import("system.logging"); import("system.entities"); import("MarketingCondition_lib"); import("system.fileIO"); import("system.project"); import("Util_lib"); import("system.translate"); import("ActivityTask_lib"); import("system.util"); import("Contact_lib"); import("system.datetime"); import("system.neon"); import("Employee_lib"); import("system.vars"); import("KeywordRegistry_basic"); import("Sql_lib"); import("system.db"); import("DocumentTemplate_lib"); import("Communication_lib"); import("Email_lib"); import("system.process"); import("system.notification"); import("Document_lib"); import("system.db"); import("system.workflow"); import("system.logging"); /** * Functions for bulk mails. */ function BulkMailUtils () {} /** * Executes a process to send bulk mails on the server and creates a notification when finished. * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * Id of the bulk mail.<br> * @param {Bool} pTestRun (optional) <p> * True indicates a Testrun<br> * @param {String} pUser=currentUser (optional) <p> * User that will get the notification, <br> * if null (not undefined!), no notification<br> * will be created.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.sendBulkMailOnServer = function (pBulkMailId, pTestRun, pUser) { if (pUser === undefined) pUser = EmployeeUtils.getCurrentUserId(); var processConfig = process.createStartAsyncConfig() .setName("sendBulkMail_serverProcess") .setLocalVariables({ bulkMailId : pBulkMailId, testRun : pTestRun, user : pUser || "" }) .setUser(pUser||"mailbridge") process.startAsync(processConfig); } /** * Sends a bulk mail. You should only call this function on the server because it * can take some time to execute, use BulkMailUtils.sendBulkMailOnServer instead. * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * Id of the bulk mail.<br> * @param {Bool} pIsTestRun (optional) <p> * True indicates a Testrun<br> * @return {Object} <p> * Count of sucessful and failed mails.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.sendBulkMail = function (pBulkMailId, pIsTestRun) { if (pIsTestRun == undefined) { pIsTestRun = false; } var [templateId, subject, emailSender, createActivity, bulkMailName, useTemplateAttachments] = newSelect("DOCUMENTTEMPLATE_ID, SUBJECT, SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CREATEACTIVITIES, NAME, USE_TEMPLATE_ATTACHMENTS") .from("BULKMAIL") .where("BULKMAIL.BULKMAILID", pBulkMailId) .arrayRow(); useTemplateAttachments = Utils.toBoolean(useTemplateAttachments); var template = BulkMailUtils.getBulkMailTemplate(pBulkMailId, templateId, true, useTemplateAttachments); var recipientData; var testRecipientData; var recipientLoadConfig = entities.createConfigForLoadingRows() .fields(["BULKMAILRECIPIENTID", "CONTACT_ID", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "PERSON_ID", "ORGANISATION_ID"]) .entity("BulkmailRecipient_entity") .provider("RecipientsToBeMailed") .addParameter("BulkMailId_param", pBulkMailId) .addParameter("IsTestMail_param", pIsTestRun); recipientData = entities.getRows(recipientLoadConfig); if (pIsTestRun) { testRecipientData = newSelect("BULKMAILTESTRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID, BULKMAILTESTRECIPIENT.EMAIL_ADDRESS") .from("BULKMAILTESTRECIPIENT") .where("BULKMAILTESTRECIPIENT.BULKMAIL_ID", pBulkMailId) .table(); } var mailrunId = util.getNewUUID(); new SqlBuilder() .tableName("MAIL_RUN") .insertFields({ "MAIL_RUNID": mailrunId, "OBJECT_ROWID": pBulkMailId, "OBJECT_TYPE": "Bulkmail", "DATE_RUN_START": vars.get("$"), "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailStatus$beingSent(), "TESTRUN": pIsTestRun ? 