process.js 24.98 KiB
* utility functions for products
* Do not create an instance of this!
* @class
function ProductUtils() {}
* Delivers the currently valid product price
* @param {String} pid ProductID
* @param {String} buySell possible values: PP, SP
* @param {String} [onlyStandard=false] if true, only standard price lists are selected.
* @example productUtils.getCurrentProductPrice(vars.get("$field.PRODUCTID"), "PP")
* @return {Array[]} currently valid product price with currency: [price, "CURRENCY", "VAT"] or [] if no price found
ProductUtils.getCurrentProductPrice = function(pid, buySell, onlyStandard) {
if (pid != undefined && pid != "" && buySell != undefined && buySell != "")
var today = datetime.clearTime(vars.get(""), "utc");
var actualPriceSelect = newSelect("PRICE, CURRENCY, VAT")
if (onlyStandard != undefined && onlyStandard)
actualPriceSelect.and("PRODUCTPRICE.PRICELIST", $KeywordRegistry.productPricelist$standardList());
actualPriceSelect.and("PRODUCTPRICE.BUYSELL", buySell)
.and(newWhere("PRODUCTPRICE.VALID_TO", today, SqlBuilder.GREATER_OR_EQUAL())
.or("PRODUCTPRICE.VALID_TO is null"));
var productPriceData = actualPriceSelect.orderBy("VALID_FROM desc")
if (productPriceData[0] && productPriceData[1])
return [productPriceData[0], KeywordUtils.getViewValue($KeywordRegistry.currency(), productPriceData[1]), productPriceData[2]];
return [];
} else {
return [];
* Delivers the stock
* @param {String} pid ProductID
* @example productUtils.getStockCount(vars.get("$field.PRODUCTID"))
* @return {String} stock count
ProductUtils.getStockCount = function(pid) {
if (pid != undefined && pid != "")
var sum = newSelect("sum(QUANTITY * case IN_OUT when 0 then -1 else 1)")
.whereIfSet("STOCK.PRODUCT_ID", pid)
.cell(true, "0");
if (sum == "")
sum = "0";
return sum;
throw new Error(translate.withArguments("${PRODUCT_LIB_NO_PRODUCT_ID} function: %0", ["ProductUtils.getStockCount"]));
* Delivers metadata and price lists of the passed product.
* If parameter "priceListFilter" is passed valid price lists and the
* current price list to use for offer/order are delivered.
* @param {String} pid req ProductID
* @param {Object} pPriceListFilter opt { currency: "currencyValue", quantity: "quantityValue", relationId: "relationIdValue (for custom price lists)" }
* @param {String[]} pAdditionalProductInfoSubselects additional fields from Product
* They are added to the result with the Fieldname as key. e.g. if the array is [["info", "INFO"]] the result will contain the key "info" which has the value of field INFO
* (Subqueries are also possible)
* @example //Product_entity, Field: PRODUCT_ID, Process: onValueChange
* var pid = vars.get("local.value");
* var curr = vars.exists("$param.Currency_param") ? vars.get("$param.Currency_param") : "";
* var contactid = vars.exists("$param.ContactId_param") ? vars.get("$param.ContactId_param") : "";
* var pUtils = new ProductUtils();
* var PriceListFilter = { currency: curr, quantity: vars.get("$field.QUANTITY"), contactId: contactid };
* var ProductDetails = pUtils.getProductDetails(pid, PriceListFilter, [["info", "INFO"]]);
* @return {Object} { <br>
* productId: "productid" <br>
* , productName: "product name" <br>
* , groupCode: "keyvalue of keyword 'GROUPCODE'" <br>
* , unit: "keyvalue of keyword 'UNIT'" <br>
* , PriceLists: {$pricelistid$ { <br>
* priceListId: "pricelistid" <br>
