You can get data of another entity by connecting a consumer to a provider.
==== Naming ====
The names should provide information about *what the provider provides*.
For example:
Communication_entity has 3 providers:
- *AllCommunications*
- *EmailCommunications*
- *PhoneCommunications*
If you connect to *AllCommunications* you get *all* communication types of a contact.
If you connect to *EmailCommunications* you get *only the Email* communication type of a contact.
If you connect to *PhoneCommunications* you get *only the Phone* communication type of a contact.
*Do not always create a new provider when connecting a new entity. Maybe u can use an already existing provider.*
*Try to reuse providers if you need similar data for two dependencies*
=== Consumer ===
Is the old dfo.
=== Purpose ===
The Consumer *consumes* the data a provider provides.
It can be connected to a provider and fill the parameters of the provider.
=== Naming ===
Most of the time you get a list of "something" so you should call it the plural of what you get.
If you have two Consumer to the same Entity, you should use speaking names.
Documents (e.g. for all documents of a person)
MainDocuments (e.g. for only the main documents of a person)
If you know you get only one row, you can use the singular.
=== Parameter ===
Parameters provide a way to tell a provider *what exactly you need*.
==== Properties ====
The most important properties are
code, exposed, triggerRecalculation and mandatory
Parameters work with a fallback mechanism.
This means that if you set the code on the parameter directly then this is executed *only if you did not* provide the code on the parameter at the *provider* and/or *consumer*.
Likewise if you set the code on a parameter at the provider it will only be executed if a *consumer* which connects to this provider *has no code set* at the parameter.
| default | default | code set | Code from consumer executed | This is the mostly used scenario.
| default | code set | default | Code from provider executed | This is used if you need a default value for a parameter which is different on each provider. e.g. used by the Document_entity to determine if it should show main documents or not.
| code set | default | default | Code from parameter executed |
The checkbox-parameters can have *three* states: default, checked, unchecked. Default means the property is *gray* and the value from the previous instance is used. Checked and unchecked overwrite always the previous instance.
The exposed property is a way to decide if a parameter should be visible by the next instance