer to another
 * @param {String} pSourceOfferId
 * @param {String} pTargetOfferId
OfferUtils.copyOfferItems = function (pSourceOfferId, pTargetOfferId)
    var InputMapping = {
        "OFFERITEM": {
            condition: "OFFER_ID = '" + pSourceOfferId + "' order by ITEMSORT",
            ValueMapping: {
                "OFFER_ID" : pTargetOfferId
    var oiUtils = new OfferItemUtils(pTargetOfferId);
    //update order price
    cols = ["NET", "VAT"];
    var vals = oiUtils.getNetAndVat();
    db.updateData("OFFER", cols, null, vals, SqlCondition.equals("OFFER.OFFERID", pTargetOfferId, "1 = 2"));

 * opens an order in NEW mode with values from an offer
 * @param pOfferId {String} id of the offer
 * @param pSalesprojectId {String} salesproject id
 * @param pContactId {String} contact id
 * @param pLanguage {String} language
 * @param pCurrency {String} [currency=""]
 * @param pAddress {String} [address=""]
 * @param pHeader {String} [header=""]
OfferUtils.copyToOrder = function (pOfferId, pSalesprojectId, pContactId, pLanguage, pCurrency, pAddress, pHeader)
    var params = {
        "ContactId_param" : pContactId,
        "SalesprojectId_param" : pSalesprojectId,
        "OrderLanguage_param" : pLanguage,
        "OfferId_param" : pOfferId,
        "OrderCurrency_param" : pCurrency || "",
        "OrderAddress_param" : pAddress || "",
        "OrderHeader_param" : pHeader || ""
    neon.openContext("Order", null, null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW, params);

 * gets the title of an offer from the id
 * @param pOfferId {String} offer-id
 * @return {String} offer title 
OfferUtils.getOfferTitleById = function (pOfferId)
    if (!pOfferId)
        return "";
    var offerNumber = db.array(db.ROW, SqlCondition.begin()
        .andPrepare("OFFER.OFFERID", pOfferId)
        .buildSql("select OFFERCODE, VERSNR from OFFER"));
    return offerNumber.length > 0 
        ? translate.text("Offer") + " " + offerNumber.join("-") 
        : "";


 * Provides methods for dealing with offer items.
 * Inherits methods from abstract class ItemUtils.
 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
 * @class
function OfferItemUtils(pOfferId) {
    // extends ItemUtils
    ItemUtils.apply(this, [pOfferId, "OFFER"]);
    OfferItemUtils.prototype = Object.create(ItemUtils.prototype);
    OfferItemUtils.prototype.constructor = OfferItemUtils;

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.getNetAndVat = function(offeritemIdsToDel) {
    return ItemUtils.prototype.getNetAndVat.apply(this, [offeritemIdsToDel]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.initItemTree = function() {

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.getItemSum = function(pQuantity, pPrice, pDiscount, pOptional) {
    return ItemUtils.prototype.getItemSum.apply(this, [pQuantity, pPrice, pDiscount, pOptional]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.getItemVAT = function(pQuantity, pPrice, pDiscount, pVAT, pOptional) {
    return ItemUtils.prototype.getItemVAT.apply(this, [pQuantity, pPrice, pDiscount, pVAT, pOptional]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.roundPrice = function(pPrice) {
    return ItemUtils.prototype.roundPrice.apply(this, [pPrice]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.insertPartsList = function(pProductId, pAssignedTo, pCurrency, pContactId) {
    var cols =  ["OFFERITEMID"
                , "OFFER_ID"
                , "PRODUCT_ID"
                , "GROUPCODEID"
                , "ASSIGNEDTO"
                , "ITEMNAME"
                , "UNIT"
                , "PRICE"
                , "VAT"
                , "QUANTITY"
                , "OPTIONAL"
                , "ITEMPOSITION"
                , "ITEMSORT"];

    return ItemUtils.prototype.insertPartsList.apply(this, [cols, pProductId, pAssignedTo, pCurrency, pContactId, [["INFO", "INFO"]]]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.deletePartsList = function(pItemId) {
    return ItemUtils.prototype.deletePartsList.apply(this, [pItemId]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.getNextItemSort = function(pIds) {

    return ItemUtils.prototype.getNextItemSort.apply(this, [pIds]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.getNextItemPosition = function(pAssignedTo, pTree, pIds) {

    return ItemUtils.prototype.getNextItemPosition.apply(this, [pAssignedTo, pTree, pIds]);

 * For documentation, see class ItemUtils.
OfferItemUtils.prototype.reOrgItems = function() {