* , relationId: "contactid" when filled -> custom price list <br>
* , priceList: "keyvalue of keyword 'PRICELIST'" <br>
* , price: "price" <br>
* , vat: "vat" <br>
* , validFrom: TIMESTAMP <br>
* , validTo: TIMESTAMP <br>
* , buySell: "SP" / "PP" <br>
* , fromQuantity: "fromquantity" <br>
* , currency: "keyvalue of keyword 'CURRENCY'" <br>
* } } <br>
* , CurrentValidPriceLists: {$pricelistid$ { <br>
* priceListId: "pricelistid" <br>
* , relationId: "contactid" when filled -> custom price list <br>
* , priceList: "keyvalue of keyword 'PRICELIST'" <br>
* , price: "price" <br>
* , vat: "vat" <br>
* , validFrom: TIMESTAMP <br>
* , validTo: TIMESTAMP <br>
* , buySell: "SP" / "PP" <br>
* , fromQuantity: "fromquantity" <br>
* , currency: "keyvalue of keyword 'CURRENCY'" <br>
* } } <br>
* , PriceListToUse: {$pricelistid$ { <br>
* priceListId: "pricelistid" <br>
* , relationId: "contactid" when filled -> custom price list <br>
* , priceList: "keyvalue of keyword 'PRICELIST'" <br>
* , price: "price" <br>
* , vat: "vat" <br>
* , validFrom: TIMESTAMP <br>
* , validTo: TIMESTAMP <br>
* , buySell: "SP" / "PP" <br>
* , fromQuantity: "fromquantity" <br>
* , currency: "keyvalue of keyword 'CURRENCY'" <br>
* } }, <br>
* INFO: "the productinfo"
* }
ProductUtils.getProductDetails = function(pid, pPriceListFilter, pAdditionalProductInfoSubselects)
var priceListFilter = pPriceListFilter;
var additionalProductInfoSubselects = pAdditionalProductInfoSubselects;
if (additionalProductInfoSubselects == undefined)
additionalProductInfoSubselects = []
var ProductDetails = {};
var cols = [];
var defaultProductFieldCount = colsProduct.length;
colsProduct = colsProduct.concat( {return item[1]}));
cols = cols.concat(colsProduct);
var joins = []; // should contain: arrays of [joinPrefix, table, tableAlias, conditioinAsStringOrSqlBuilder]
var orderBy = ["PRODUCTID"];
//PriceList (all)
var colsPricelistAll = ["allPP.PRODUCTPRICEID", "allPP.CONTACT_ID", "allPP.PRICELIST", "allPP.PRICE", "allPP.VAT"
cols = cols.concat(colsPricelistAll);
joins.push(["left", "PRODUCTPRICE", "allPP", "allPP.PRODUCT_ID = PRODUCTID"]);
//PriceList (currently valid)
var validPriceLists = false;
if (priceListFilter != undefined
&& priceListFilter.currency != undefined && priceListFilter.currency != ""
&& priceListFilter.quantity != undefined && priceListFilter.quantity != "")
validPriceLists = true;
var colsPricelistValid = ["validPP.PRODUCTPRICEID", "validPP.CONTACT_ID", "validPP.PRICELIST", "validPP.PRICE", "validPP.VAT"
, "validPP.VALID_FROM", "validPP.VALID_TO", "validPP.BUYSELL", "validPP.FROMQUANTITY", "validPP.CURRENCY"];
orderBy = orderBy.concat(["validPP.VALID_FROM desc", "validPP.FROMQUANTITY desc"]);
cols = cols.concat(colsPricelistValid);
joins.push(["left", "PRODUCTPRICE", "validPP",
newWhere("validPP.PRODUCT_ID = PRODUCTID")
.and(["PRODUCTPRICE", "CURRENCY", "validPP"], priceListFilter.currency)
.and(["PRODUCTPRICE", "VALID_FROM", "validPP"],, SqlBuilder.LESS_OR_EQUAL())
.or(["PRODUCTPRICE", "VALID_TO", "validPP"],, SqlBuilder.GREATER_OR_EQUAL())
.or("validPP.VALID_TO is null"))
.and(["PRODUCTPRICE", "FROMQUANTITY", "validPP"], priceListFilter.quantity, SqlBuilder.LESS_OR_EQUAL())
.or(["PRODUCTPRICE", "CONTACT_ID", "validPP"], priceListFilter.relationId)
.and("validPP.CONTACT_ID is null")
.and(["PRODUCTPRICE", "BUYSELL", "validPP"], 'SP')))
var productDataSql = newSelect(cols)
this.join(pJoin[1], pJoin[3], pJoin[2], pJoin[0]);