1 : 0 }); var mailLogIds = new Map(); var contactIds = (recipient) { var contactId = recipient["CONTACT_ID"]; mailLogIds.set(contactId, util.getNewUUID()); return contactId; }); var baseUrl = vars.get("$sys.origin") + "/services/rest/redirect_rest?"; var linkPlaceholders = newSelect(["PLACEHOLDER", "WEBLINKID", "URL", "ISREDIRECT"]) .from("WEBLINK") .table() .map(function ([placeholder, weblinkId, url, isRedirect]) { if (Utils.toBoolean(isRedirect)) { var linkFn; //Mosaico places a url in front of the placeholder if it gets placed inside image src //so we temporarily create the whole html tag with a placeholder for the opener until this is solved if (placeholder == "pixel") { linkFn = function (pContactId) { return "<img src=\""+baseUrl + "link=" + weblinkId + "&log=" + mailLogIds.get(pContactId)+"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" align=\"top\">"; } } else { linkFn = function (pContactId) { return baseUrl + "link=" + weblinkId + "&log=" + mailLogIds.get(pContactId); } } return new Placeholder(placeholder, Placeholder.types.CALLBACKFUNCTION, linkFn); } return new Placeholder(placeholder, Placeholder.types.FIXEDVALUE, url); }); var successIds = []; var failedIds = []; var sentDate = vars.get("$"); var mails = template.getReplacedEmailsByContactIds(contactIds, linkPlaceholders); var subjectTemplate = new DocumentTemplate(subject, DocumentTemplate.types.PLAIN); var subjects = subjectTemplate.getReplacedContentByContactIds(contactIds); var bulkMailLink = [["BulkMail", pBulkMailId]]; var activitySubject = translate.withArguments("Bulk mail \"%0\" sent", [bulkMailName]); if (!pIsTestRun) { recipientData.forEach(function (recipient) { let isSuccess = false; let recipientId = recipient["BULKMAILRECIPIENTID"]; let contactId = recipient["CONTACT_ID"]; let emailAddress = recipient["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]; let personId = recipient["PERSON_ID"]; let organisationId = recipient["ORGANISATION_ID"]; let email = mails[contactId]; let mailLogId = mailLogIds.get(contactId); if (email !== undefined && emailAddress) { email.toRecipients = [emailAddress]; email.sender = emailSender; email.subject = subjects[contactId]; BulkMailUtils.storeEmlFile(pBulkMailId, mailrunId, mailLogId,email.getEML()); isSuccess = email.send(); } //set the recipient status to 'sent' or 'failed' new SqlBuilder() .tableName("MAIL_LOG") .insertFields({ "MAIL_LOGID": mailLogId, "MAIL_RUN_ID": mailrunId, "CONTACT_ID": contactId, "STATUS": isSuccess ? $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$sent() : $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$failed(), "SENDER_EMAIL": emailSender, "RECIPIENT_EMAIL": emailAddress, "MAILING_SUBJECT": subjects[contactId], "DATE_SEND": vars.get("$") }); //TODO: Klären was von alter Logik noch bleiben soll. Status macht nur Sinn wenn jede Bulkmail nur einmal gesendet wird. Bleiben Activitys? ? successIds : failedIds, recipientId); if (isSuccess && createActivity == "1") { let activityData = { categoryKeywordId : $KeywordRegistry.activityCategory$mail(), directionKeywordId : $KeywordRegistry.activityDirection$outgoing(), subject : activitySubject, content : email.body }; let contactLink = [[ContactUtils.getContextByPersOrg(personId, organisationId), contactId]]; ActivityUtils.insertNewActivity(activityData, bulkMailLink.concat(contactLink)); } }); newWhereIfSet("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAILRECIPIENTID", successIds, SqlBuilder.IN()) .updateFields({ "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$sent(), "SENTDATE": sentDate }); newWhereIfSet("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAILRECIPIENTID", failedIds, SqlBuilder.IN()) .updateFields({ "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$failed(), "SENTDATE": sentDate }); newWhere("MAIL_RUN.MAIL_RUNID", mailrunId) .updateFields({ "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailStatus$sent(), "DATE_RUN_FINISHED": vars.get("$") }); newWhere("BULKMAIL.BULKMAILID", pBulkMailId) .updateFields({ "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailStatus$sent() }); } else { for (let i = 0, l = recipientData.length; i < l; i++) { let isSuccess = false; let contactId = recipientData[i]["CONTACT_ID"]; let email = mails[contactId]; if (email !