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 * provides methods for interactions with keywords
 * @class
function KeywordUtils() {}

* resolves KEYIDs of a KeywordEntry into the specific title
* @param {String} pContainerName name of the keyword container that shall be resolved
* @param {String} pDbFieldName name fo the database field where the KEYID-value is stored
* @param {String} [pLocale=current client language] specifies the locale for translating the title; can be false if nothing shall be translated
* @return {String} a SQL-expression (case-when-statement) that resolves the KEYID into the title
KeywordUtils.getResolvedTitleSqlPart = function(pContainerName, pDbFieldName, pLocale)
    var keywordData = KeywordData.getSimpleData(pContainerName, pLocale);
    var resSql = SqlUtils.getResolvingCaseWhen(keywordData, pDbFieldName, false);

    return SqlUtils.translateStatementWithQuotes(resSql);

 * returns a specific name (translated) - this is normally the view-value - of a given keyword;
 * <br/>if the key could not be found an empty string "" is returned*
 * @param {String} keywordContainer specifies the type of the keyword and therefore the list elements; e.g. "COUNTRY"
 * @param {String} key id value of the keyword where the view-value shall be searched
 * @param {String} [locale=locale depending on current client/servercontext] Language-value for translations
 * @return {String} representation of the translated name of the keyword-key
 * @example
 * var histMedium;
 * histMedium = vars.get("$field.MEDIUM");
 * if (histMedium) {
 *     result.string(vars.get("$field.SUBJECT") + " (" + LegacyKeywordUtils.getViewValue("ACTIVITY.MEDIUM", histMedium) + ")");
 * }
KeywordUtils.getViewValue = function(keywordContainer, key, locale)
    if (!key)
        return "";

    var data = KeywordData.getKeyIdMap(keywordContainer, locale);

    return data[key] == undefined ? "" : data[key];

 * collects possible and defined keyword-attributes per keyword entry and returns them
 * @param {String} pKeyId the key of an element within a containerName - this is the value that is stored in the reference-table (e.g. "DE")
 * @param {String} pContainerName specifies the type of the keyword and therefore the list elements;
 *                                  e.g. "COUNTRY"; use an entry of the $KeywordRegistry here
 * @return {Object} key-value-pair of the keyword-attributes; contains all attribute-keys for the keywords-entries container; 
 *                                  if there is no value set for a key the null-value is given
KeywordUtils.getAttributeRelationsByKey = function(pKeyId, pContainerName)
    if (!pKeyId)
        return "";

    var data = KeywordData.getKeywordAttributeRelations(pContainerName);

    return data[pKeyId] == undefined ? {} : data[pKeyId];

 * return a specific attribute. Only call if you need only one. If you need more than one use getAttributeRelationsByKey()
 * @param {String} pKeyId the key of an element within a containerName - this is the value that is stored in the reference-table (e.g. "DE")
 * @param {String} pContainerName specifies the type of the keyword and therefore the list elements;
 *                                  e.g. "COUNTRY"; use an entry of the $KeywordRegistry here
 * @param {String} pAttrName The Attribute name you need
 * @param {String} [pDefault=null] the default value, if the attribute doesn't exist. If not specified, null will be used.
 * @return {Object} the value or pDefault
KeywordUtils.getAttributeRelation = function(pKeyId, pContainerName, pAttrName, pDefault)
    var attributes = KeywordUtils.getAttributeRelationsByKey(pKeyId, pContainerName);

    if (attributes && attributes[pAttrName] != null)
        return attributes[pAttrName];

    return pDefault !== undefined ? pDefault : null;

* provides a distinctive list of all keyword-container-names in the system
* @return {String[]} containerNames as 1D-Array
KeywordUtils.getContainerNames = function()
    //do not cache this list since
    // a) the list can easily change when a new container is created
    // b) where this is called it's not relevant in terms of performance

 * returns the category name (former "keyword container") of a KeywordCategory by the given UUID or an empty string if it does not exist
 * @param {String} pCategoryId UUID of the KeywordCategory
 * @return {String} category name as string
KeywordUtils.getCategoryNameById = function(pCategoryId)
    let categoryName = "";

    if(pCategoryId) {
        let resultValue = newSelect("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.NAME")
                            .where("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORYID", pCategoryId)

            categoryName = resultValue;

    return categoryName;

