Regina Felsl authored
[Projekt: xRM-Property ][TicketNr.: 1089030][Userhelp und Schulungsunterlage auf aktuellen Stand bringen]
Regina Felsl authored[Projekt: xRM-Property ][TicketNr.: 1089030][Userhelp und Schulungsunterlage auf aktuellen Stand bringen]
Buying Center and internal project team
In the "Buying Center and Internal Project Team" section, you can enter all people who are involved in this property.
You have two options in the action bar to add a contact.
Either via the create new button (white plus on blue background). This way you can add already existing contacts from the system to the project team.
Or via the button "new project-contact": This way you can create a new contact and add it to the project team at the same time.
Mark a contact and open the preview in the additional area via the button "Write e-mail". In the field "Recipient" the e-mail address is already preset, if an e-mail address is stored for the contact. In the field "Document template" you can select a template that you have created in the context "Document template" and released for the property. In the "Subject" field, enter the subject of the e-mail.
Via the button "Download template" you can download the document template and view it including technical descriptions.
In the "Custom template" field, you can upload a template that should only be valid for sending this email.
Via the button "@ Send Email" you download an email file. When you open the file, it will be displayed via your standard email client and the data from the document template, such as salutation and closing or attachments, are already included in the email.
Mark a contact and open the activity creation via the button "New activity". The marked contact, the property in which you are located and the company of the contact are then already preset in the links.
You can create a "MS Teams" team for the members of the property. To do this, click the "MS Teams" button and select the "Create Team" action. A preview opens where you can give the team a name and add or remove contacts from the team. Internal project members are automatically assigned the "MS Teams" roles "Owner" or "Member". External project members are assigned the "MS Teams" role "Guest".
The following additional actions can be found in the drop-down menu of the "MS Teams" button:
Edit Team: With this action you can add members to the existing team or remove members from the team.
Select Team: This action allows you to select an "MS Teams" team from any sales project.
Restore team: This action allows you to restore a deleted team.
Open MS Teams: This action opens the team in MS Teams.
Delete Team: This action allows you to delete an "MS Teams" team.