<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entity xmlns="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" VERSION="1.3.10" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model adito://models/xsd/entity/1.3.10">
  <description>former Pers</description>
  <usePermissions v="false" />
      <title>Date of birth</title>
      <mandatory v="true" />
      <expose v="true" />
      <mandatory v="false" />
      <title>CONTACTID (UID)</title>
          <isConsumer v="false" />
          <expose v="true" />
          <expose v="true" />
      <mandatory v="false" />
          <expose v="false" />
          <expose v="false" />
          <description>This parameter is used for specifing a related &amp;quot;CONTACTID&amp;quot; to a COMMUNICATION-entry. 
Usually this is used for filtering COMMUNICATION-entries by a specified contact or creating a new entry that is related to a contact.</description>
          <expose v="false" />
          <mandatory v="true" />
          <expose v="false" />
          <mandatory v="true" />
          <isConsumer v="false" />
      <mandatory v="true" />
      <expose v="true" />
      <mandatory v="false" />
          <isConsumer v="false" />
          <expose v="false" />
          <expose v="true" />
          <mandatory v="true" />
          <expose v="false" />
          <expose v="false" />
      <description>TODO: Beziehung zu der Relation 1024846 (z.B. per Ampelsystem)</description>
      <mandatory v="false" />
      <title>Edit defaults</title>
      <title>New offer</title>
      <description>Used for standard communication</description>
          <expose v="false" />
          <description>This parameter is used for specifing a related &amp;quot;CONTACTID&amp;quot; to a COMMUNICATION-entry. 
Usually this is used for filtering COMMUNICATION-entries by a specified contact or creating a new entry that is related to a contact.</description>
      <description>Used for standard communication</description>
          <expose v="false" />
          <description>This parameter is used for specifing a related &amp;quot;CONTACTID&amp;quot; to a COMMUNICATION-entry. 
Usually this is used for filtering COMMUNICATION-entries by a specified contact or creating a new entry that is related to a contact.</description>
      <title>New activity</title>
      <tooltip>New activity</tooltip>
          <expose v="false" />
      <title>New task</title>
      <textInputAllowed v="true" />
      <textInputAllowed v="true" />
      <textInputAllowed v="true" />
          <expose v="true" />
          <mandatory v="true" />
      <expose v="true" />
          <isConsumer v="false" />
          <isConsumer v="false" />
          <expose v="false" />
          <expose v="true" />
          <expose v="false" />
      <title>Add to Campaign</title>
      <actionOrder v="1" />
      <tooltip>Choose a campaign and a step to add the contact to a  campaign</tooltip>
          <title>Add to Campaign</title>
          <isMenuAction v="true" />
          <isObjectAction v="false" />
          <isSelectionAction v="false" />
          <tooltip>Add the selection to a campaign</tooltip>
          <title>Add to Bulkmail</title>
          <isObjectAction v="false" />
          <isSelectionAction v="true" />
          <title>Add to serial letter</title>
          <isObjectAction v="false" />
          <isSelectionAction v="true" />
      <title>Write email</title>
      <title>New appointment</title>
      <tooltip>New Appointment</tooltip>
      <title>New letter</title>
      <title>Open admin view</title>
          <isUIDTable v="false" />
          <readonly v="false" />
          <isUIDTable v="true" />
          <readonly v="false" />
          <isUIDTable v="false" />
          <readonly v="true" />
          <isUIDTable v="false" />
          <readonly v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="false" />
          <isFilterable v="false" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="false" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isFilterable v="true" />
          <isKeyword v="true" />
          <isKeyword v="true" />
          <isIndexed v="true" />