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Benjamin Ulrich authored
[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1065247][Scanservice-meldungen von DocumentTemplate und ExportTemplate Entities fixien]
Benjamin Ulrich authored[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1065247][Scanservice-meldungen von DocumentTemplate und ExportTemplate Entities fixien]
ExportTemplatePlaceOfUse_entity.aod 4.99 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entity xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" VERSION="1.3.17" xsi:schemaLocation=" adito://models/xsd/entity/1.3.17">
<title>Place of Use</title>
<titlePlural>Places of Usage</titlePlural>
<mandatory v="true" />
<mandatory v="true" />
<title>Place of use</title>
<mandatory v="true" />
<expose v="true" />
<isConsumer v="false" />
<expose v="true" />
<useAggregates v="true" />
<isUIDTable v="true" />
<readonly v="false" />