import(""); import("system.text"); import("system.datetime"); import("system.notification"); import("system.translate"); import("Contact_lib"); import("KeywordRegistry_basic"); import("system.vars"); import("system.util"); import("Sql_lib"); import("Util_lib"); import("system.db"); import("system.indexsearch"); import("JditoFilter_lib"); import("Util_lib"); import("system.process"); import("Employee_lib"); /** * Functions for district. */ function DistrictUtils () {} /** * Gets the name of a district * * @param {String} pDistrictId <p> * Id of the district.<br> * @return {String} <p> * Name of the district.<br> */ DistrictUtils.getDistrictName = function (pDistrictId) { var districtName = newSelect("DISTRICT_NAME") .from("DISTRICT") .where("DISTRICT.DISTRICTID", pDistrictId) .cell(true); return(districtName) } /** * Get data from district * * @param {String} pDistrictId <p> * ID of a district<br> * @return {Array} <p> * array of data from a district <br> */ DistrictUtils.getDataFromDistrict = function (pDistrictId) { var districtData = newSelect("DISTRICT_FILTER, PARENTDISTRICT_DISTRICTID") .from("DISTRICT") .where("DISTRICT.DISTRICTID", pDistrictId) .arrayRow(); return(districtData); } /** * Get data from a special district * * @param {String} pDistrictContactId <p> * Id of the districtcontact.<br> * @return {Array} <p> * array of data from one districtcontact dataset <br> */ DistrictUtils.getDataFromDistrictContact = function (pDistrictContactId) { var arrData = newSelect("DISTRICT_ID, ADVISER_CONTACT_ID, CONTACT_ID") .from("DISTRICTCONTACT") .where("DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICTCONTACTID", pDistrictContactId) .arrayRow(); return(arrData); } /** * Executes a process to assign districts on the server and creates a notification when finished. * * @param {Array} pArrDistrictIds <p> * Array of district-IDs.<br> * @param {String} pUser=currentUser (optional) <p> * User who will get the notification, <br> * User who will start the batch job. <br> * e.g: "_____USER_bcdfb521-c7d0-4ef1-8916-78e7d3232046" <br> * @param {String} pContactId (optional) <p> * Organisation which should be assigned to all <br> * according districts with auto assignment is true <br> */ DistrictUtils.assignDistrictOnServer = function (pArrDistrictIds, pUser, pContactId) { if (pUser === undefined) pUser = EmployeeUtils.getCurrentUserId(); var processConfig = process.createStartAsyncConfig() .setName("assignDistrict_serverProcess") .setLocalVariables({ arrDistrictIds : pArrDistrictIds.join(";"), user : pUser || "", contactId : pContactId || "" }) .setUser(pUser); process.startAsync(processConfig); } /** * Assignes a district to companies. You should only call this function on the server because it * can take some time to execute, use DistrictUtils.assignDistrictOnServer instead. * * @param {String} pDistrictId <p> * Id of the district.<br> * @param {String} pAppliedFilter <p> * Filter condition to get the assigned companies.<br> * @param {String} pContactId (opt) <p> * Only filled when a special contact-ID should assigned to a district.<br>* * @return {Object} <p> * Count of new assigned companies and no longer assigned companies.