== undefined) { email.sender = emailSender; email.subject = "Test: "+subjects[contactId]; for (let j =0; j<testRecipientData.length;j++) { if(testRecipientData[j][1]) { email.toRecipients = [testRecipientData[j][1]]; isSuccess = email.send(); ? successIds : failedIds, recipientData[i]["BULKMAILRECIPIENTID"]); if (testRecipientData[j][0]) { let mailLogId = util.getNewUUID(); db.insertData("MAIL_LOG", ["MAIL_LOGID","MAIL_RUN_ID","CONTACT_ID","STATUS","SENDER_EMAIL","RECIPIENT_EMAIL","MAILING_SUBJECT","DATE_SEND"], null, [mailLogId,mailrunId,testRecipientData[j][0],(isSuccess ?$KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$sent(): $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$failed()),emailSender,testRecipientData[j][1],email.subject,vars.get("$")]); this.storeEmlFile(pBulkMailId, mailrunId, mailLogId,email.getEML()); } } } } } newWhere("MAIL_RUN.MAIL_RUNID",mailrunId) .updateData(true,"MAIL_RUN",["STATUS","DATE_RUN_FINISHED"],null,[$KeywordRegistry.bulkMailStatus$sent(),vars.get("$")]); } return { sucessful : successIds.length, failed : failedIds.length }; } /** * Opens a context to select a bulk mail to add recipients to.<br> * * @param {String} pContext the context of the contacts (Person or Organisation) * @param {String[]} pContactIds Recipients that should be added.<br> * @param {String|Object} pFilter the filter for the contacts that should be used if no contact is selected */ BulkMailUtils.openAddRecipientView = function (pContext, pContactIds, pFilter) { if (!Utils.isString(pContactIds)) pContactIds = JSON.stringify(pContactIds); if (!Utils.isString(pFilter)) pFilter = JSON.stringify(pFilter); neon.openContext("BulkMailAddRecipients", "BulkMailAddRecipientsEdit_view", null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_VIEW, { "ObjectType_param": pContext, "ContactIds_param": pContactIds, "ContactFilter_param": pFilter }); } /** * Deletes all bulk mail recipients that have a commrestriction for emails.<br> * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The mail id.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.removeCommRestrictionRecipients = function (pBulkMailId) { var recipientIds = newSelect("BULKMAILRECIPIENTID") .from("BULKMAILRECIPIENT") .join("CONTACT", "BULKMAILRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID = CONTACT.CONTACTID") .where("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAIL_ID", pBulkMailId) .and(new CommunicationSettingsCondition() .emails("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.EMAIL_ADDRESS") .rejected() .existSettings() .buildCondition()) .arrayColumn(); newWhereIfSet("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAILRECIPIENTID", recipientIds, SqlBuilder.IN()) .deleteData(); } /** * Adds recipients to a bulkmail.<br> * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * Bulk mail id.<br> * @param {String[]} pContactIds <p> * Contact ids of the recipients.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.addRecipients = function (pBulkMailId, pContactIds) { if (pContactIds.length > 0) { var contactData = newSelect(["CONTACTID", "(" + CommUtil.getStandardSubSqlMail(newWhere("COMMUNICATION.CONTACT_ID = CONTACTID")) + ")"]) .from("CONTACT") .where("CONTACT.CONTACTID", pContactIds, SqlBuilder.IN()) .table(); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(); var inserts =[contactId, standardMail]) { return sqlBuilder.buildInsertStatement({ "BULKMAIL_ID": pBulkMailId, "CONTACT_ID": contactId, "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailRecipientStatus$pending(), "EMAIL_ADDRESS": standardMail }, "BULKMAILRECIPIENT", "BULKMAILRECIPIENTID"); }); db.inserts(inserts); } } /** * Loads the document template of a bulk mail. If the bulk mail * itself has a template, it is preferred over the documentTemplate-id. * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The id of the bulk mail.<br> * @param {String} pDocumentTemplateId <p> * The id of the document template.<br> * @param {Boolean} pResolveSubtemplates=true (optional) <p> * If true subtemplates are resolved (if the type is html) * @param {Boolean} pUseTemplateAttachments=false <p> * If true the attachments from the document template is always used * @param {FileUpload} pUpload (optional) <p> * The upload value if a custom template is used.<br> * @return {DocumentTemplate} <p> * The document template, null if no content was found.