 * returns the  UUID of a KeywordCategory by the category name (fromer keyword container) or an empty string "" if it does not exist
 * @param {String} pName name of the Keyword category (former "keyword container")
 * @return {String} category UUID as string
KeywordUtils.getCategoryIdByName = function(pName)
    var res = "";

        var nameFilter =  {
        var entityConfig = entities.createConfigForLoadingRows()
        var entityRow = entities.getRows(entityConfig);
        if (entityRow.length > 0)
            res = entityRow[0]["#UID"];

    return res;

* provides a translated list of keyword-entry-titles in the system filtered by a containerName;
* useful for lists where the key is the name which is then a editable displayValue
* @param {String} pContainerName name of the keyword container for filtering
* @param {String} [pLocale=locale depending on current client/servercontext] Language-value for translations
* @return {String[]} translated titles as 1D-Array
KeywordUtils.getEntryNamesByContainer = function(pContainerName, pLocale)
    var data = KeywordData.getSimpleData(pContainerName, pLocale);
    data = {
        return v[1];

    return data;

* provides a translated list of keyword-entry-titles and its ids in the system filtered by a containerName;
* useful for lists where the key is the name which is then a editable displayValue
* @param {String} pContainerName name of the keyword container for filtering
* @param {String} [pLocale=locale depending on current client/servercontext] Language-value for translations
* @param {boolean=} pOnlyActive if true only active keywords will be returned
* @return {String[]} 2D-Array in the form of [[id1, translatedTitle1], [idN, translatedTitleN]]
KeywordUtils.getEntryNamesAndIdsByContainer = function(pContainerName, pLocale, pOnlyActive)
    //TODO: this can be propably removed when the "Salesproject_entity.REASONS.dropDownProcess.js" is replaced by a consumer
                    .where("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.NAME", pContainerName)
                    .andIfSet("AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY.ISACTIVE", pOnlyActive ? "1" : null)
                    .orderBy("AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY.SORTING asc, AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY.TITLE asc")

    list = {
        elem[1] = pLocale ? translate.text(elem[1], pLocale) : translate.text(elem[1]);
        return elem;

    return list;

 * checks, if a specific keyword exists
 * @param {String} pKeyId the key of an element within a containerName - this is the value that is stored in the reference-table (e.g. "DE")
 * @param {String} pContainerName specifies the type of the keyword and therefore the list elements;
 *                                  e.g. "COUNTRY"; use an entry of the $KeywordRegistry here
 * @return {Boolean}
KeywordUtils.exists = function(pKeyId, pContainerName)
    //a check if a keyword exists should always be on the origin data and not the cache, so do not cache here
    var countValue = newSelect("count(*)")
                    .where("AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY.KEYID", pKeyId)
                    .and("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.NAME", pContainerName)
                    .cell(true, "0")

    return parseInt(countValue) > 0;

 * Get the first keyword Keyid from a container
 * @param {String} pContainerName name of the keyword container that shall be resolved
 * @param {String} [pLocale=current client language] specifies the locale for translating the title; can be false if nothing shall be translated
 * @return {String} the keyid or ""
KeywordUtils.getFirst = function(pContainerName, pLocale)
    var keywordData = KeywordData.getSimpleData(pContainerName, pLocale);

    return (keywordData && keywordData.length > 0 ? keywordData[0][0] : "");

 * get the translated container name.
 * @param {String} pContainerName specifies the type of the keyword and therefore the list elements;
 *                                  e.g. "COUNTRY"; use an entry of the $KeywordRegistry here
 * @return {String} translated name, if it exists in the switch case
KeywordUtils.getTranslatedContainer = function(pContainerName)
    switch (pContainerName)
        case "SalesprojectPhase":
            return translate.text("Phase");
        case "SalesprojectState":
            return translate.text("State");
            return "Please add '" + pContainerName + "' to the switch case in Salesproject_lib";


 * object that provides features for a single keyword attribute; initializes itself on creation with a specific keyword-attribute
 * @param {String} pContainerName specifies the type of the keyword and therefore the list elements;
 *                                  e.g. "COUNTRY"; use an entry of the $KeywordRegistry here
 * @param {String} pAttributeName the name of the keyword attribute that shall be initialized
 * @param {String} [pDefault=undefined] the default value -> Does not throw an error, if default value exists.
 * @class
function KeywordAttribute(pContainerName, pAttributeName, pDefault)
    this.container = pContainerName;
    this.attribute = pAttributeName;
    this.defaultValue = pDefault;