}, productDataSql)
var ProductData = productDataSql
.where("PRODUCT.PRODUCTID", pid)
for (var i = 0; i < ProductData.length; i++)
if (ProductDetails.productId == undefined)
ProductDetails = {
productId: ProductData[i][0]
, productName: ProductData[i][1]
, groupCode: ProductData[i][2]
, unit: ProductData[i][3]
, PriceLists: {}
, CurrentValidPriceLists: {}
, PriceListToUse: null
// add additional fields to the details
var countPos = defaultProductFieldCount;
this[productSubselect[0]] = ProductData[i][countPos];
}, ProductDetails);
//Pricelist (all)
var colIdx = colsProduct.length;
if (ProductData[i][colIdx] != "" && ProductDetails.PriceLists[ProductData[i][colIdx]] == undefined) //Pricelist found
ProductDetails.PriceLists[ProductData[i][colIdx]] = _getPriceListObject();
//Pricelist (currently valid)
colIdx = colsProduct.length + colsPricelistAll.length;
if (validPriceLists)
if (ProductData[i][colIdx] != "" && ProductDetails.CurrentValidPriceLists[ProductData[i][colIdx]] == undefined) //Pricelist found
ProductDetails.CurrentValidPriceLists[ProductData[i][colIdx]] = _getPriceListObject();
if (validPriceLists)
ProductDetails.PriceListToUse = _getPriceListToUse(ProductDetails.CurrentValidPriceLists, priceListFilter);
return ProductDetails;
function _getPriceListObject() {
return {
priceListId: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, relationId: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, priceList: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, price: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, vat: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, validFrom: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, validTo: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, buySell: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, fromQuantity: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
, currency: ProductData[i][colIdx++]
//price list to use for offer/order
function _getPriceListToUse(priceLists, priceListFilter) {
var fallbackPriceList;
//infividual pricelists always have the highest priority, so we loop trough and use the first one we find regardles of the rest
for (var indivList in priceLists)
if(priceLists[indivList]["priceList"] == $KeywordRegistry.productPricelist$specialList())
return priceLists[indivList];
for (var list in priceLists)
//customer deposited price list (defined by Attribute)
if (priceListFilter.priceList != "" && priceListFilter.priceList != null)
// use if it has the correct pricelist ("-type"). e.g: PRICELISTSERVICE, PRICELISTSPECIAL, PRICELISTKEY, PRICELISTDEFAULT
if (priceLists[list]["priceList"] == priceListFilter.priceList)
return priceLists[list];
//set fallback pricelist if we don't already have one; for when the org does normally have to use a specific pricelist, but there is none
else if(!fallbackPriceList && priceLists[list].priceList == $KeywordRegistry.productPricelist$standardList())
fallbackPriceList = priceLists[list];
//default price list
else if (priceLists[list].priceList == $KeywordRegistry.productPricelist$standardList())
return priceLists[list];
if(fallbackPriceList)//fallback for when the org does normally have to use a specific pricelist, but there is none: use first standardPricelist
return fallbackPriceList;
else//no valid price list found
return null;
* Checks if there is already an existing price list identical to the passed price list
