* This chart can show any data in a cumulative way:
* It loads the most specific data (e.g. Productgroups) and calculates the layers above (e.g. Productgroups -> Months -> years)
* And then it shows the most top layer (years) at the top. If you click on it, it drills down to the more specific layer (Months / Productgroups)
* Technic:
* 1. Loading data
* The data is loaded via selects in the TurnoverUtil. (You may change this in your porjects to your liking)
* The select has to provide at least the following fields:
* - Type (e.g. "Forecast" / "Turnover") this will split the data into different groups which are displayed ina a seperate color (connected to the chart viewtemplate as "Category"
* - For each layer an ID (e.g. for the years layer a year-number, for the Productgroups the productgroup keyid,...)
* - Optionally: if the displayvalue should be different: a display value for the id.
* The X-axis will display either the ID or the disply value
* - The Value (used as Y-Value) which should be a number
* ... (see next comment block)
@@ -21,6 +41,7 @@ var salesprojectId = vars.exists("$param.SalesprojectId_param") && vars.get("$pa
@@ -54,9 +85,21 @@ for (let y = minYear; y <= maxYear; y++)
* 3. iterate through all data and add it to the chart
* - this is done via _addCount-calls
* - Note that for turnover MoneyUtils.getGross is called. This is needed because the raw data does provides vat, price, quantity and discount but not the final gross-price
* You may ommit this if it is not needed by your project
* NOTE: the _addCount function will be explaned later
* add the counts to countData for the given key and value
* 5. _addCount
* - It counts the final values for each layer. So if you put in: (simplified)
* [year1, month5, product10, 50.8]
* it counts +50.8 for each layer:
* year1; += 50.8
* year1;month5; += 50.8
* year1;month5;product10; += 50.8
* This values are all stored in the "countData" object and the keys of it are later used as UID.
* The Keys just consist of the concatenated id's mentioned in 1.
* You can provide any count of keys so if you need another layer, just add it to the data (1.) and add the keyid (or [keyid, keydisplayvalue]) to the _addCount-calls appended to the array provided as first parameter
* @param {Array} pKeys an array containing all keys for this value. If the x-value for one key is different from the key-value: add an array [key, value] instead of only the key
* the first key is the Category
* e.g.
* [
* category,
* year,
* [
* month(number),
* monthName(displayValue)
* ],
* [
* productGroupcodeId,
* productGroupcodeName(displayValue)
* ]
* ]
* This will lead to 3 layers: year -> month -> productGroup
* @param {float} pValue the value to display
// iterate through all keys (e.g. through each layer) and count for each of them seperately
for (leti=0;i<pKeys.length;i++){
// if the key type is not "object" it is a string ("object" means Array of ["id", "displayValue"], "string" means only "id"
if (typeofpKeys[i]!="object")
// add key as id and display value
else// handle array: first is id seccond is name for X-value
// handle array: first is id seccond is name for X-value
// if we are first or second: we are category or the top layer -> we have no parent
if (i<2)
// concatenate the previous (parent) key with the new one to get a new unique id
// if we are not category
if (i>0)
// add the data to the count-object
if (countData[key]==undefined)
// if the key was not added before create it with initial value 0.0
countData[key]={parent:parent,count:0.0,category:pKeys[0],x:keyName};// keys[0] is the category