                            .where("AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE.NAME", pAttributeName)
                            .and("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.NAME", pContainerName)

    if (keywordAttrData.length > 0)
    { = keywordAttrData[0];
        this.type = keywordAttrData[1];
        this.dbField = this.type.trim();
    else if(pDefault == undefined)
        throw new Error(translate.withArguments("no keyword attribute \"%0\" found in keyword container \"%1\"", [this.attribute, this.container]));

 * get the value for a specific keyId.
 * Error if the keyword container does not have the attribute at all (you can check this with .exists())
 * Error if the attribute does not exist at the provided keyId and you have not specified a default
 * @param {String} pKeyId the keyId
 * @return {String} the loaded value (or the default)
KeywordAttribute.prototype.getValue = function(pKeyId)
    if (this.exists())
        var attrValue = newSelect(this.dbField)
                        .where("AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY.KEYID", pKeyId)
                        .and("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.NAME", this.container)

        if (attrValue)
            return attrValue;

        if (this.defaultValue)
            return this.defaultValue;

        throw new Error(translate.withArguments("no keyword attribute \"%0\" found in keyword \"%1\" from container \"%2\"", [this.attribute, pKeyId, this.container]));
    else if (this.defaultValue == undefined)
        throw new Error(translate.withArguments("no keyword attribute \"%0\" found in keyword container \"%1\"", [this.attribute, this.container]));
        return this.defaultValue;

 * get a SqlBuilder object for this keyword attribute. You can easily add additional conditions to it.
 * @return {SqlBuilder} a SqlBuilder which contains a select for the entry-id's, joins to entry and attribute and conditions for the container and the attribute-name.
KeywordAttribute.prototype.getSqlBuilderSelect = function()
            .where("AB_KEYWORD_CATEGORY.NAME", this.container)
            .and("AB_KEYWORD_ATTRIBUTE.NAME", this.attribute)

 * check if the Container can have the attribute.
 * @return {Boolean} true if it exists, false if not
KeywordAttribute.prototype.exists = function()
    return != undefined && this.type != undefined && this.dbField != undefined;

 * provides methods for interactions with the special-keywords "LANGUAGE"
 * @class
function LanguageKeywordUtils() {}

* resolves LanguageCode into the latin name
* @param {String} pDbFieldName name fo the database field where the ISO3-value is stored
* @param {String} [pLocale=current client language] specifies the locale for translating the title; can be false if nothing shall be translated
* @return {String} a SQL-expression (case-when-statement)
LanguageKeywordUtils.getResolvedTitleSqlPart = function(pDbFieldName, pLocale)
    var data = LanguageData.getData();
    var resSql = SqlUtils.getResolvingCaseWhen(data, pDbFieldName, pLocale);
    return SqlUtils.translateStatementWithQuotes(resSql);

 * returns a specific name (translated) - this is normally the view-value of a language
 * @param {String} key id value of the language where the view-value shall be searched
 * @param {String} [locale=locale depending on current client/servercontext] Language-value for translations
 * @return {String} representation of the translated name 
LanguageKeywordUtils.getViewValue = function(key, locale)
    if (!key)
        return "";

    var languageMap = LanguageData.getIso3Map(locale);
    var languageInfo = languageMap[key];

    if (languageInfo == undefined)
        return "";

    var title =;

    return title == undefined ? "" : title;

 * determines on server- and clientside the matching iso2-code to a iso3 by generating a map and then returning the matched result;
 * on clientside the map is cached
 * @param {String} key id value (iso3) of the language where the value shall be searched
 * @param {String} [pAlias=the current alias] the database alias where the information shall be retrieved
 * @return {String} iso2 or "" when nothing was found
LanguageKeywordUtils.Iso2FromIso3 = function(key, pAlias)
    if (!key)
        return "";

    //maybe this should be retrieved by a simple select on the serverside since LanguageData-methods are only cached on the client side
    var languageMap = LanguageData.getIso3Map(null, pAlias);
    var languageInfo = languageMap[key];

    if (languageInfo == undefined)
        return "";

    var res = languageInfo.iso2;

    return res == undefined ? "" : res;