Johannes Goderbauer authored
[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1034334][Keywords - Dokumentation der verschiedenen Verfahren]
Johannes Goderbauer authored[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1034334][Keywords - Dokumentation der verschiedenen Verfahren]
Simply said: A keyword is a list of key-value pairs.
These values for example can be used as content to choose from (e.g. a combobox-list).
- Keyword Container
A keyword container is the element that keeps several entries of Keywords together. That could be for example something like "Contact-Status". Keep in mind that this done virtually and not in the actual way of storage.
- Keyword Entry
A keyword entry is a specific child-element of a keyword container. For the upper example "Contact-Status" this could be "Active", "Inactive", etc.
- Keyword
Keyword describes the whole set of elements like keyword container and keyword entry. It’s more like a virtual bracket for the whole construct.
Types of Keywords
Simple Key-Value lists
The Structure
digraph g { rankdir="BT" bgcolor="#222222" graph [ dpi = 100 ] node [ shape = box color="#dddddd" fontcolor="#dddddd" fontname = "Consolas"]; edge [ color="#dddddd" ] { rank=max; kwdContainer [label="Keyword Container"] } { rank=same; kwdEntry [label="Keyword Entry"] } { rank=next; entry1 [label="Entry 1" shape=ellipse] } { rank=same entry1; entryN [label="Entry N" shape=ellipse] } kwdEntry -> kwdContainer; kwdEntry -> kwdContainer; entry1 -> kwdEntry entryN -> kwdEntry }
Take a look at the following table. Beware that these are not the actual db-column-names but the information what’s represented.
UID | key-ID | tile | container |
one |
container 1 |
two |
container 1 |
three |
container 1 |
I |
container 2 |
II |
container 2 |
And, to clarify an example:
UID | key-ID | tile | container |
German (Germany) |
Language |
English (United Kingdom) |
Language |
French (France) |
Language |
active |
ContactStatus |
inactive |
ContactStatus |
Extended Key-Value lists with special Attributes
Basically this is a extension of the [Simple Key-Value lists]. Sometimes it’s necessary to have some more properties within a keyword-entry. Example:
You’ve got a Keyword-container for Types of Communication with basically the following values:
mobile phone
landline phone
If you want to add a general type of information like "PHONE", "MAIL", "WEB" you’ve to add a keyword-attribute to the keyword-entry where you can store that information.
Complex Keyword as own entity
Sometimes you’ve a special case where the keyword entity cannot provide all the functionality.
In that case you can always define you own entity and create your own database structure to represent all the information and provide all the functions you need.
As an example, this could be the Country_Entity