- Sep 20, 2019
David Büchler authored
If a field which is configured to be used in the indexsearch contains no value, no pattern will be added @see _buildFilterPatternConfig
David Büchler authored
The possibility to integrate a webservice call and the necessary formatting of the values has been developed. The function RebuildDuplicatesCache now awaits a function as parameter in which an external developer can implement the steps to format the values and call the desired webservice. There is no native webservice call implementation because the formfactor of the data send to a webservice is always different and how with the particular webservices has to be communicated cant be known by the standard implementation. The customized function gets an array which holds values based on the configured resultFields. To access a value the key which is its index field ought to be used. The resultfields, which are known at this place, can be converted to their respective index field name pendants using DuplicateScannerUtils.TranslateEntityToIndexFields which returns some kind of map (access via key). New function DuplicateScannerUtils.TranslateEntityToIndexFields
- Sep 19, 2019
David Büchler authored
Old functions to rebuild the duplicate cache have been removed and the ones with the postfix "Index"(Which was also removed) replaced them New function to load the DB_FIELDS from the IndexFieldConfig and concatenate them to use the resulting string as fields-to-select in a db select query
David Büchler authored
The editview has been integrated in the general duplicatescanner editview.
- Sep 18, 2019
David Büchler authored
The Indexfieldconfig now contains the correct fields which are necessary to run the search. The fields now can be configured via the client. Those infos are now used to dynamically load the configured fields an their values which are then internally used to run the prefilter as well as the real duplicate search. NEXT UP => Configuring of the result fields. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
- Sep 17, 2019
David Büchler authored
Fix in JditoFilter_lib. The function "JditoFilterUtils.getFilterFields" now correctly reads fields from a filter json The call of the index search can now correctly use filters to make use of the real duplicate search. The dynamic reading of fields comes next
David Büchler authored
The prefilter filter Json is now correctly created and returned in case of a successful search ( Found results in threshold)
- Sep 16, 2019
David Büchler authored
- Sep 13, 2019
David Büchler authored
New Context/Entity/Views/Liquibase to configure which entity fields should be used by the index to search for duplicates Renaming of DuplicateScanConditionConfig to have a seamless naming system - DuplicateScanConditionConfig => DuplicateScannerPrefilterConfig - DuplicateScannerIndexConfig