* @param {String} pid ProductID
* @param {Object} priceList { <br>
* priceList: "keyvalue of keyword 'PRICELIST'" <br>
* validFrom: TIMESTAMP, <br>
* validTo: TIMESTAMP, <br>
* buySell: "SP" / "PP", <br>
* vat: Number, <br>
* fromQuantity: "fromquantity", <br>
* currency: "keyvalue of keyword 'CURRENCY'" <br>
* }
* @example //Productprice_entity, Field: PRICELIST, Process: onValidation
* var pUtils = new ProductUtils();
* var priceList = {
* priceList: vars.get("$field.PRICELIST"),
* priceListId: vars.get("$field.PRODUCTPRICEID"),
* fromQuantity: vars.get("$field.FROMQUANTITY"),
* buySell: vars.get("$field.BUYSELL"),
* vat: vars.get("$field.VAT"),
* currency: vars.get("$field.CURRENCY"),
* validFrom: vars.get("$field.VALID_FROM"),
* validTo: vars.get("$field.VALID_TO")
* };
* var identicalPriceList = pUtils.checkForIndenticalPriceLists(vars.get("$field.PRODUCT_ID"), priceList);
* if (identicalPriceList != null)
* {
* result.string(translate.text("Identical price list found!"));
* }
* @return {Object | null} null if no identical price list was found, otherwise the found price list
ProductUtils.checkForIndenticalPriceLists = function(pid, priceList) {
var PriceLists = this.getProductDetails(pid).PriceLists;
for (var pricelist in PriceLists) {
//different pricelist id
//equal price list
//equal fromquantity
//equal currency
//equal pp/sp
//equal vat
if (priceList.priceListId != PriceLists[pricelist].priceListId
&& priceList.priceList == PriceLists[pricelist].priceList
&& parseFloat(priceList.fromQuantity) == parseFloat(PriceLists[pricelist].fromQuantity)
&& priceList.buySell == PriceLists[pricelist].buySell
&& parseFloat(priceList.vat) == parseFloat(PriceLists[pricelist].vat)
&& priceList.currency == PriceLists[pricelist].currency) {
//identical validFrom & validTo
// OR NOT [ validFrom_new <= validFrom & validTo_new <= validTo
// OR validFrom_new >= validFrom & validTo_new >= validTo
// OR validFrom_new < validFrom & validTo_new > validTo
// ]
if (priceList.validFrom == PriceLists[pricelist].validFrom && priceList.validTo == PriceLists[pricelist].validTo
|| ! (priceList.validFrom <= PriceLists[pricelist].validFrom && priceList.validTo <= PriceLists[pricelist].validTo
|| priceList.validFrom >= PriceLists[pricelist].validFrom && priceList.validTo >= PriceLists[pricelist].validTo
|| priceList.validFrom < PriceLists[pricelist].validFrom && priceList.validTo > PriceLists[pricelist].validTo)) {
//identical price list found
return PriceLists[pricelist];
//no identical price list found
return null;
* returns the image for a product
* @param {String} pProductId the id of the product.
* @param {String} pDefaultText the text, to use for default image generation.
* @return {String} base64 coded String of the image. If none existed, the given String is used to create an image.
ProductUtils.getImage = function(pProductId, pDefaultText)
return ImageUtils.get("PRODUCT", "IMAGE", pProductId, pDefaultText);
* sets the image of a product
* @param {String} pProductId the id of the product.
* @param {String} pImageDateBase64 base64 coded String of the image.
* @return {Boolean} if image could be set
ProductUtils.setImage = function(pProductId, pImageDateBase64)
return ImageUtils.set("PRODUCT", "IMAGE", pProductId, pImageDateBase64, "ProductImage", "Image of the product");
* deletes the image of a product
* @param {String} pProductId the id of the product.