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.getBulkMailTemplate = function (pBulkMailId, pDocumentTemplateId, pResolveSubtemplates, pUseTemplateAttachments, pUpload) { if (pUpload && pUpload.isFilled() && BulkMailUtils.isValidMimeType(pUpload.mimeType)) return DocumentTemplate.fromUpload(pUpload); var bulkTemplate = DocumentTemplate.loadTemplate(pBulkMailId, "BULKMAIL", pResolveSubtemplates); var documentTemplate = DocumentTemplate.loadTemplate(pDocumentTemplateId, undefined, pResolveSubtemplates); if (!bulkTemplate.content) { return documentTemplate; } else { if (pUseTemplateAttachments) bulkTemplate.setAttachments(documentTemplate.getAttachments()); return bulkTemplate; } } /** * Checks if a contact is a recipient of a bulk mail.<br> * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The id of the bulk mail.<br> * @param {String} pContactId <p> * The contact id.<br> * @param {String} pRecipientId <p> * The contact id of the contact where,<br> * the bulk mail shall sent to.<br> * @return {boolean} <p> * True, if the contact is a recipient.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.isRecipient = function (pBulkMailId, pContactId, pRecipientId) { return newSelect("count(*)") .from("BULKMAILRECIPIENT") .where("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID", pContactId) .and("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAIL_ID", pBulkMailId) .andIfSet("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAILRECIPIENTID", pRecipientId, SqlBuilder.NOT_EQUAL()) .cell() != "0"; //TODO: is there a way exists could be used? } /** * Opens the BulkMail context in new mode.<br> * * @param {String[]} pRecipients (optional) <p> * Recipients that should be added after creation.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.newBulkMail = function (pRecipients) { var params = { "PresetRecipients_param" : JSON.stringify(pRecipients) }; neon.openContext("BulkMail", "BulkMailEdit_view", null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW, params); } /** * Filters the given contactIds if they can be added as new recipients. * Checks if a contact is already a recipient or if there is a advertising ban. * * @param {String} pBulkMailId id of the bulk mail the contacts should be added to * @param {String[]} pContactIds contacts to filter * @return {String[]} contacts that can be added as recipients */ BulkMailUtils.filterNewRecipients = function (pBulkMailId, pContactIds) { return newSelect("CONTACTID") .from("CONTACT") .whereIfSet("CONTACT.CONTACTID", pContactIds, SqlBuilder.IN()) // only add contacts that aren't already recipients .and(null, newSelect("BULKMAILRECIPIENTID") .from("BULKMAILRECIPIENT") .where("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID = CONTACT.CONTACTID") .and("BULKMAILRECIPIENT.BULKMAIL_ID", pBulkMailId) , SqlBuilder.NOT_EXISTS()) // check if there's a commrestriction .and(new CommunicationSettingsCondition() .emails(CommUtil.getStandardSubSqlMail()) .rejected() .existNoSettings() .buildCondition()) .arrayColumn(); } /** * Opens the given bulk mail. * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The id of the bulk mail.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.openBulkMail = function (pBulkMailId) { neon.openContext("BulkMail", "BulkMailMain_view", [pBulkMailId], neon.OPERATINGSTATE_VIEW, null); } /** * Checks is the given mime type can be used for a bulk mail.<br> * * @param {String} pMimeType <p> * The mime type.<br> * @return {Boolean} <p> * Whether the type is usable or not.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.isValidMimeType = function (pMimeType) { var templateType = DocumentTemplate.types.fromMimeType(pMimeType); return BulkMailUtils.isValidTemplateType(templateType) } /** * Checks is the given template type can be used for a bulk mail.<br> * * @param {String} pTemplateType <p> * Template type.<br> * @return {Boolean} <p> * Whether the type is usable or not.