<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<preferences xmlns="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" VERSION="3.2.1" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model adito://models/xsd/preferences/3.2.1">
  <customized />
  <mailGlobalUserServerEnabled v="true" />
  <projectName>ADITO xRM</projectName>
  <jditoMaxContentSize v="57671680" />
  <mailEnableUserDefault v="true" />
  <clientSearchOptimizedForSpeed v="true" />
  <clientSearchExcludeForIgnorecase v="true" />
  <neonClientPermissionsEnabled v="true" />
  <clientFeedbackMailaddress />
  <databaseAuditGetOldValueLobs v="false" />
  <indexsearchGlobalEnabled v="true" />
  <indexsearchUseLegacyConfiguration v="false" />
  <indexsearchFullIndexerEnabled v="true" />
  <indexsearchFullIndexerInterval v="0" />
  <indexsearchIncrementingIndexerEnabled v="true" />
  <indexsearchIncrementingIndexerInterval v="1000" />
  <indexsearchIncrementingIndexerBunchSize v="250" />
      <enabled v="true" />
      <intervall v="5000" />
      <bridgeMode v="1" />
      <flagMode v="2" />
      <property v="true" />
      <property v="true" />
      <description>Time elapses after delete flag is set until the db entry is automatically deleted</description>
      <description>When no history entry exists within that duration to today a delete flag is set</description>
      <property v="false" />
      <property v="5000" />
      <property v="false" />
      <property v="false" />
      <description>Whether the webservice sigparser, for mail signature parsing is useable or not.</description>
      <description>Whether the webservice abbyy ocr, is useable or not.</description>
      <description>The application id for the webservice abbyy ocr.</description>
      <description>The password for the webservice abbyy ocr.</description>
      <description>The api key to authenticate at the mail signature webservice sigparser.</description>
      <description>The url to the mail signature webservice sigparser.</description>
      <description>Enabling this option will disable the per-client-context data-cache within the customzing (for exameple the caching of Keywords). This is usefull if you're testing and want to frequently add data like keywords, etc. which are cached which help of the "DataCaching_lib".</description>