Regina Felsl authored
[Projekt: xRM-Property ][TicketNr.: 1089030][Userhelp und Schulungsunterlage auf aktuellen Stand bringen]
Regina Felsl authored[Projekt: xRM-Property ][TicketNr.: 1089030][Userhelp und Schulungsunterlage auf aktuellen Stand bringen]
Property structure
In the tree table all projects linked to the currently opened property are displayed. In addition to the main object and all subobjects, all associated property subsection are also displayed here. A building stop in one of the objects in this structure is highlighted by a triangular red icon with exclamation mark in the "building stop" column.
A building stop is additionally shown in every object of this structure in the preview as a red warning. |
Create subobject or property subsection
In the preview of an object you will find the actions "New subobject" (button with high-rise symbol) and/or "New property subsection" (button with house symbol). Depending on which action you perform, the edit view for subobjects or trades opens.
The availability of the buttons is based on the following logic:
You have an object or subobject under which neither subobjects nor property subsection hang > Both buttons are available for selection.
You have an object or subobject under which a subobject already hangs > only the button "New subobject" is still available for selection
You have an object or sub-object under which a property subsection already hangs > only the "New property subsection" button is still available for selection.