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.isValidTemplateType = function (pTemplateType) { switch (pTemplateType) { case DocumentTemplate.types.EML: case DocumentTemplate.types.HTML: case DocumentTemplate.types.TXT: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Checks whether the given status id matches,<br> * to the status of a bulk mail which is sent or<br> * not. * * @param {String} pStatus <p> * The key id of the current status.<br> * @return {Boolean} <p> * True if the status is "sent" or "sending".<br> */ BulkMailUtils.isStatusSendingOrSent = function (pStatus) { return pStatus == $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailStatus$sent() || pStatus == $KeywordRegistry.bulkMailStatus$beingSent() } /** * Opens BulkMail context in new mode, with the given bulk mail id.<br> * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The id of the bulk mail.<br> */ BulkMailUtils.copy = function(pBulkMailId) { var params = { "CopyBulkMailId_param" : pBulkMailId }; neon.openContext("BulkMail", null, null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_NEW, params); } /* *Stores the Eml file for a bulkmailrecipient in the Filesystem * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The id of the bulk mail.<br> * @param {String} pMailRunId <p> * The id of the bulk mail run.<br> * @param {String} pMailLogId <p> * The id of the corresponding mail log entry.<br> **/ BulkMailUtils.storeEmlFile = function(pBulkMailId,pMailRunId, pMailLogId,pFile) { var locationoption = project.getPreferenceValue("bulkmail.fileStorage","/bulkMailFiles/"); var path = vars.get("$sys.serverdata")+locationoption +pBulkMailId+"/"+pMailRunId+"/"; var filename = pMailLogId+".eml" var fullPath = path + filename; fileIO.storeData(fullPath, pFile, util.DATA_BINARY, false); } /* *Loads the Eml file for a bulkmailrecipient from the Filesystem * * @param {String} pBulkMailId <p> * The id of the bulk mail.<br> * @param {String} pMailRunId <p> * The id of the bulk mail run.<br> * @param {String} pMailLogId <p> * The id of the corresponding mail log entry.<br> * @return {String} <p> * The file as base64 String<br> **/ BulkMailUtils.getEmlFile = function(pBulkMailId,pMailRunId, pMailLogId) { var locationoption = project.getPreferenceValue("bulkmail.fileStorage","/bulkMailFiles/"); var path = vars.get("$sys.serverdata")+locationoption +pBulkMailId+"/"+pMailRunId+"/"; var filename = pMailLogId+".eml" var fullPath = path + filename; return (fileIO.getData(fullPath,util.DATA_BINARY)); } /* *Gets the redirecturl for a link in a bulkmail * * @param {String} pLinkId <p> * The id of the link.<br> * * @return {String} <p> * The url<br> **/ BulkMailUtils.getRedirectLink = function(pLinkId) { if (pLinkId) { return newSelect("WEBLINK.URL").from("WEBLINK").where("WEBLINK.WEBLINKID", pLinkId).cell(); } return null; } /* *Inserts the Redirect into the link_click table. * *If its the first Click the Id gets put as opener in mail_log * * @param {String} pMailLogId (required)<p> * The id of the mail log.<br> * @param {String} pIpAddress <p> * the ip address of the client.<br> * @param {String} pLinkId <p> * The id of link.<br> * @param {String} pBrowsername <p> * The browser that was used to open the link.<br> * @param {String} pOperatingSystemName <p> * The Operating System that was used to open the link.<br> * @param {String} pDeviceType <p> * The device type that was used to open the link.<br> **/ BulkMailUtils.insertClick = function (pMailLogId,pIpAddress,pLinkId,pBrowsername,pOperatingSystemName,pDeviceType) { if (!pMailLogId || !pLinkId) { return; } var linkClickId = util.getNewUUID(); new SqlBuilder() .tableName("WEBLINK_CLICK") .insertFields({ "WEBLINK_CLICKID": linkClickId, "WEBLINK_ID": pLinkId, "DEVICE_TYPE": pDeviceType || "desktop", "OPERATING_SYSTEM": pOperatingSystemName, "BROWSER": pBrowsername, "IP_ADDRESS": pIpAddress, "MAIL_LOG_ID": pMailLogId, "DATE_OPENED": vars.get("$") }); newWhere("MAIL_LOG.MAIL_LOGID", pMailLogId) .and("MAIL_LOG.OPENER_LINK_CLICK_ID is null") .updateFields({"OPENER_LINK_CLICK_ID": linkClickId}); } /*@TODO: Abändern nachdem geklärt ist wie wir IP-Adresse erhalten. Momentan bekommen wir nur Loadbalancer Ip. * **/ BulkMailUtils.getIpAddressFromHeader = function(pHttpHeader) { return pHttpHeader["X-forwarded-for"].split(",")[0]; } BulkMailUtils.startBulkmailWorkFlow = function(pMailLogId, pLinkId) { if (!pMailLogId || !pLinkId) { return } var [actionType, workflowKey, signalName] = newSelect(["ACTION_TYPE", "WORKFLOWPROCESSDEFINITION_KEY", "WORKFLOWSIGNAL_NAME"]) .from("WEBLINK") .where("WEBLINK.WEBLINKID", pLinkId) .arrayRow(); var variables = { "mailLogId": pMailLogId, "linkId": pLinkId }; if (actionType == $KeywordRegistry.weblinkActionType$startWorkflow() && workflowKey) { workflow.startProcessByKey(workflowKey, variables); } else if (actionType == $KeywordRegistry.weblinkActionType$sendWorkflowSignal() && signalName) { workflow.signalEventReceived(signalName, variables); } } function SerialLetterUtils () {} /** * Adds recipients to a serial letter.<br> * * @param {String} pSerialLetterId <p> * The id of the serial letter.<br> * @param {String[]} pContactIds <p> * Contact ids of the recipients.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.addRecipients = function (pSerialLetterId, pContactIds) { var columns = [ "LETTERRECIPIENTID", "SERIALLETTER_ID", "CONTACT_ID" ]; var inserts = []; for (let i = 0, l = pContactIds.length; i < l; i++) { inserts.push(["LETTERRECIPIENT", columns, null, [util.getNewUUID(), pSerialLetterId, pContactIds[i]]]); } db.inserts(inserts); } /** * Opens a context to select a serial letter to add recipients to.<br> * * @param {String} pContext the context of the contacts (Person or Organisation) * @param {String[]} pContactIds Recipients that should be added.<br> * @param {String|Object} pFilter the filter for the contacts that should be used if no contact is selected */ SerialLetterUtils.openAddRecipientView = function (pContext, pContactIds, pFilter) { if (!Utils.isString(pContactIds)) pContactIds = JSON.stringify(pContactIds); if (!Utils.isString(pFilter)) pFilter = JSON.stringify(pFilter); neon.openContext("SerialLetterAddRecipients", "SerialLetterAddRecipientsEdit_view", null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_VIEW, { "ObjectType_param": pContext, "ContactIds_param": pContactIds, "ContactFilter_param": pFilter }); } /** * Executes a server process that builds a serial letter.<br> * * @param {String} pSerialLetterId <p> * The id of the serial letter.<br> * @param {String[]} pRecipientIds (optional) <p> * Letter recipient ids of that should be used.<br> * If omitted, all recipients of the letter will be used.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.buildSerialLetterOnServer = function (pSerialLetterId, pRecipientIds) { var user = EmployeeUtils.getCurrentUserId(); var processConfig = process.createStartAsyncConfig() .setName("buildSerialLetter_serverProcess") .setLocalVariables({ "serialLetterId" : pSerialLetterId, "recipientIds" : JSON.stringify(pRecipientIds), "user" : user }) .setUser(vars.get("$sys.user")); process.startAsync(processConfig); } /** * Executes a server process that builds a serial letter.<br> * * @param {String} pSerialLetterId <p> * Serial letter id.<br> * @param {String[]} pRecipientIds <p> * Letter recipient ids of that should be used.<br> * If omitted, all recipients of the letter will be used.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.buildSerialLetter = function (pSerialLetterId, pRecipientIds) { var [templateId, title] = newSelect("DOCUMENTTEMPLATE_ID, TITLE") .from("SERIALLETTER") .where("SERIALLETTER.SERIALLETTERID", pSerialLetterId) .arrayRow(true); var template = SerialLetterUtils.getSerialLetterTemplate(pSerialLetterId, templateId); var contactIdsSelect = newSelect("CONTACT_ID") .from("LETTERRECIPIENT") .join("CONTACT", newWhere("LETTERRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID = CONTACT.CONTACTID")) .where("LETTERRECIPIENT.SERIALLETTER_ID", pSerialLetterId) .andIfSet(new CommunicationSettingsCondition() .postalAddress("LETTERRECIPIENT.ADDRESS_ID") .rejected() .existNoSettings() .buildCondition()); if (pRecipientIds && pRecipientIds.length > 0) contactIdsSelect.and("LETTERRECIPIENT.LETTERRECIPIENTID", pRecipientIds, SqlBuilder.IN()); var contactIds = contactIdsSelect.table(); if(template != null){ return { content : template.getSerialLetterByContactIds(contactIds), filename : template.filename, title : title };} else{ return{ title : title } } } /** * Checks if a contact is a recipient of a serial letter.