<br> */ DistrictUtils.assignDistrict = function (pDistrictId, pAppliedFilter, pContactId) { if (pContactId == undefined) pContactId = null; var newAssigned = 0; var unchanged = 0; var invalid = 0; var updated = 0; //parse JSON-Formatted Filters to SQL-Condition var appliedFilterCondition = JSON.parse(pAppliedFilter).filter; appliedFilterCondition = JSON.stringify(appliedFilterCondition); var sqlCondition = db.toFilterCondition(appliedFilterCondition, "Organisation_entity"); //get all responsibleContacts, assigned to the superior district var arrResponsibleIds = newSelect(["DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.EMPLOYEE_CONTACT_ID", "DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.ADVISER_ROLE", "DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.ADVISER_STATUS", "DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.VALID_FROM", "DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.VALID_UNTIL", "DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.VISITFREQUENCY"]) .from("DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE") .where("DISTRICTRESPONSIBLE.DISTRICT_ID", pDistrictId) .table(); var arrOrgContactIdsAndStatus = new SqlBuilder() .selectDistinct("CONTACT.CONTACTID, CONTACT.STATUS") .from("ORGANISATION") .join("CONTACT", newWhere("ORGANISATION.ORGANISATIONID = CONTACT.ORGANISATION_ID").and("CONTACT.PERSON_ID is null")) .leftJoin("ADDRESS", "ADDRESS.ADDRESSID = CONTACT.ADDRESS_ID") .leftJoin("CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE", "CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE.OBJECT_ROWID = CONTACT.CONTACTID") .whereIfSet(sqlCondition) .andIfSet("CONTACT.CONTACTID", pContactId) .table(); var arrOrgContactIds = []; var orgContactStatusObj = {}; for (let i = 0; i < arrOrgContactIdsAndStatus.length; i++) { arrOrgContactIds.push(arrOrgContactIdsAndStatus[i][0]); orgContactStatusObj[arrOrgContactIdsAndStatus[i][0]] = arrOrgContactIdsAndStatus[i][1]; } var colsInsert = [ "DISTRICTCONTACTID", "CONTACT_ID", "DISTRICT_ID", "ADVISER_CONTACT_ID", "ADVISER_ROLE", "STATUS", "VALID_FROM", "VALID_UNTIL", "ORIGIN", "VISITFREQUENCY", "USER_NEW", "DATE_NEW" ]; var colsUpdate = [ "STATUS", "USER_EDIT", "DATE_EDIT" ]; //create districtContact datasets for (var j=0; j < arrResponsibleIds.length; j++) { var insertArray = []; var updateArray = []; var updateStatements = []; var existingEnriesObject = {}; var updatecond = ""; var [resContactId, resRole, resStatus, resValidFrom, resValidUntil, resVisitFrequency] = arrResponsibleIds[j]; var arrExistingEntries = []; if(!pContactId) { arrExistingEntries = new SqlBuilder() .select(["DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICT_ID", "DISTRICTCONTACT.CONTACT_ID", "DISTRICTCONTACT.ADVISER_CONTACT_ID", "DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICTCONTACTID" , "DISTRICTCONTACT.STATUS", "DISTRICTCONTACT.ADVISER_ROLE", "DISTRICTCONTACT.VISITFREQUENCY", "DISTRICTCONTACT.VALID_FROM", "DISTRICTCONTACT.VALID_UNTIL"]) .from("DISTRICTCONTACT") .where("DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICT_ID", pDistrictId) .and("DISTRICTCONTACT.ADVISER_CONTACT_ID", resContactId) .and("DISTRICTCONTACT.ORIGIN", $KeywordRegistry.districtOrigin$auto()) .table(); } //create associative object so we don't have too loop trough an array to check wheter or not exisiting Entries already exist. for (var aee = 0; aee < arrExistingEntries.length; aee++) { //existingEnriesObject[DISTRICT_ID + CONTACT_ID + ADVISER_CONTACT_ID] = [ID, STATUS] existingEnriesObject[ arrExistingEntries[aee][0] + arrExistingEntries[aee][1] + arrExistingEntries[aee][2] ] = {"districtContactId": arrExistingEntries[aee][3] , "status": arrExistingEntries[aee][4] , "role": arrExistingEntries[aee][5] , "visitFrequency" : arrExistingEntries[aee][6] , "vlaidFrom" : arrExistingEntries[aee][7] , "vlaidUntil" : arrExistingEntries[aee][8]}; } for (var i = 0; i < arrOrgContactIds.length; i++) { resStatus = orgContactStatusObj[arrOrgContactIds[i]] == $KeywordRegistry.contactStatus$inactive() ? $KeywordRegistry.contactStatus$inReview() : resStatus;//set to in review if org is inactive //insert new assignments var valsInsert = [ util.getNewUUID(), arrOrgContactIds[i], pDistrictId, resContactId, resRole, resStatus, resValidFrom, resValidUntil, $KeywordRegistry.districtOrigin$auto(), //origin resVisitFrequency, vars.get("$sys.user"), vars.get("$") ]; //association = DISTRICT_ID + CONTACT_ID + ADVISER_CONTACT_ID var existingEntryAssoz = pDistrictId + arrOrgContactIds[i] + arrResponsibleIds[j][0]; var checkexistingEntry = existingEnriesObject[existingEntryAssoz]; //existingEnriesObject[pDistrictId + arrOrgContactIds[i] + arrResponsibleIds[j][0]] //check associative Array if (checkexistingEntry == undefined) { //insert missing entries newAssigned++ insertArray.push(["DISTRICTCONTACT", colsInsert, null, valsInsert]); } else if (checkexistingEntry != undefined && checkexistingEntry["status"] != $KeywordRegistry.contactStatus$inReview() && (checkexistingEntry["status"] != resStatus || checkexistingEntry["role"] != resRole || checkexistingEntry["validFrom"] != resValidFrom || checkexistingEntry["validUntil"] != resValidUntil || checkexistingEntry["visitFrequency"] != resVisitFrequency))// value changed -> update this dataset { updated++; updateStatements.push(newWhere("DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICTCONTACTID", checkexistingEntry["districtContactId"]).buildUpdateStatement({ "ADVISER_ROLE": resRole, "STATUS": resStatus, "VALID_FROM": resValidFrom, "VALID_UNTIL": resValidUntil, "VISITFREQUENCY": resVisitFrequency, "USER_EDIT": vars.get("$sys.user"), "DATE_EDIT": vars.get("$") }) ) //delete from Object (we need to use association here) to sieve for invalid entries delete existingEnriesObject[existingEntryAssoz]; } else if (checkexistingEntry != undefined){ //don't touch existing entries with valid status unchanged++; //delete from Object (we need to use association here) to sieve for invalid entries delete existingEnriesObject[existingEntryAssoz]; } } //invalid entries (Assignments, that where already exisitng, but don't fit into said district because of changes -> set status to "In review") for (index in existingEnriesObject) { invalid++; existingEntryId = existingEnriesObject[index]["districtContactId"]; updateStatements.push(newWhere("DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICTCONTACTID", existingEntryId).buildUpdateStatement({ "STATUS": $KeywordRegistry.contactStatus$inReview(), "USER_EDIT": vars.get("$sys.user"), "DATE_EDIT": vars.get("$") }) ) } var pageSize = 5000;//paging to prevent timeouts while(insertArray.length > pageSize) { db.inserts(insertArray.splice(0, pageSize), "Data_alias", 6 * datetime.ONE_MINUTE); } db.inserts(insertArray); while(updateStatements.length > pageSize) { db.execute(updateStatements.splice(0, pageSize), "Data_alias", 6 * datetime.ONE_MINUTE); } db.execute(updateStatements); } return { newAssigned : newAssigned, invalid : invalid, unchanged : unchanged, updated: updated }; } /** * Get the complete hierarchical filter * * @param {JSON-String} pDistrictFilter <p> * The filter of the current level<br> * @param {String} pParentDistrict_DistrictId <p> * District-ID of the parent district<br>* * @return {JSON-String} <p> * JSON-String of the complete filter (all levels) <br> */ DistrictUtils.getAppliedFilter = function (pDistrictFilter, pParentDistrict_DistrictId) { var parentFilter = DistrictUtils.getParentFilter(pParentDistrict_DistrictId); var appliedFilter = { entity: "Organisation_entity", filter: { type: "group", operator: "AND", childs: [] } }; if (parentFilter) { appliedFilter.filter.childs.push(JSON.parse(parentFilter).filter); } if (pDistrictFilter) { appliedFilter.filter.childs.push(JSON.parse(pDistrictFilter).filter); } return JSON.stringify(appliedFilter); } /** * Get the filter starting with the parent level * @param {String} pParentDistrict_DistrictId <p> * District-ID of the parent district<br> * @return {JSON-String} <p> * JSON-String of the filter starting with the parent<br> */ DistrictUtils.getParentFilter = function (pParentDistrict_DistrictId) { var res = ""; if (pParentDistrict_DistrictId) { var completeParentFilter = DistrictUtils._getParentFilter(pParentDistrict_DistrictId, null); completeParentFilter.entity = "Organisation_entity"; res = completeParentFilter; } else { var entity = "Organisation_entity"; var emptyFilter = { entity: entity, filter: { type: "group", operator: "AND", childs: [] } }; res = emptyFilter; } return JSON.stringify(res); } /** * This function will recursively go through each filter level up to the root. * @param {String} pParentDistrict_DistrictId <p> * District-ID of the parent district<br> * @param {JSON} pPreviousFilter <p> * Collected filters so far<br> * @return {JSON} <p> * JSON-Object of the collected filters<br> */ DistrictUtils._getParentFilter = function (pParentDistrict_DistrictId, pPreviousFilter) { var resFilter; if (pPreviousFilter != null) { resFilter = pPreviousFilter; } if (pParentDistrict_DistrictId) { var parentDistrictFilter, grandParentDistrict; [parentDistrictFilter, grandParentDistrict] = newSelect(["DISTRICT.DISTRICT_FILTER", "DISTRICT.PARENTDISTRICT_DISTRICTID"]) .from("DISTRICT") .where("DISTRICT.DISTRICTID", pParentDistrict_DistrictId) .arrayRow(); parentDistrictFilter = JSON.parse(parentDistrictFilter); if (pPreviousFilter) parentDistrictFilter.filter.childs.push(resFilter.filter); resFilter = parentDistrictFilter; if (grandParentDistrict.length > 0) { resFilter = DistrictUtils._getParentFilter(grandParentDistrict, resFilter); } } return resFilter; } /** * This function will set the status of districtcontact datasets * @param {Array} pArrIds <p> * IDs of districtcontact<br> * @param {String} pStatus <p> * Status, for example $KeywordRegistry.contactStatus$active<br> * @return {none} <p> */ DistrictUtils.setDistrictContactStatus = function (pArrIds, pStatus) { var updateArray = []; var colsUpdate = [ "STATUS", "USER_EDIT", "DATE_EDIT" ]; var valsUpdate = [ pStatus, vars.get("$sys.user"), vars.get("$") ]; for (var i=0; i<pArrIds.length; i++) { var condition = newWhere("DISTRICTCONTACT.DISTRICTCONTACTID", pArrIds[i]); updateArray.push(["DISTRICTCONTACT", colsUpdate, null, valsUpdate,]); } db.updates(updateArray); } /** * This function will notificate the district contact that he/she was assigned * * @param {String} pDistrictContactId <p> * DistrictContact-ID of the new Dataset<br> * @return <none> <p> */ DistrictUtils.notificateNewDistrictContact = function(pDistrictContactId){ message = translate.text("Assignment to a new district/company!"); //[0]: DISTRICT_ID, [1]: ADVISER_CONTACT_ID, [2]: CONTACT_ID var arrayDistrictContact = DistrictUtils.getDataFromDistrictContact(pDistrictContactId); //get corresponding profile information of the systemalias var user = tools.getUserByAttribute(tools.CONTACTID, arrayDistrictContact[1], tools.PROFILE_DEFAULT); //You can only send a notification, if the user is an employee if (user) { var userName = user[tools.NAME]; var districtName = DistrictUtils.getDistrictName(arrayDistrictContact[0]); var organisationName = ContactUtils.getFullTitleByContactId(arrayDistrictContact[2]); // Benachrichtigung am Ende der Zuordnungen description = translate.withArguments("You were assigned as new district contact to district %0 and organisation %1.", [districtName, organisationName]); notification.addNotification(util.getNewUUID(), text.encodeMS(["Organisation", arrayDistrictContact[2]]), null, null, "DistrictAssigned", notification.PRIO_NORMAL, 2, notification.STATE_UNSEEN, [userName], message, description); } }