- Oct 07, 2019
David Büchler authored
This has been integrated into the action to rebuild person and org duplicates
David Büchler authored
New field BLOCK_SIZE which specifies the bulk size of data which gets loaded. This is used in the case of a cache rebuild, the data to scan for duplicates gets loaded in the thru BLOCK_SIZE specified size.
David Büchler authored
- Oct 04, 2019
David Büchler authored
If a person is added, a scan for duplicates is triggered automatically. if a matching cluster exists the new record gets added, otherwise a new cluster gets created The field, which is currently used by the demo duplicatescan (firstname) is now another type because the phonetic matcher creates seemingly wrong searchresults. If the scan for duplicates or the indexsearch results in seemingly unrelated results, set the indexFieldType to TEXT_NO_STOPWORDS.
David Büchler authored
Johannes Goderbauer authored
- Oct 02, 2019
Simon Leipold authored
David Büchler authored
Feld DB_FIELD_NAME removed Created fields for defaultvalues city,zip,... to use in duplicatesearchconfig Custom fields added in subProcess to have them added to the index
Johannes Goderbauer authored
(cherry picked from commit 3e5544d3)
Johannes Goderbauer authored
(cherry picked from commit f79a987f)
- Oct 01, 2019
S.Listl authored
- Sep 30, 2019
David Büchler authored
David Büchler authored
- Sep 27, 2019
Sebastian Listl authored
(cherry picked from commit 42dd4194)
(cherry picked from commit caac232e)
(cherry picked from commit c708b72d)
(cherry picked from commit 35a435d0)
David Büchler authored
The function ScanForDuplicates has been refactored and is now much more easy to use because it does much more stuff inside to have an easier api. "RebuildDuplicatesCache" and "ScanForDuplicates" have been refactored. The fields used in the prefilter don't have to be configured manually by the user. Instead, the fields defined by the prefilter now get added automatically to the list of fields to be used. In the case, that the field has been added via the users config anyways, it doesn't get added by code to ensure that each field is mentioned exactly once. To reflect these changes, the javadoc including the example of ScanForDuplicates and RebuildDuplicates has been updated. Until it's possible to load values from a consumed entity dynamically via code, the possibility to select entity fields from consumed entities via ui has been removed. See ticket #1044577. Now only "native" fields directly from the base entity can be selected. Since the entity fields are now used in the configuration of the duplicate search, no db fields have to be configured any more. The field has been removed from liquibase
- Sep 26, 2019
Simon Leipold authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 25, 2019
David Büchler authored
The Cache rebuilding has been changed. The values to check for duplicates are now loaded using the entities api instead of pure sql. If the cache for all duplicates of a scanner gets rebuilt, it's now done in blocks. This ensures that even while wokring on huge recordsets, the ressources are enough. It sure may take some time to check huge recordsets... The flag "Use external Webservice" has been removed from the view because no native api to a duplicate scanning service exists, therefore this is unnecessary right now. The config of the resultfields has been removed aswell, if no external service is used, it's enough to work with the id which is always in the index's response. The configuration of the indexfields has been changed, no manual connection between entity and db field is necessary because no sql is used any more. Instead, the fields can be selected via dropdown which offers the entity fields to select. Some refactoring Changes on the docks to reflect the changed datastructure of some arrays
- Sep 24, 2019
David Büchler authored
The possibility to configure an external duplicate has been removed from the views because no default external service integration exists. Reactivate later maybe..
S.Leierseder authored
S.Leierseder authored
David Büchler authored
Removed unnecessary log outputs Wrong behaviour removed. If a valid prefilter exists but the filterpatternfields contain no value, the indexsearch got triggered nonetheless. The results which have been found on the base of the prefilter had been defined as duplicates which was wrong. Code examples have been added to the important functions like ScanForDuplicates or RebuildDuplicatesCache
- Sep 23, 2019
S.Leierseder authored
- Sep 20, 2019
David Büchler authored
Documentation Example code to show the usage of the webservice callback
David Büchler authored
If there's many duplicates in one cluster, the table in the duplicates overview broke the readability of the table It's now restricted to 4 records. If there are more a ", ..." gets added instead of the rest of the records
Johannes Goderbauer authored
David Büchler authored
If a field which is configured to be used in the indexsearch contains no value, no pattern will be added @see _buildFilterPatternConfig
David Büchler authored
The possibility to integrate a webservice call and the necessary formatting of the values has been developed. The function RebuildDuplicatesCache now awaits a function as parameter in which an external developer can implement the steps to format the values and call the desired webservice. There is no native webservice call implementation because the formfactor of the data send to a webservice is always different and how with the particular webservices has to be communicated cant be known by the standard implementation. The customized function gets an array which holds values based on the configured resultFields. To access a value the key which is its index field ought to be used. The resultfields, which are known at this place, can be converted to their respective index field name pendants using DuplicateScannerUtils.TranslateEntityToIndexFields which returns some kind of map (access via key). New function DuplicateScannerUtils.TranslateEntityToIndexFields
Johannes Hörmann authored
- Sep 19, 2019
Dominik Lechner authored
Simon Leipold authored
Simon Leipold authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
Johannes Hörmann authored
David Büchler authored
Old functions to rebuild the duplicate cache have been removed and the ones with the postfix "Index"(Which was also removed) replaced them New function to load the DB_FIELDS from the IndexFieldConfig and concatenate them to use the resulting string as fields-to-select in a db select query