* @return {Boolean} if image could be removed
ProductUtils.removeImage = function(pProductId)
return ImageUtils.remove("PRODUCT", "IMAGE", pProductId);
* Class containing utility functions for Prod2Prod (Parts list)
* @param {String} productId req ProductID
* @class
function Prod2ProdUtils(productId)
this.productId = productId; = undefined;
* Delivers an Object containing parts list structure for passed product "pProductId" (Constructor parameter)
* @return {Object} { $prod2prodid$ { <br>
* ids: [ Array containing child Prod2ProdIds for passed product "pProductId" (Constructor parameter) ] <br>
* , rowdata: [ "PROD2PRODID", "DEST_ID", "SOURCE_ID", "QUANTITY", "OPTIONAL", "TAKEPRICE" ] from DB-Table PROD2PROD <br>
* , destid: "Parent ProductID" <br>
* , sourceid: "Child ProductID" <br>
* , quantity: "Quantity" <br>
* , optional: "0" = not optional, "1" = optional <br>
* , takeprice: "0" = no price, "1" = price <br>
* , productcode: "Productcode" <br>
* , productid: "Productid" <br>
* } }
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype.getPartsListObject = function()
return this._relateChilds();
* Delivers a 2D-Array for RecordContainer of Entity "Prod2prod_entity"
* containing parts list for passed product "productId" (Constructor parameter).
* It is necessary to generate a specifically UID for the RecordContainer because
* the same data record can be listed several times. Therefore the primary key "PROD2PRODID"
* can not be used for UID because this must be unique.
* @return {String[][]} [ ["UID"
* , "PARENTID" (equals "DEST_ID")
* , "DEST_ID"
* , "PRODUCTID"] ]
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype.getPartsListForRecordContainer = function()
var ret = [];
var childs = this._relateChilds();
function __push(pObj)
for(var i = 0; i < pObj.ids.length; i++)
var rowdata = childs[pObj.ids[i]].rowdata;
var UID = util.getNewUUID();
var PARENTID = childs[pObj.ids[i]].destid;
rowdata = [UID, PARENTID].concat(rowdata);
__push( childs[pObj.ids[i]] );
return ret;
* Delivers an Array containing productids of the parts list
* for passed product "productId" (Constructor parameter).
* @return {String[]} [ "SOURCE_ID" ]
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype.getPartsListProdIds = function()
var ret = [];
var childs = this._relateChilds();
return ret;
function __push(pObj)
for(var i = 0; i < pObj.ids.length; i++)
__push( childs[pObj.ids[i]] );
* Delivers an Array containing productids of the parent list
* for passed product "productId" (Constructor parameter).
* @return {String[]} [ "DEST_ID" ]
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype.getParentProdIds = function()
var ret = [];
var parents = this._relateParents();
return ret;
function __push(pObj)
for(var i = 0; i < pObj.ids.length; i++)
__push( parents[pObj.ids[i]] );
* Function to initalize class variable "data" containing complete Prod2Prod-Data.<br>
* It guarantees a unique load of data per instance.
* @ignore
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype._initProd2ProdData = function()
* object tree to relate products by DEST_ID / SOURCE_ID.
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype._buildTree = function(pSupervised)
var tree = { root: {ids: [], sourceid: this.productId } };
tree = { root: {ids: [], destid: this.productId } };
for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
var prod2prodid =[i][0];
if ( tree[prod2prodid] == undefined )
tree[prod2prodid] = {
ids: []
, rowdata:[i].slice(0)//copy to get NativeArray for concatenation
, destid:[i][1]
, sourceid:[i][2]
, quantity:[i][3]
, optional:[i][4]
, takeprice:[i][5]
, productcode:[i][6]
, productid:[i][7]
return tree;
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype._relateChilds = function()
var tree = this._buildTree(false);
return tree;
function __relate(pID)
for ( var id in tree )
if ( tree[id].destid == tree[pID].sourceid && tree[pID].ids.indexOf(id) == -1 )
Prod2ProdUtils.prototype._relateParents = function()
var tree = this._buildTree(true);
return tree;
function __relate(pID)
for ( var id in tree )
if ( tree[id].sourceid == tree[pID].destid && tree[pID].ids.indexOf(id) == -1 )