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  1. Sep 24, 2019
  2. Sep 23, 2019
  3. Sep 20, 2019
    • David Büchler's avatar
      Refactorings · e26e9f34
      David Büchler authored
      Example code to show the usage of the webservice callback
    • David Büchler's avatar
      If there's many duplicates in one cluster, the table in the duplicates... · 417a3546
      David Büchler authored
      If there's many duplicates in one cluster, the table in the duplicates overview broke the readability of the table
      It's now restricted to 4 records. If there are more a ", ..." gets added instead of the rest of the records
    • David Büchler's avatar
      Moved several functions from Duplicate...Utils to _Duplicate...Utils · 0af4c1db
      David Büchler authored
      If a field which is configured to be used in the indexsearch contains no value, no pattern will be added @see _buildFilterPatternConfig
    • David Büchler's avatar
      The flag if an external webservice should be used is now used in the code. If... · dbfe335e
      David Büchler authored
      The flag if an external webservice should be used is now used in the code. If true, the parameterized callbackfunction gets called. See DuplicateScannerUtils._isUseExternalWebservice
    • David Büchler's avatar
      The possibility to integrate a webservice call and the necessary formatting of... · 400d8c71
      David Büchler authored
      The possibility to integrate a webservice call and the necessary formatting of the values has been developed. The function RebuildDuplicatesCache now awaits a function as parameter in which an external developer can implement the steps to format the values and call the desired webservice. There is no native webservice call implementation because the formfactor of the data send to a webservice is always different and how with the particular webservices has to be communicated cant be known by the standard implementation.
      The customized function gets an array which holds values based on the configured resultFields. To access a value the key which is its index field ought to be used. The resultfields, which are known at this place, can be converted to their respective index field name pendants using DuplicateScannerUtils.TranslateEntityToIndexFields which returns some kind of map (access via key).
      New function DuplicateScannerUtils.TranslateEntityToIndexFields
  4. Sep 19, 2019
  5. Sep 18, 2019
    • David Büchler's avatar
      Bool fields apparently have to be int in the database to get them to work... changed them. · 6ddf98fd
      David Büchler authored
      The Indexfieldconfig now contains the correct fields which are necessary to run the search.
      The fields now can be configured via the client. Those infos are now used to dynamically load the configured fields an their values which are then internally used to run the prefilter as well as the real duplicate search.
      NEXT UP => Configuring of the result fields. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Sep 17, 2019
  7. Sep 16, 2019
  8. Sep 13, 2019
  9. Sep 11, 2019
  10. Sep 02, 2019
  11. Aug 30, 2019
  12. Aug 27, 2019
  13. Aug 26, 2019
  14. Aug 23, 2019
  15. Aug 22, 2019
  16. Aug 21, 2019
  17. Aug 20, 2019
  18. Aug 19, 2019
    • David Büchler's avatar
      Neue ID für Liquibase generiert · e32e3d77
      David Büchler authored
      Neues LB SCript für die Tabelle zum ignorieren von Dubletten erstellt
      Dubletten können nun über eine Action ignoriert werden
      Neuer Parameter an der Person, dass die ContactId des aktuell geöffnetes Kontaktes an die DublettenReferenz/Provider per Parameter weitergegeben wird
      Neue Funktionen zum Erstellen, löschen einer Ignorierten Dublettenrelation und zum Löschen aller vorkomnisse einer ContactId in der UnrelatedDuplicates