[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1081390][Firmenlookup öffnet sich + Fehlermeldung in Endlosschleife]
[Projekt: Entwicklung - Neon][TicketNr.: 1081390][Firmenlookup öffnet sich + Fehlermeldung in Endlosschleife] Check existence of variables before accessing them
There are certain cases where .insertedRows/.changedRows/*.deletedRows variables are NOT available. Therefore an existence check is necessary before accessing them. One specific case is the following: The "valueProcess" of a parameter in a consumer needs to access any of the above listed variables of another consumer field. This basically works just fine. BUT as soon as you're in a Lookup, the consumer might not be available, therefore the existence check is necessary to prevent an exception.