<br> * * @param {String} pSerialLetterId <p> * The id of the serial letter.<br> * @param {String} pContactId <p> * The contact id of the contact.<br> * @param {String} pRecipientId (optional) <p> * Letter recipient id.<br> * @return {Boolean} <p> * True, if the contact is a recipient<br> * and otherwise false.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.isRecipient = function (pSerialLetterId, pContactId, pRecipientId) { return newSelect("count(*)") .from("LETTERRECIPIENT") .where("LETTERRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID", pContactId) .and("LETTERRECIPIENT.SERIALLETTER_ID", pSerialLetterId) .andIfSet("LETTERRECIPIENT.LETTERRECIPIENTID", pRecipientId, SqlBuilder.NOT_EQUAL()) .cell() != "0"; // TODO: is there a way exists could be used? } /** * Opens the serial letter context in new mode, with<br> * the given serial letter id.<br> * * @param {String} pSerialLetterId <p> * The id of the serial letter.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.openSerialLetter = function (pSerialLetterId) { neon.openContext("SerialLetter", "SerialLetterMain_view", [pSerialLetterId], neon.OPERATINGSTATE_VIEW, null); } /** * Loads the document template of a serial letter. <br> * If the serial letter itself has a template, it is <br> * preferred over the documentTemplate-id.<br> * * @param {String} pLetterId <p> * The id of the serial letter.<br> * @param {String} pDocumentTemplateId <p> * The id of the document template.<br> * @return {DocumentTemplate} <p> * The document template.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.getSerialLetterTemplate = function (pLetterId, pDocumentTemplateId) { var template = DocumentTemplate.loadTemplate(pLetterId, "SERIALLETTER"); if (!template.type) template = DocumentTemplate.loadTemplate(pDocumentTemplateId); return template; } /** * Adds contacts or organistaions to a serial letter by contactIds.<br> * * @param {String} pContactIds <p> * The contact ids as JSON array.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.addParticipantsByRowIds = function(pContactIds) { var params = { "ContactIds_param" : pContactIds }; neon.openContext("SerialLetterAddRecipients", "SerialLetterAddRecipientsEdit_view", null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_VIEW, params); } /** * Adds contacts or organistaions to a serial letter by condition (filter).<br> * * @param {String} pCondition <p> * Contact ids. * @param {String} pSourceTableName <p> * The source table.<br> */ SerialLetterUtils.addParticipantsByCondition = function(pCondition, pSourceTableName) { var params = { "ContactIds_param" : pCondition, "comingFrom_param" : pSourceTableName} neon.openContext("SerialLetterAddRecipients", "SerialLetterAddRecipientsEdit_view", null, neon.OPERATINGSTATE_VIEW, params); } /** * Filters the given contactIds if they can be added as new recipients. * Checks if a contact is already a recipient or if there is a advertising ban. * * @param {String} pSerialLetterId id of the seroal letter the contacts should be added to * @param {String[]} pContactIds contacts to filter * @return {String[]} contacts that can be added as recipients */ SerialLetterUtils.filterNewRecipients = function (pSerialLetterId, pContactIds) { return newSelect("CONTACTID") .from("CONTACT") .whereIfSet("CONTACT.CONTACTID", pContactIds, SqlBuilder.IN()) // only add contacts that aren't already recipients .and(null, newSelect("LETTERRECIPIENTID") .from("LETTERRECIPIENT") .where("LETTERRECIPIENT.CONTACT_ID = CONTACT.CONTACTID") .and("LETTERRECIPIENT.SERIALLETTER_ID", pSerialLetterId) , SqlBuilder.NOT_EXISTS()) // check if there's a commrestriction .and(new CommunicationSettingsCondition() .postalAddress("CONTACT.ADDRESS_ID") .rejected() .existNoSettings() .buildCondition()) .arrayColumn(); }