- Oct 24, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Oct 22, 2019
S.Listl authored
- Oct 17, 2019
Sophia Leierseder authored
- Oct 07, 2019
David Büchler authored
New field BLOCK_SIZE which specifies the bulk size of data which gets loaded. This is used in the case of a cache rebuild, the data to scan for duplicates gets loaded in the thru BLOCK_SIZE specified size.
- Oct 02, 2019
David Büchler authored
Feld DB_FIELD_NAME removed Created fields for defaultvalues city,zip,... to use in duplicatesearchconfig Custom fields added in subProcess to have them added to the index
- Oct 01, 2019
S.Listl authored
S.Listl authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 27, 2019
David Büchler authored
The function ScanForDuplicates has been refactored and is now much more easy to use because it does much more stuff inside to have an easier api. "RebuildDuplicatesCache" and "ScanForDuplicates" have been refactored. The fields used in the prefilter don't have to be configured manually by the user. Instead, the fields defined by the prefilter now get added automatically to the list of fields to be used. In the case, that the field has been added via the users config anyways, it doesn't get added by code to ensure that each field is mentioned exactly once. To reflect these changes, the javadoc including the example of ScanForDuplicates and RebuildDuplicates has been updated. Until it's possible to load values from a consumed entity dynamically via code, the possibility to select entity fields from consumed entities via ui has been removed. See ticket #1044577. Now only "native" fields directly from the base entity can be selected. Since the entity fields are now used in the configuration of the duplicate search, no db fields have to be configured any more. The field has been removed from liquibase
- Sep 26, 2019
Simon Leipold authored
- Sep 20, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 19, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Goderbauer authored
[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1034308][Liquibase funktioniert nicht mit MariaDB/Mysql an manchen Stellen]
David Büchler authored
The editview has been integrated in the general duplicatescanner editview.
- Sep 18, 2019
David Büchler authored
The Indexfieldconfig now contains the correct fields which are necessary to run the search. The fields now can be configured via the client. Those infos are now used to dynamically load the configured fields an their values which are then internally used to run the prefilter as well as the real duplicate search. NEXT UP => Configuring of the result fields. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
- Sep 16, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 13, 2019
David Büchler authored
New Context/Entity/Views/Liquibase to configure which entity fields should be used by the index to search for duplicates Renaming of DuplicateScanConditionConfig to have a seamless naming system - DuplicateScanConditionConfig => DuplicateScannerPrefilterConfig - DuplicateScannerIndexConfig
Sophia Leierseder authored
- Sep 12, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 10, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Goderbauer authored
Johannes Goderbauer authored
- Sep 09, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 06, 2019
Heinz Boesl authored
- Sep 03, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Aug 30, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Aug 27, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
undo "ix attribute idvalue datatype to support nonstandard uid's" as the ids from the user model will be changed to be a standard uuid
- Aug 26, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Aug 22, 2019
David Büchler authored
Erweiterung der UNRELATEDUPLICATES Tabelle. Einträge dort enhalten nun die Information, zu welchem CLuster diese gehören. Dies vereinfacht die Zuordnung unter bestimmten Anforderungen. Liquibase wurde entsprechend angepasst. Am Duplicates Context wurde ein weiterer View gebaut, welcher alle ignorierten Dubletten sucht, welche sich nur auf einen Cluster beziehen. Erforderlich für die Dublettenübersichts-Detail-Seite
- Aug 21, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
S.Listl authored
- Aug 20, 2019
Johannes Hörmann authored
David Büchler authored
Das neue Feld Target_Entity wurde der DuplicatesCluster Tabelle hinzugefügt. Hiermit können nun Entity spezifische Cluster gesucht und gelöscht werden.