* object for caching data if possible on the targetsystem
* currently caching is only available within the client-context-side and not on the servers side
* on client side it's done with the helb of a $global.***-variable
* @class
* @param {String} pIdentifiyingName name to identify the DataCache. This MUST be unique for one data representation (e.g. key-value pair for all Languages with key ISO2-code and value the ISO3-Code). this will affect the storage-name (=name of the global variable on the client for example)
* @param {bool} [pKeepPerLanguage=false] if true the data is kept per locale (different storing for each requested language), false when not (every language is sharin the same stoarge because only untranslated data is kept)
* @param {String} [pLocaleOverride=current language] sometimes a special locale is required, use this parameter to specify it
* creates a new instance of CachedData and then loads data into that CachedData
* @param {String} pIdentifiyingName name to identify the DataCache. This MUST be unique for one data representation (e.g. key-value pair for all Languages with key ISO2-code and value the ISO3-Code). this will affect the storage-name (=name of the global variable on the client for example)
* @param {bool} [pKeepPerLanguage=false] if true the data is kept per locale (different storing for each requested language), false when not (every language is sharin the same stoarge because only untranslated data is kept)
* @param {String} [pLocaleOverride=current language] sometimes a special locale is required, use this parameter to specify it
* @param {Function} pDataCallbackFunction function that is called to load the data. this functions gets 2 params: 1. if the data has to be translated 2. the locale to translate
* @return {Object} returns the data you wanted (of the pDataCallbackFunction)