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[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1058900][Ausweisung der Klassifizierung in Firma (FilterView und PreviewView)]
[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1058900][Ausweisung der Klassifizierung in Firma (FilterView und PreviewView)]
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The administrative representation of the classification which is used among other things in the sales project and organisation (see also Classification_entity) The classification can be dynamically configured at runtime.
This Entity gives the administrators an easy way to change the classification. Classifications get stored in the Classification table with their own uid, the ids of the classification type, classification score, object_rowId and object_type.
This entity displays the classifications (classificationGroup) and indicators (classificationType) grouped with the usage (object_type) in an treetable. with the usage (object_type) as the first group, followed by the classifications (classificationgroup) of that group and it's indicators. The grading of the classification can be changed in the preview of an classification. The possible values of an indicator can be changed when opening the preview of the indicator.
TreeTable Example:
USAGE CLASSIFICATION INDICATOR Organisation 1. Target Group Industry Headquarters Product preference 2. Customer value Salesproject 1. Classification 2. Classification 3. Classification
The classification gets updated via the "updateClassifications_serverProcess", which runs periodically, you can also start it manually using the action of this entity (currently invisible).
The Classification consists of the following entities: Classification_entity, ClassificationAdmin_entity, ClassificationGrading_entity, ClassificationGroup_entity, ClassificationScore_entity, ClassificationType_entity
Our terms in the db and entity structure differ from the technical terms the user gets to see, to make it easier to understand for the developer that doesn't have the technical know-how:
Our term: Technical term: Example: Object_Type Usage Organisation ClassificationGroup Classification 1. Target Group ClassificationType Indicator Industry ClassificationScore (Possible-)Value/Selection Service
Adding the classification to other modules:
The Classification is only implemented for Organisation and Salesproject at the moment but can easily be used in other modules aswell by doing the following:
Add the Consumers "Classifications" and "ClassificationGroups" to the module you want to add the classification functionality and configure them the same way as in organisation and salesproject. If you want to also have the classification in the preview and Filterview you also have to add the field "CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE_ID" and configure the following things: -add CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE at the Linkinformation of the recordContainer (Primary key: CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGEID, UID Table: false, Read only: true) -add the left join in the fromClauseProcess to CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE using CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE.OBJECT_ROWID = TableName.TableUid -add the recordfieldmapping to the field (CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE.CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGEID) -add the CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE_ID to the Filterview and Preview Add the reference to the ClassificationView to the Mainview Context (see als organsiation and salesproject)
Extend the Keywordregistry and the classificationTypes in AB_KEYWORD_ENTRY by the new Module you are implementing the classification for. Also extend the CLASSIFICATIONADMIN_entity.CLASSIFICATIONTYPEPLACEOFUSE DropDownProcess. Add ClassificationUtils.insertEmptyClassification() with the Uid und vars.get("$sys.currentcontextname") to the onInsert of the Module and also add the delete conditon to the onDelete (newWhere("CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE.OBJECT_ROWID", eigeneUid).deleteData();) !Important: if you are adding or deleting these datasets you always have to also insert/delete the dataset into CLASSIFICATIONSTORAGE entry, so add the above mentioned delete condition and onInsertFunction to all actions that delete/create those datasets.!
Now you can either configure your classifications in the client or via liquibase