Sebastian Pongratz authoredSebastian Pongratz authored
360Degree_entity.aod 9.88 KiB
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<entity xmlns="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" VERSION="1.3.18" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.adito.de/2018/ao/Model adito://models/xsd/entity/1.3.18">
<title>360 Degree</title>
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<grantDelete v="false" />
<expose v="true" />
<expose v="true" />
<isConsumer v="false" />
<expose v="false" />
<isConsumer v="false" />
<expose v="false" />
<title>New module</title>
<title>Sales Project</title>
<title>Add to Campaign</title>
<tooltip>Choose a campaign and a step to add the contact to a campaign</tooltip>
<title>New Support ticket</title>
<expose v="true" />
<expose v="true" />
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<groupable v="true" />
<groupable v="true" />
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<isFilterable v="true" />